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1、爸爸在寒风中教会我:身陷暴风雪 心却向着阳光_英语学习16 Cold Winter, Warm Thoughts暴风雪里的暖和;点子比赛Are you OK? asked Daddy.你没事吧?;爸爸问道。Our car had slid off the country road into a snowdrift . A white world surrounded us-the snowdrift on my side, and the wall of blowing snow on Daddys. Daddy tried to start the car. Nothing happened

2、. Were stuck, he said. Well, who goes after Grandmas worrybox? I sat on my hands.Daddy tweaked my nose. He climbed out and shut the door.我们的车子偏离了乡村公路,冲进了一个雪堆。一个雪白的世界将我们包围我这边是雪堆,爸爸那边是吼叫的飞雪,密集得如同一面墙。爸爸试着发动车子,但无济于事。我们被困住了,;爸爸说,那么,谁去找奶奶的应急箱呢?;我坐着一动不动。爸爸拧了一下我的鼻子,爬出车外,关上了车门。The white wind swallowed him. I

3、 held my breath. I felt the thump of the closing trunk lid. When the door opened, Daddy handed the box to me. He sat down and tugged the door shut.风雪吞没了他的身影。我屏住了呼吸,然后听到嘭的一声是关车后盖的声音。车门翻开了,爸爸把应急箱递给我。然后他坐进车里,用力把车门关上。The next time Grandma sends a worrybox with us because of bad weather, remind me to put

4、 it in the back seat, Daddy said.下次天气不好奶奶给我们带应急箱时,提醒我把它放在车后座。;爸爸说。We pulled out Grandmas emergency supplies: a blanket, a fat candle inside a can, matches, a deck of cards, a banana, and two fruit and grain bars.我们掏出了奶奶的应急储藏物:一条毛毯,一支放在罐子里的粗蜡烛,一些火柴,一副纸牌,一只香蕉,还有两根水果谷物棒。The white wind pounded the car a

5、s we settled in to wait for help to e. A slight draft cooled the inside air.我们在车里安排下来等待救援,风雪那么拍打着车身。一阵轻风吹来,车里的空气都凉透了。Would the young lady care to snuggle ? Daddy wrapped the blanket around us and over our heads. He lit the candle. Its tiny flame flickered . A weak warmth filled our blanket tent.这位年轻

6、的小姐愿意和我紧靠在一起吗?;爸爸用毛毯把我们的身子和头都包了起来。他点着了蜡烛,微弱的火光忽闪忽闪的。毛毯里暖和了一点。We need to think warm thoughts, said Daddy. How about a hot game of Go Fish ?我们得想一些暖和的点子,;爸爸说,玩个非常暖和的纸牌游戏钓鱼怎么样?;With mittens on, it was hard to hold the cards. And when you snuggle, its easy to see the other players cardseven when youre no

7、t trying to cheat.戴着连指手套很难拿得住牌,而且就算你不是有意作弊,紧靠在一起很容易就能看见对方的牌。I spread my last four cards across Daddys lap. I win!我把最后四张牌摊开放在爸爸的膝盖上。我赢喽!;We played eight more games. I let Daddy win half.我们又玩了八次。我让爸爸赢了四次。Then we sang warm songs like You Are My Sunshine. We clapped and stomped as the white wind swirled

8、.然后我们唱了几首暖暖的歌曲,比方?你是我的阳光?。窗外风雪肆虐,我们一起拍手、跺脚。When our teeth chattered , it just made the songs sound sillier. Then we were quiet for a while. Frost spread across the windows. When the wailing wind jostled the car, we snuggled tighter.我们的牙齿冷得打战,让这些歌听起来更搞笑了。然后我们安静了一会儿。车窗上结了一层白霜。寒风吼叫着向车子袭来,我们依偎得更紧了。Will

9、we stay here tonight? I asked.我们今晚要待在这儿吗?;我问。I dont think so, Daddy said. Grandma knows when we left, and Mom knows when were due home. Theyll have people looking for us when the blizzard blows over.不会的,;爸爸说,奶奶知道我们是什么时候出发的,妈妈知道我们什么时候应该到家。等暴风雪一过去,她们就会叫人来找我们。;But while we wait, how about a warm-though

10、t contest? Whoever thinks of the warmest thought wins this nutritious, delicious fruit and grain bar, said Daddy. You start.不过在我们等待的时候,来个暖和点子比赛怎么样?谁想到最温暖的点子,谁就能赢得这根营养美味的水果谷物棒,;爸爸说,你先来吧。;I thought. Hot chocolate?我想了想,说:热巧克力?;Pretty good, said Daddy. What about. a sunburn on your shoulders?很好,;爸爸说,嗯被晒

11、红的肩膀怎么样?;I said, How about . wearing your furry robe and bunny slippers?我说:穿着毛绒长袍和小兔拖鞋?;And while youre wearing your furry robe and bunny slippers, Daddy said, youre roasting hot dogs over a campfire.穿着毛绒长袍和小兔拖鞋的同时,;爸爸说,还在篝火上烤着热狗。;And the campfire is on a sunny beach in California! Top that, Daddy,

12、I said.而且篝火还是在加利福尼亚的阳光海滩上!想个更好的,爸爸,;我说。Hmmm.got it! said Daddy. The warmest thought of all time. Ready? Taking a swim in a pool of warm chicken noodle soup. And youre not allowed to hold onto the noodles or sit on the chicken chunks .嗯有了!;爸爸说,有史以来最温暖的点子。听好了,在热鸡肉面汤里游泳,而且不许抓着面条或者坐在鸡块上。;I laughed. You

13、win this nutritious, delicious fruit and grain bar!我大笑着说:你赢了,这根营养美味的水果谷物棒归你啦!;Daddy split it with me because I was runner-up . We saved the other one and the banana for later. It became quieter outside the car. Above, blue pierced the gray sky. Snowflakes as big as feathers drifted down. Now I could

14、 see the snow-topped fence posts on the other side of the road. Our fat candle wasnt very fat anymore. Daddys nose was red and drippy . My toes stung .爸爸和我共享了水果谷物棒,因为我是亚军。我们留着另一根水果谷物棒和那根香蕉一会儿再吃。车外渐渐安静下来。车顶上蓝色的光辉撕开了灰蒙蒙的天空。雪花如鹅毛般纷纷扬扬地飘落。如今我可以看到路的另一边被积雪覆盖的栅栏栏杆。我们的粗蜡烛已经不那么粗了。爸爸的鼻子红红的,流着鼻涕。我的脚指头也冻得生疼。It

15、shouldnt be too much longer now, Daddy said.我们应该不会等太久了,;爸爸说。I dont think I can wait much longer. A tear rolled from my eye.我想我再也等不下去了,;我说着,一滴眼泪滚了下来。Daddy wrapped me in the blanket and lifted me onto his lap. He lowered his cheek to mine. He hummed until his voice cracked . Sunlight fought its way th

16、rough the clouds and filled our car. It warmed the air a little.爸爸用毛毯把我包住,抱到了他的膝盖上。他低头贴近我的脸,低声给我哼着曲子,一直哼到嗓子哑了。阳光终于穿透了云层,洒满我们的车厢,车里的空气也暖和了一点。Then-red and blue, red and blue. The county sheriffs department had found us! We got in the police car. It was so warm I took off my hat and mittens. After a while, Daddy did, too. The deputy gave us each a cup of hot chocolate.接下来,我们看到红光和蓝光交替闪烁的车灯。县治安部门


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