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1、2023年高二演讲稿学生发言(8篇) 书目 第1篇副校长高二学生演讲稿:为了下一次的精彩 第2篇高二学生关于英语演讲稿 第3篇高二学生英语演讲稿 第4篇高考百日誓师大会高二学生代表演讲稿 第5篇高二学生开学演讲稿 第6篇高二学生演讲稿:自为 第7篇高二学生演讲稿 第8篇高二学生演讲稿:感动生命 副校长高二学生演讲稿:为了下一次的精彩 同学们早上好: 期中考结束,不知道同学们怎么对待这一张张的试卷?我发觉有的同学看完了成果就把试卷顺手一丢,有的可能改完试卷答案就塞进了书包,有的可能还在纠结分数的多少,假如你这样做的话,那么,你就低估了试卷的价值。同学们,我们要让试卷的价值高于你的分数!分数恒久是

2、表面的,更重要的是去挖掘分数背后的问题,你要探讨的是:做错的题是什么缘由:是马虎还是审题不细、思路不清、概念模糊还是学问存在盲点?哪些题型是我的强项、哪些是我的弱项,哪些题型还存在增分的空间,各类题型的答题技巧和思路是什么?只有理性地分析得分背后存在的问题,并努力解决这些问题,你才能充溢信念地迎接下一次考试。 我记得世界上唯一一位三夺世界杯冠军、被誉为球王的贝利,人家问他:哪个球踢得最好?贝利总是说下一个.我希望我问同学们哪一次考得最好时,你们也能充溢信念地说:下一次!所以,你可以遗忘你的分数,但不要丢掉你的试卷,记住:要让试卷的价值高于你的分数,每次考试后利用试卷反思与总结,你才能一次次地进

3、步。这是我讲的第一个方面,通过分析试卷来反思总结学习的状况。 其次个方面,我介绍一种分析成果的方法:为自己建立坐标轴。那就是用简洁的坐标轴来分析本学期全部大考成果的状况,一张简图看清一学期甚至一学年的学习状况。横坐标轴标明几次考试,我们考过的阶段考、期中考,后面还有元旦阶段考和期末考,这个学期四次大考。纵坐标轴标明成果在年级的位置,这样确定的折线就能看出成果是波动还是稳定在特定区间。你要分析成果波动的缘由,稳定的话,各科中可提升的题型有哪些,通过分析成果走向明确你的目标、努力的方向,你就能够客观地对自己的成果做出推断与评价。 以前我读高校的时候,当时通过高校英语四级考试比较难,通过率不高。我们


5、其中之一!所以同学们,分数是一种提示,更重要的是分析、总结背后的问题,我把这个分析法与同学们共享,希望大家认清存在的问题,并且决心解决问题。这才是考试的真正意义! 同学们,高二起先,我们的人生道路越来越清楚,因为文理的职业方向慢慢明朗,路就在脚下,每一步都要走得明明白白,踏踏实实,为了走得更好,就要不断反思不断总结,让试卷的价值高于你的分数。同学们,加油! 高二学生关于英语演讲稿 dear teachers, students: hello, everyone! today, i lecture entitled the last one leaves. with regard to prot

6、ection of the environment is very important, i think, from a number of leaders of the speech to appeal to the masses, from the present of you locked the eyebrows and then to our theme of this lecture - green. read the famous american writer o. henry novel last leaf who, presumably still remember the

7、se words: when the last one, when the leaves fall, and their lives are over, i have to leave this world gone. . love life painter john simon, is suffering from pneumonia and the brink of big time-limited, she gently grabbed the hands of the worlds growing weakness, she would really like a soft, deli

8、cate leaves, as with the feng cold late autumn, gone away. today, more and more territory to see the bad bad, maybe we will finally understand that the last one leaves the fate of mankind will be taken away, never to be alarmist. but we are also pleased to see that our government has to implement su

9、stainable development strategies, while also promulgated more than 10 environmental protection act, 200 a number of environmental standards. o. henry is a clever writer with an o. henry-style ending, is famous for, then the last one does not withered leaves, brings a new patient peril. i think we wi

10、ll create another europe henry-style ending, usher in the human newborn. do nothing and die, was never the choice of human beings, human beings already awakening, they will take action before the crisis, seize the historic opportunity to turn pressure into motivation to defend the green, to protect

11、our common homeland. to face the reality, we meet the challenge, look to the future, we are confident. my speech is finished, thank you all. 高二学生关于英语演讲稿 高二学生英语演讲稿 高二学生英语演讲稿 hello judges. im a student from the ssfls. my name is zhong shuxin. in the 21st century, one of the most serious problems we ar

12、e facing is probably the energy crisis. with the development of technology, we have created a powerful energy source, which is both efficient and low in greenhouse gas emissions, nuclear energy. no doubt, nuclear energy does provide us with a lot of benefits, there are however, many risks which come

13、 with using it. the majority of the risks involve radiation. as we all know, nuclear energy releases masses of radiation which can cause fatal disasters. for instance, the chernobyl nuclear disaster and the fukushima nuclear meltdown. disasters such as these have changed our attitudes towards nuclea

14、r energy. another major risk comes from nuclear weapons. a single nuclear missile can destroy an entire city and cause millions of deaths. during world war, in order to win the war, countries like russia created enough missiles to destroy the whole world. in order to protect human beings, many count

15、ries have already taken measures to control nuclear energy. institutions like the international atomic energy agency are devoted to strengthening the implementation of safeguards. in my point of view, nuclear energy is a risk but as we are facing an energy shortage, it is the best solution we currently have available. i believe with great effort and responsibility, nuclear energy can be well controlled and continue to serve the world. 高二学生英语演讲稿,尽在酷猫写作。 高考百日誓师大会高二学生代表演讲稿 养兵千日,用兵一时。高三的学兄学者们,你们打算好了吗? 十二年春去冬来,寒暑易节;十二年的寒窗苦读,辛勤耕作。在与时间同行的岁月里,你们


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