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1、英文工作表扬信英文工作表扬信。英文工作表扬信就是为大家整理的用英文写的工作表扬信,请看下面:英文工作表扬信【1】pany out of a strong team.They are a mature team, a dare burden and experienced team, over the years, the team pany.In the past fepany and XXX, in support of the brothers unit in June 19th, ahead of more than half the time, more than half of th

2、e hard task , rades take the lead, mercial Bank branch of the rades is not too much trouble, but as in the past, mercial banks, to develop such a good team, to develop such a good staff.Here, on behalf of all the staff and workers of Xiashan enviro_ental sanitation department thank you, and I wish t

3、he mercial banks in the new year, the cause of brilliant, and then on a new level.【以下为赠送相关文档】精选书信阅读表扬信英文表扬信英文【1】Dear Manager:I am a reporter from the Ne all over the e. pany Name) ptly.Sincerely,(Signature)表扬信英文【3】Dear ms. grasso:thank you for interviements gave me a good understanding of the busine

4、ss and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking. i am confident that my background and experience in banking lae lectures on Modern Western Economics.please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in China.With best wishes.Sincerely yours,Li Dong英文表扬信范文英文

5、表扬信范文英文表扬信范文【1】XXX leadership:At noon on March 5th, because the child at home playing , the door e.At the same time, he can have such a performance, and your school education and nurture is inseparable, your school can train such a good student, but also the pride of our people in Chongqing, is the

6、whole education miracle!I wishWork smoothlypraise person: such unit英文版表扬信英文版表扬信怎么写?请看下面的英文版表扬信范文吧!英文版表扬信【1】Dear Manager:I am a reporter from the Ne all over the e. er relationship center:Im XX Guangzhou XXX owners, XX XX, director of customer relationship center bay XX engineers and XX engineers, XX

7、 built seven Zhongtian two workers given positive attention to my negative pletely dry to pU waterproof glue floor tiles and tiles, so they waited for more than and 10 days, during which they have repeatedly check whether my waterproof glue is dry, until the waterproof glue pletely dry, they also re

8、 house paved tiles and tiles, and take the initiative to help me install to unload the wash basin and toilet.In dealing with the problem of my ing!优秀员工表扬信英文Excellent employee recognition letter 1Dear leaders of mercial banks:202_ XX January 202_, mercial Bank branch of the rades is not too much trou

9、ble, but as in the past, mercial banks, to develop such a good team, to develop such a good staff.Here, on behalf of all the staff and pany.In the past few years, Turner group brothers to show love and passion for work, the release of life light and heat, Turner group history will always remember in

10、 their heart the footsteps! Finally, thanks to other members of our group leader Turner money Jun and Turner group for the pany to work diligently, also wish us good grades and innovation group efforts, make more contribution to the pany.north表扬信-表扬信范文写作表扬信(一)_家长:您的孩子在第_期的英语学习中,刻苦努力,积极上进,中选为本期的“英语小明



13、持交通秩序,开展法律咨询与宣传,义务为群众做好事,为建立精神文明做出了可喜的成绩。在此,市政府特授予你校的荣耀称号。希望你校师生,发扬优良作风,再接再励,为获得更大的成绩而努力!_市人民d 政府(印)_年_月_日表扬信(四)_学院:在开展全民文明礼貌月活动中,你校的师生员工,不仅从自己做起,从本校做起,搞好了清洁卫生,注意了文明礼貌,而且屡次利用周休日走上街头清理垃圾,维持交通秩序,开展法律咨询与宣传,义务为群众做好事,为建立精神文明做出了可喜的成绩。在此,市政府特授予你校的荣耀称号。希望你校师生,发扬优良作风,再接再励,为获得更大的成绩而努力!_市人民d 政府(印)_年_月_日工作表扬信【范

14、文一】他有一颗对工作高度负责的心,有一双勤劳而勇于创新的手,有一副关心同事的热心肠,在工作中勇于担当,积极向前,这就是我们立喷丙班前处里班长李xx。李xx在工作中兢兢业业,拥有良好的职业素质和职业操守,可以忠于自己的企业,将个人的职业生涯规划与企业的开展严密的结合。擅长创始,能承受较高的工作压力;吃苦耐劳,注重合作,具有火一样的工作热情和活力。起到了模范带头的作用,经常受到领导的赞赏。 在工作才能和业务上李xx更是样样精通,虽说一个萝卜一个坑,各司其职,但是有个别员工,尤其是新来的在很多问题上都要请他指点,甚至是让他帮着干。有些新的产品加工他可以很快的熟悉操作,带着大家完成消费。丙班前处理的成



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