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1、Unit 4 At the farm Part B一、教学内容及设计思路本节课的教学内容选自人教版教材四年级(下 )At the farm 单词和基础句型部分, 文本话题是农场动物, 教学内容侧重于让学生认识农场上的动物名称, 并在 语境中充分感受并理解名次单、复数的意义。本节课的教学对象是四年级学生, 通过从三年级到四年级一年的学习和积累,也具有了一定的英语学习能力和思维能力,学生对于英语学习有了一定的兴趣,也有了关于动物和颜色词汇。 老师可以选择合适的课外资源对本课进行拓展, 以激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性。在设计本课时,老师不仅要培养学生的语言能力,学习能力,还要进行文化渗透和思维品质的培

2、养。 在绘本阅读的环节中, 通过丰富的教学活动, 例如猜一猜,看一看,读一读,唱一唱等,感受激发学生的学习兴趣,在感受绘本图片魅力的同时, 促进各项英语能力的发展。 在读后环节中, 鼓励学生进行绘本故事的表演, 并进行大胆的创编, 目的是为了训练学生绘本信息的输出能力和提升学生的人文素养。在本课中,老师先从自身爱好谈起,然后自然到学生的爱好,最后导入文本 farm animals ,通过各种途径猜测动物的名称,再过渡到对于动物的讨论, 然后引导学生通过绘本的学习和阅读, 提高学生的读图能力、 观察力和想象力, 体会绘本语言的韵律和节奏, 提高学生的兴趣, 培养学生的学习能力和思维品质,在读后环

3、节中,鼓励学生进行绘本故事的表演,并进行大胆的创编,目的是为了训练学生绘本信息的输出能力和提升学生的人文素养。二、教学目标:1 . 知识目标听懂,识别及会说动物名称的词汇hens,cows 等。2 .能力目标:能够借助 These are . 描述近处动物的复数。3 .情感目标:对于大自然的了解和对于动物的保护和喜爱之情。三、教学难点:对于动物名称单词单复数的理解。四、教学准备绘本Brown bear,Brown bear ,What do you see?、教学课件、板书卡片等。五、教学方法交际法、视听法六、 教学过程:Step 1:Greeting /Warming upT: Today

4、is nice.The sky is blue.Blue is my favorit color.What s your favorite color?S1: Pink.S2:White.T:My favorite animal is monkey!What about yours?设计意图:通过Free talk的形式谈论各自喜好,增进师生双方互相了解, 复习颜色和动物单词,为绘本教学预热。Step 2:Presentation:1.I have an English song ,let s listen.Sing an English song Old Macdonald Had A Fa

5、rm.2.Show the title on the Blackboard.设计意图:通过大家一起听唱一首关于农场的英文歌曲活跃气氛,放松心情,并且导入到今天的新课,出示课题。3.Show teacher s qq farm to students,introduce it.Explain “farm animals ”设计意图:通过出示老师的qq农场,导入农场上的动物的学习,并自然的解释 了 farm animals 的意思。4.Teach the new words about farm animals in different ways.Cows: Look at the part of

6、 animal body to guess it.Ss learn the proununciationof“ cow from how,now,flowerShow the picture to understand“ cows ” .Ss point to the picture to teach the sentence:These are cows.Horses: Look at the riddle to guesshorseSs learn the pronunciation from“ for fortyHens: Look at the footprints and guess

7、 it.Ss will learn the pronunciation from words:Sheep: Listen to the sound and guess.Ss will learn the pronunciation from words pen,ten“see,teethway.Teach the plurality of farm animal and the key sentence in the sameGuide Ss to describe the animals pictures by the key sentence These are .设计意图:通过不同方式的

8、猜谜活动,缓解枯燥的单词学习,根据自然拼读的读 音规则教授新单词的读音,利用新旧知识的牵引,学生更加容易习得和掌握新知.Step 3 Practice:1. Chant:2. Look at a QQ farm and introduce it with key sentence and words. 设计意图:由于基本句型只有一句,所以不适合进行互动式操练,所以设计了 chant和描述农场的环节进行练习更加适合, 而且在有节奏的练习中能够保持学 生的兴奋度。Step4 Extension:1.Introduce the picture book.Elicit students to read

9、 the cover of the book.Introduce the title and the writer to students.寓 BHt Marlin Jr/EricCrieT:Whatother places can you see the animals?Ss: Zoo,forest T:Whatother animals in the forest?Ss:.T:There is a bear .He wants to see the big world.So he goes on a trip.3. Learn part of the picture book.a. Sho

10、w page 1 and 2 of the picture book.T:The bear walks in the forest.He sees another animal.Let asksbrown bear:Bownbear,brown bear what do you see?n由1物由 MI t 01rM 物力IWW UWiteuiwio an fftfi,b. Show the third page to students.Ss will see parts of animal body onthe page 3. Encourage Ss to guess the animal

11、 by parts of them.c. Elicit Ssto read other pages in the same way.“Brown bear ,brown bear,what do you seeI see a red bird looking at me.Red bird, red bird, what do you see?I see a yellow duck looking at meYellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see?I see a blue horse looking at me.Blue horse, blue hor

12、se, what do you see?I see a green frog looking at me.Green frog, green frog, what do you see?I see a purple cat looking at me.Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see?I see a white dog looking at me.White dog, white dog, what do you see?I see a black sheep looking at me.Black sheep, black sheep, what

13、 do you see?I see a goldfish looking at me.”Teacher and Ss ask and answer in each other.Teacher and Ss performthe performance by questions and answer.设计意图:这是一个韵律绘本,语言的复现率很高,而且是一问一答的形式, 这个绘本就组对话 Brown bear ,brown bear,what do you see?I see a red bird looking at me.所以可以采取多种互动的方式进行表演和练习。而且这 本是的编排上,几乎每一

14、页的插图只画出了动物身体的一部分,便于学生通过观察发挥想象去猜测。d. Show the parts of the goldfish to Ss.ElicitSs to sayGoldfish,goldfish,what do you see?.EncourageSsto guess I see alooking at me.GoWfish goldfish do you see?I see e looking at me,e. Elicit Ss ask teacher:Teacher ,teacher,what do you see?T:I see children looking at

15、me.f. Teacher asks SsChildren,children,what do you see?Ss say the answer by the cards on the blackboard.设计意图:本书到这个部分时,已经不光是看到其他的动物了,还可以看到 一些人物,所以在设计这个环节时,可以暂时先不出现任何图片,直接出示 物体,让学生展开想象去猜测,给学生一个思考发挥的过程,最后再出示结 果。g. Teacher and Ss sing the nursery rhyme together.设计意图:因为这是一个韵律绘本,书中又配有相关的童谣歌曲视频,所以 可以带着孩子利用板书上的四维导图边演边唱,使课堂更加生动,Step 5 ProductionMake your own nursery rhyme.Children,children,what do you see?I see white sheep looking at me.White sheep,whitesheep,what do you see?I see looking at


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