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1、Be on gud wheonline互联网在为人类生活造福的同步,也为人们的财产及信息安全埋下巨大隐患。那么,我们又该如何防备网络陷阱呢?一起来听听专家支招吧!s asking for te i-Fi pasword the fst hing youdohe ywlk nt a retarant or cae? Fr may heser is yes, fr oter it b hsecon tig tey do. Innase, i an ra o ogg iheevew o, many popluseenstive infrmatio th inisible Net, posig a r

2、iskt thei finnceand prsonal saety.走进餐厅或咖啡馆,你与否会先询问无线网密码?对此,诸多人给出的答案是肯定的,而对于其她人而言,询问无线密码也称得上是第二重要的事。总之,在一种无处不上网的时代,诸多人在虚拟网络中使用敏感信息,从而为个人财产以及人身安全埋下隐患。Here,thestudetssae thei epernc fbing icke or hvn thr ersonrtion tolen. hethris chatng on QQ, shoping o Taobaor onnectingto “ree” i-i etwork, not ng crfl

3、an ave seriouscnseqences.文中,三名同窗诉说了自己上当被骗或个人信息被盗的经历。不管你是QQ聊天、还是淘宝购物、抑或是连接到免费无线网络,一不小心都会导致严重的后果。llowing afetytips aeprovdeby XXingxg, 28, a senio engineer the Intnt paymet departmen f er (Bijng)Irmatn TechnologyCman如下网络安全小贴士由益普奥信息技术有限公司高档工程师、2岁的徐兴兴(音译)友谊分享。Catting online上网聊天cks lnt viuseson pbi comue

4、 nd websit to teal he assods for our accounts h ou lgon黑客们在公用电脑以及各大网站上植入病毒,在你登陆时盗取你的账号和密码。anina,22, enioajorin in Chiese litraue at hand Normal niversty, ctte to her niee online during the eracatin “My was sudying nrmany at te tm.Wen I ased when sh would omebck, shesa se wantedtfly acnet wekbut at h

5、e ba accouthd enbloked ad tasheouldt geany cash,” saidYan.2岁的杨丽娜(音译)是来自山东师范大学中文系的大四学生。暑假期间她与侄女在网上聊天。她说:“那时我侄女正在德国读书。我问她什么时候回国,她说她想下周飞回来,但是她的银行账户被冻结了,取不浮钞票。”“he asked me tanfer,000 ua oerclassmats ccont, ndnt to tllhe parnt s the would worabuthe Sh launched a vde t ad I culd se her. Whatsmore,her beh

6、aviras saausual. Fosac, se lws calledBo a mal village,” ad Yang.杨同窗还说:“她让我转一万元钱到她同窗的账户上,并规定对她父母保密,以防她们紧张。她发起视频聊天,我可以看到她。此外,她的举止和往常同样。例如她总是把波恩叫做小村庄”。ng tranfered10,000 yuan to h cun. Bu lte, when nic appareg,she relieed she hadbee ticked.杨丽娜往指定的账户里转了一万元钱。但后来,侄女再次上线时,她才意识到自己被骗了。How toavdbeing tri如何避免上

7、当被骗way st up acmplicated psswod oryuraous. Isbso include speial hracter in h pso, as ths makeit harde fr hcerstdeipher.账号密码一定要复杂。密码最佳涉及特殊字符,这样黑客就难以破译了。Most irses come frmilleawbsits,USBstcksand mbie hd dives, o shouldru virusa beore ou ue tem Whe vrs accesesyour coer,e hacker cn cotrol thecar ord yu

8、 iage,or ee tocod yo ypin n assords nyur eboard paattenion hat ou dtpontthe camera at youreyoar.大多数病毒来自非法网站、盘和移动硬盘,因此在使用前先要杀毒。当电脑中毒时,黑客可以操控摄像头来拍下你的样子,甚至会记录下你在键盘上输入密码的影像。因此注意不要将摄像头对准键盘。Frieds and elatives shoul also be cautos abot trane request,ecially from someone wh is abroad People abroad ar usual

9、ly rdo rac hnveiiatiois eed,and rates and family membe ar fen erapotective whety ear autan ergency.Students sholdevemutipe cntact mbeswit teir famly and kee amily andfriens updated on thei news.亲朋好友们应当警惕某些反常的祈求,特别当对象身在国外时。当需要验证对方身份时,人在海外往往很难联系上,并且家人亲属在得知紧急状况时往往惊恐失措。学生应当给家人留下多种联系电话,并随时让家人和朋友理解自己的近况。O

10、lne shopping网上购物Lu Wejian, 18,a ohomore majoring tomtive engineeringatWhan Tecica Cll of ommuicatos,foud new lato sellin fool 1,600 an oaoao.武汉交通职业学院汽车工程系大二学生、18岁的刘文江(音译)在淘宝上发现一款售价只需1600元的全新笔记本电脑。“ was ny alf he marketprce,” Lu sad. “I akd o h selle onine ndh r sh ent e aik aking m to do a far by pa

11、yin one yun fo aniem andeina good ain fr thestore. When I haddoe ti I culdtake advatgof the ofer, the slle said.”她说:“这个价格是市场价的一半。我和网店店主聊天,对方发给我一种链接,让我帮忙拍下一件一元商品并留下好评。店主说,完毕后我便可以享有该优惠价。”The linopend a website htws so simlart the aoao wesi thLiu idnt supet a thnH typed n bnk accunt and password aordg

12、to the rompts.点击该链接会打开一种网站,该网站与淘宝如此相似,以致于刘文江毫无疑心。她根据系统提示输入了自己的银行账户和密码。Whe he websitetld Liu threwaanerr, hasedt sele whatthpoblem was, bt te eler din reply.当该网站提示出错时,她询问店主出了什么问题,但对方全无回应。A few muteslater,e discvered that 2,00 yuan ad bee ken fromhis ban ccot几分钟后,她发既有人从自己的银行账户上取走了两千元钱。ow o aoi phsing如

13、何避免网络欺诈It ett us Ueg, oradynicverificatioode fr ever nk transcton. Wth heprcuion,rausr can ae your oy ven f thy now you pssword.所有银行交易最佳使用U盾或动态验证码。有了这些防护措施,骗子即便懂得你的密码也无法行窃。The asswrd fr your social mei acconts, banaccunt,e-mail n rumshoud a bdiffnt. This beause the paswordf foca beeasilycaked, and f th sswords for you otr acounsare the same, h


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