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1、2014届学士学位论文英汉基本颜色词文化内涵对比研究学院、专业 外国语、英语 研 究 方 向 应用语言学 学 生 姓 名 田雨 学 号 20100501068 指导教师姓名 徐静 指导教师职称 讲师 2014 年 4 月 15 日22Huaibei Normal UniversityThe Comparative Study on Different Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Words Between English and ChineseByTian YuUnderthe Supervision ofLecturer Xu JingSubmi

2、tted to the School of Foreign Studies in PartialFulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in EnglishHuaibei, P. R. ChinaApril, 2014本科生毕业论文(设计)诚信承诺书本人郑重承诺所呈交的毕业论文(设计) 英汉基本颜色词文化内涵对比研究,是在指导教师 徐静 的指导下严格按照学校和学院有关规定完成的。本人在毕业论文(设计)中引用他人的观点和参考资料均加以注释和说明。本人承诺在毕业论文(设计)选题和研究内容过程中没有抄袭他人

3、的研究成果和伪造相关数据等行为,若有抄袭行为,由本人承担一切责任。 承诺人: 2010 年级 英语 专业 签 名: 田雨 2014 年 5月 1 日AbstractThe world we live in is very colorful. There are a large number of color words or a great variety of color expressions in our books describing all the color things in the nature and in the society as well. Color words

4、have rich cultural connotations. Due to the different social cultures, historical processes and geographic conditions, English and Chinese color words reflect their national color orientation, social values, cultural customs, religious belief and characteristics etc. Therefore, it is of great signif

5、icance to have a comparative study on the cultural connotations of color words between English and Chinese.This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction which has a general review of the studies about color terms home and abroad and discusses the necessity and poss

6、ibility of this study. Next chapter makes an analysis of word-formation characteristics of both English and Chinese basic color words. The third chapter serves as the main body of this thesis which makes the identification on basic color words between English and Chinese which presents information c

7、ollected from the summarized previous research study about color words and summarizes the situation on the study of basic color words at home and abroad. The last chapter is the conclusion which presents further analysis of the causes of such differences mainly from the natural environment, religion

8、, cultural, customs and so on. Key words: basic color words; cultural connotations; differences; comparative study摘要人类生活在一个神奇的色彩世界,颜色渗透到我们生活的各个领域。用来表示这些颜色的颜色词数不胜数,基本颜色词构成了颜色词中的一类典型。而颜色词是极富表现力的语言,英汉语言在色彩运用以及赋予色彩的联想意义方面既有相同点,又有差异,而且随着时代的发展,颜色词的联想意义也将具有新的内涵。颜色词具有丰富的文化内涵。由于不同的文化、历史和地理原因,英语和汉语的颜色词反映了自己民族


10、基本颜色词文化内涵的相同点和差异点;第四章是结论,进一步分析产生这种差异的原因,总结全文,说明本文的写作对解释语言和文化的发展以及思维方式的转变都会产生一定的借鉴作用。关键词:基本颜色词;文化内涵;差异;对比研究ContentsAbstractIChapter One Introduction1Chapter Two Background of Research on Color Terms3I. The Necessity of the Comparative Study on Color Words3II. Studies on English and Chinese Basic Colo

11、r Words Home and Abroad3A. Research on English Basic Color Words Abroad3B. Research on Chinese Basic Color Characters at Home4Chapter Three A Contrastive Study on Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Terms in English and Chinese6I. Word-formation characteristics of basic color terms in English6II. W

12、ord-formation characteristics of Chinese basic color terms8III. Comparison of Cultural Connotation of Basic Color Terms in English and Chinese9A. Red and 红9B. White and 白12C. Black and 黑14Chapter Four Reasons for Similarities and Differences19I. Color and Religion19II. Color and Nature20III. Color a

13、nd Customs21Chapter Five Conclusion22Works Cited23Chapter One IntroductionWe are living in a world of beauty, wonders and colors. Around us are the blue sky, white cloud, green trees, red sun, and grey buildings and etc. Our world is so closely connected with colors that play an indispensable role i

14、n our life. For centuries people use a variety of color words and a larger number of color expressions to show their changing feelings and preferences. The following sentences are good examples to see the color words: “Mrs. Brown is a very white woman. She was looking green the other day. She has be

15、en feeling blue recently. When I saw her, her was in a brown mood. I hope shell soon be in a pink again. ” People might get puzzled with the sentence when reading it, although the words and structure are both simple and people are eager to know what it is talking about. The reason for this is that we dont know what these color words imply. So what do they convey to us? In our daily life we often encounter with many thi


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