1 汉语提纲式作文

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《1 汉语提纲式作文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《1 汉语提纲式作文(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一节 汉语提纲式作文 汉语提纲式作文一般既有题目又有提纲,往往会给出三到四个汉语概要,对作文的立意、范围和体裁有较为明确的提示,可根据提纲拟出三到四个主题句,并以此作为基础扩展成三到四段加以阐述。提纲式作文在很大程度上限定了文章内容,相对于那些只给出题目或只给少许提示的作文来说,要容易一些。首先,它省掉了作者在缩小题目范围方面的麻烦。因为就一个题目而言,它可能是笼统的,作者往往要缩小写作范围。特别是对于篇幅较小的短文来说,小而具体的题目比大而笼统的题目容易写,也容易写好。其次,提纲的提供也会带来其他好处,比如扩展思路;按次序排好素材;将文章分段;明确写作中心,不至于走题。撰写提纲式作文,作者

2、首先要通过题目确定文章的体裁是议论文还是说明文,然后结合提纲确定写作方法;其次要明确提纲要求,依据提纲层次合理安排布局、组织内容,确定文章的结构框架,如文章应分几段扩展说明,每段应侧重什么内容,甚至各段应采用什么写作方法等,一般来说,应严格按照提纲进行分段,不能任意减少或分合段落;然后,罗列一些围绕主题的素材,把提纲中的要点写成句子,即作为每一段的主题句,再从素材中选择合适的细节和例子,用必要的连贯和转折用语贯穿成段,便可成文。提纲式作文可以写成说明文。例如:Title: How to Succeed in a Job InterviewOutline: 面试在求职过程中的作用 面试成功的因素

3、:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是 How to Succeed in a Job InterviewBesides written documents like resume and recommendation letters, an employer needs some first-hand information about the applicant, such as his appearance and response. So a job interview often comes after ones application has been accepted.

4、 As the employer will base his final decision on the performance of the candidate in the interview, job interviews are of great importance to any applicant. To some extent, to succeed in a job interview is to succeed in acquiring the job.If you are going to have a job interview, please pay more atte

5、ntion to the following things. First of all, be sure to arrive on time. If you are late, even if only one minute, your chance of getting the job will become gloomy. Secondly, be careful about your appearance. Your dress should be neat, formal and proper for the occasion. Thirdly, be polite to your i

6、nterviewer but confident of yourself. Your good manners and confidence will leave a pleasant impression on your future boss.A job interview is both a challenge and an opportunity for you. Bear the above points in mind, and I believe you can make good use of the chance. Wish you good luck.但是,提纲式作文通常对

7、现实生活中带有普遍性或倾向性的社会现象、热门话题或思潮进行分析和论证,因此,提纲式作文大多写成议论文,按其侧重点不同分为各抒己见类、比较对比类、分析建议类、原因分析类、理由陈述类和批驳类六种。一、各抒己见类各抒己见类作文主要是对不同的观点或看法进行分析,最后得出自己的看法或结论。论题中心可以是人们对某一社会现象或某一观念的不同态度、不同看法或不同做法。各抒己见类作文的命题模式通常为:(对某一现象、观念等)有人认为;(而同时,对此)也有人认为; 我的看法。通常采用如下模式撰文: 引入主题; 客观陈述双方对立观点; 表明作者个人态度或看法。各抒己见类作文多是对两种对立观点进行分析,然后提出自己的观

8、点。写此类作文时,根据题目所给的概要,可采用列举法和举例法充实概要的内容,逐个分析两种观点具体表现在哪些方面;也可以采用因果法阐述造成这种观点的原因。一般来说,此类作文中概要所给的两种观点都有可取之处,但都有点极端。在对比类作文的结尾段,作者可以赞成其中的一种观点并表明自己支持这种观点的原因,也可以将两种观点中的可取之处融合在一起,形成一种新的观点和看法,同对比比较类作文一样,在对比类作文的写作过程中也需要使用一些表示转折关系的句子或词语。此外,在阐述别人的观点时,要注意使用 “To illustrate that”, “They say”, “They think”, “They belie

9、ve”, “They take it for granted that”句式。例: Title:Should Firecrackers Be Banned?Outline: 有人认为放鞭炮是好事,为什么? 有人认为放鞭炮是坏事,为什么? 我的看法。Should Firecrackers Be Banned? Letting off firecrackers has long been a custom for the Chinese on their happy occasions. However, these years, people in China have different op

10、inions about the custom.Some people think that letting off firecrackers is a good thing. It reflects the heritage of Chinese culture. And it adds much to the warm atmosphere of the most important Chinese holidays like the Spring Festival. They cannot imagine what the holidays would be like without s

11、uch a custom.Many people, on the other hand, believe that letting off firecrackers should be banned. The main reasons, in their eyes, are that letting off firecrackers not only brings great economic loss to the country, but also cause certain disorder in the society. For example, during holidays, so

12、me buildings were burnt to ashes due to the firecrackers, and many individuals were injured by the firecrackers and sent to hospital.In my opinion, letting off firecrackers should be banned. We must try our best to find new, beneficial ways to replace the old custom. Only in this way can we spend ou

13、r holiday in a peaceful and joyful manner.二、比较对比类比较对比类的作文一般要求对比比较两个事物的优点和缺点,然后作以结论,提出自己的观点, 或写出从实际经验中得到的体会。比较对比类的作文其出题模式通常为: A事物和B事物; 二者相比我认为. 可以采用如下模式撰文: 引入主题; 对比比较分析; 结论。在论述中,比较对比类作文常采用比较法、对比法、列举法和举例法展开段落;通过列举可清楚地表明两者的优点和缺点;利用例子则可形象地突出所表述的主题。在阐述优点和阐述缺点的段与段、句与句之间,要使用一些表示转折关系的句子或词汇,如 “Every coin has

14、 two sides.”, “however”, “but”, “on the contrary” 等.例:Title: Two Educational PatternsOutline: 中国教育的现状 应试教育和素质教育 两者对比, 我认为 Two Educational PatternsAt present there exist side by side two contradictory educational patterns: the traditional exam-oriented pattern and the brand-new quality-oriented patte

15、rn, which lead to a never-ending-discussion nationwide as to which to choose.The exam-oriented educational pattern is the inevitable result of the existing exam assessment system. In order to climb into the “ivory tower” or work for degrees, students are cramming data and facts only for exams and fo

16、rget all the information almost right after the exams. Whats more, almost all the students seem to be tied to the chariot (战车) of exams, naturally they gradually lose their freedom and creativity. As a result, they always study passively and never attach importance to practical ability and originality.In contrast, the quality-oriented educational pattern stresses on the creativity of


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