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1、2023年初中毕业致辞(精选6篇) 书目 第1篇初中毕业典礼致辞英文 第2篇初中毕业典礼老师致辞 第3篇初中毕业典礼致辞 第4篇初中毕业典礼致辞学生 第5篇初中毕业典礼校长致辞 第6篇初中毕业典礼老师致辞 初中毕业典礼致辞英文 初中毕业典礼致辞英文 初中毕业典礼致辞英文 首先感谢曾校长给我发言的机会,同时也特别感谢现场的你们,2023级的全体学生。我特别兴奋能参与2023年的毕业典礼,对我来说,它是我人生的一大荣誉。此前我始终在考虑我应当跟你们说些什么,作为这里2023届的毕业生,现在作为北京高校的校长,我要谈论的话题有许多可能性。 first of all, thank you presid

2、ent zeng for inviting me to speak, and thank you to the class of 2023 for not protestingseriously. i am extiaordinarily happy to have witnessed this graduation ceremony of 2023 today because it represents, for me, exactly the best honor of my life. as for a graduate of 2000 here and now a presidet o

3、f peking university, i was wondering what i should say to you - there are so many possibilities you know? 直到今日,我已毕业工作十余年,我知道你们都很想了解我毕业后的经验,因为二十几岁是你们人生中相识自己熟识自我的时期。这不是个简单的过程,但是也不算艰难。在此时期你们可能会不确定将来应当要走的路,因为二十岁的时候你总会遇到许多个十字路口。 until now, i have been work for more than a decade, you wanted to know about

4、 my experiences after graduating and i understand that because the twenties are that time in your life when youre finding out yourself and really getting acquainted with your own .its not supposed to be easy, but it doesnt have to be torture. youre supposed to have moments of uncertainty about which

5、 path to take because the 20s are full of crossroads. 同学们,你们很快就要离开这片曾经留下多数汗水与向往的校内,离别朝夕相处的老师和同学,即将起先新的征程,它既充溢希望与挑战,更有多数的困难和诱惑。作为你们的大师姐,在临别之际,我提出几点希望与大家共勉: you will leave our campus soon where you left numerous sweat and imagination. you will say goodbye to your teachers and students who accompanied

6、you days and nights. moreover, you will start your new journal, full of hope and challenge, also countless hardship and temptation. i would like to give your some suggestions as your upperclassman when you leave. 一要坚决回报和服务社会信念,勤劳苦干丰富人生。“劳动创建财宝,勤奋变更人生”。无论大家踏上怎样的人生道路,选择什么样的职业,都要坚决志向信念,以良好的心态面对现实,以主动的看

7、法面对人生。无论在什么岗位上都要勇挑重担、攻坚克难,敢于在最困难、最艰苦的地方大显身手。胜利恒久属于有崇高志向、坚决信念和艰苦奋斗的人们。希望大家在人生的舞台上,期盼降低一点,赢得一个目标;根基扎深一点,赢得一片天地;享受推迟一点,赢得一份事业。 firstly, be determined to return to and serve for society, and diligent to enrich lives. “work creates wealth and diligence changes lives.” whatever life path is and whatever c

8、areers you choose, we need to stick to your dream, face up to the fact with healthy mind and confront lives with positive attitude. we have to brave enough to take on heavy responsibilities, overcome difficulties and dare to show ourselves in the hardest places. hope we can lower our prospect to get

9、 an object, deepen our foundation to obtain a space, and postpone our enjoyment to achieve a career. 二要志存高远,努力成才。“天高任鸟飞,海阔凭鱼跃”。社会更是一所经久耐读的高校,须要大家仔细学习,不断实践和努力探究。只要大家树立远大的志向,勤于实践,锐意进取,勇于创新,团结协作,就能抓住千载难逢的历史机遇,在工作中开创出自己的一片天地。 secondly, set up a profound ideal and try to be a talent. “the bird can fly fr

10、eely in the soaring sky and the fish can jump freely in the broad sea”. the society is an everlasting university, and we have to learn diligently, practice constantly and explore hard. only if we set up profound ideals, diligent to practice, determine to move forward, dare to innovate and cooperate

11、with others can we catch the invaluable historic opportunities and explore a space for ourselves in work. 三要勇对竞争,迎接挑战。“物竞天泽、适者生存”。将来会有许多艰辛和不如意,只有充溢志气和信念,敢于面对挑战,勇往直前的人,才是生活的强者,才能是自己命运的主宰。 thirdly, be brave to face the competition and welcome the challenge. “survival of the fittest”。there are lots of

12、hardships and unsatisfactory in the future. the one who is brave and confident, dare to confront challenges and move forward bravely is the superman of lives and can control his or her lives by himself or herself. 同学们,无论你们走的多远、飞的多高,我信任和期盼你们事业有成、生活华蜜,人生精彩。诚心的祝福同学们一路顺风、前程似锦。 however far you walk and h

13、owever high you fly, i consistently believe and expect that you can be successful in your job, live happily and have a colorful life. sincerely hope that you can have a nice trip and have a beautiful and awesome future. thank you! 初中毕业典礼致辞英文 he speech on 2023 graduation ceremony & excellent graduate

14、 awarding conference 党委书记 secretary of the party committee 同学们,老师们,各位家长: 大家下午好! ladies and gentlemen: good afternoon! 今日我们在这里隆重实行毕业典礼,热情欢送2023届毕业生!首先,我谨代表全校师生向即将离校的1832名毕业生,更向其中受到表彰的同学表示热情的庆贺!向多年来为同学们健康成长付出辛勤劳动的教职员工表示诚心的感谢! today we get together to have the graduation ceremony and say farewell to th

15、e graduated students of 2023. first of all, on behalf of the whole teachers and students of * university, i would like to extend the warmest congratulations to 1832 students who are going to leave our university, moreover, to the awarded students. whats more, i would like to give my sincere gratitude to all the faculties of our university who have been devoting themselves to the sound growth of our students. 同学们,三四年前大家怀着对高校生活的美妙向往和对科学学问的渴求,从全国四面八方来到凯里学院,学习学问、陶冶情操、塑造自我、增长才能,度过了你们人生成长过程中绚丽的青春年华。学校的一草一木见证了你们的青春和成 长,见证了你们的奋斗


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