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1、一there be 句型总结1.there is/are 表示某处有某物,there is后面接单数,或不可数名词,There are后面接可数名词的复数。2.就近原则,靠近谁,就用谁的形式,单数在前用is,复数在前用are。3.否定句,not 加在be 动词后面,遇到some变any4.变疑问,be 句首站,there 跟在be 后面,遇到some变any。肯定回答,Yes, there is/are. No, there is/are not.5.对数字提问,用how many +可数名词复数+are there 。?用所给词的适当形式填空1.There is _(a) orange co

2、at on the chair.2.There _(be) some soup on the table.3.There _( be) three bears in front of her.4.There _(be) a pen and two rulers in basket.5.There_( not) any cakes here?6.There_(be) two glasses of juice on the table.7.There_(be) a bird in the tree.8._(be) there _(some) computer rooms?9.How many _(

3、desk) and _(chair) are there in the classroom?10.How many classrooms _(be) there in our school?句型转换1.There is some soup on the table.否定句:_一般疑问句并作肯定回答_2.There are forty doctors in the hospital.划线部分提问_一般疑问句并作否定回答_3. There is a new library in our house.否定句;_划线部分提问_4. There are three computer rooms in o

4、ur school.划线部分提问_5. There isnt any bread on the plate.改为肯定句;_6. There are some apples in the bag.划线部分提问_一般疑问句,并作肯定回答_二have ,has 的用法1. 当主语是第三人称单数时,用has,包括 he ,she, it.人的名字,单个的人或物体2. 当主语为I,you, we, they,以及主语是复数时用have3. 否定句,要请助动词 do, does 来帮忙,三单时请does,其他请do 来帮忙not加在助动词后,变为,dont, doesnt, 助动词是照妖镜,要把动词照回原

5、形。主语+ dont + have +. 主语+ doesnt + have+ .4. 一般疑问句,把助动词移到句首,后跟主语,遇到第一人称I(我),we(我们),要变为you (你,你们), Do + 主语+ have+.? Does + 主语+ have+ .?5. 肯定回答,Yes,主语+ do/does 否定回答,No,主语+ dont/doesnt6.对have, has 之后的内容提问用what + do/does +主语+ have?用have, has, do, does 的适当形式填空1. I _ a new friend.2. My mother _ a red dress

6、. 3. The boys _ some picture books.4. She _ many animal friends.5. Our teacher _ many kites.6. It _ four feet.7. Yang Ling _a model plane, but she _(not) _ two toy cars.8. _ Tom _ any masks? Yes, he _.9. The students _ some fruits.10. What _ you _? I _ a hat.11. What _ your brother _? He _ some doll

7、s.12. _ they _ any story books? Yes ,they _.13. _your teacher _ a shirt? Yes, he _.14. What _ she _? She _ a cat.15. _ you have _(any) _(hobby)? Yes, they_.句型转换1. She has a parrot.该为复数句;_否定句;_一般疑问句并作肯定回答_2. The girls have some nice dresses.否定句_对划线部分提问_3. It has four feet.一般疑问句_对划线提问_4. We have some

8、good friends.一般疑问句并作肯定回答_对划线部分提问_三Can 的用法,can 是情态动词,表示能够的意思。1. Can + 动词原形,不需要任何变化2. 否定句,not直接加在can 的后面,can not 缩写为cant. 3. 一般疑问句,把can 移到句首,can +主语+ 动词原形+. ?肯定回答;Yes,主语+can. 否定回答;No, 主语+cant.(遇到I, we. 变疑问时要变为you.)4. 对can 后面的部分提问;What can +主语+ do ?用所给词的适当形式填空1. Bobby _(can not) see any cakes in the fr

9、idge.2. You can _(eat) some bread.3. They can _(swim).4. It can _(run) and _(jump).5. It can _(talk) and _(fly).6. He can _( play) basketball, but his sister _(not).7. What can you _(do), I can _(sing).8. Can you find Tom? No, I _.句型转换1. I can see some juice in the glass. 否定句;_一般疑问句,并作肯定回答_对划线部分提问_2. He can play the piano well.一般疑问句,并作否定回答_3. Can I go to school today?肯定回答;_改为肯定句_4. Su Hai can make a model ship. 对划线部分提问_.否定句_.5. You can see polar bears in Canada.对划线部分提问_一般疑问句并作肯定回答_-否定句_四like的用法1.like +名词的复数,表示喜欢某一类事物。2.like+


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