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1、秘密(The Secret)是Prime Time公司在2006年推出的一部纪录片,该片堪称成功学、财富学和人生指导的经典之作A year ago my life had collapsed around me. collapse klps ;一年以前, 我的生活彻底崩溃了.Ive worked myself into exhaustion,;我把自己累得精疲力竭,My father died suddenly;我的父亲也突然去世了and my relationships were in turmoil. turmoil t:miln. 混乱,骚动;我的人际关系也一团糟了.Little did

2、 I know at the time;那时,我还不知道out of my greatest despair;在这最大的绝望之中was to come the greatest gift.;将要来临的是上天最大的礼物.Ive been given a glimpse of a great secret.;我瞥见一个伟大的秘密.I began tracing the secret back through history;我开始追踪这个秘密的历史渊源I couldnt believe all the people who knew this.;我简直不敢相信, 那些知道这个秘密的人,They w

3、ere the greatest people in history.;他们都是历史上最伟大的人物.All I wanted to do was to share this secret with the world.;我想把这个秘密分享给这个世界.I began searching for people alive todaywho know the secret.;我开始搜寻那些现在还在世的知道这个秘密的人.One by one they began to emerge.emerge im:dvi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露;一个接一个, 他们出现在我的面前. If you know this s

4、ecretit gives you everything you want.如果你知道了这个秘密, 你就能得到所有你想要的东西.Happiness, health and wealth.幸福,健康,财富。You can have, do or be anything you want.你能拥有你想要的东西,干你所想干的事情,成为你想成为的人。We can have whatever that is we choose.I dont care how big it is.我们能拥有我们所选择的任何东西。而不管这个目标有多大。What kind of a house do you wanna li

5、ve in?Do you wanna be a millionaire?你想住什么样的房子?你想成为百万富翁吗?What kind of a business do you wanna have?Do you want more success?你想经营什么事业?你想有更多的成功吗?What do you really want?;你到底想要什么?Ive seen many miracles take place in peoples lives.miracle mirkl n. 奇迹我看到很多奇迹发生在人们的生活中。Financial miracles, miracles of physic

6、al healing, financial fainnl healing hi:liadj. 能治愈的 n. 康复v. 治疗(heal的现在分词 ) ;财产上的奇迹,身体康复的奇迹,mental healing, healing in relationships.心理康复的奇迹,感情修复的奇迹.All of this happen because of knowing how to apply the secret.所发生的一切,都是因为知道了如何运用这个秘密。This is the great secret of life.这就是生活的大秘密。Youve probably been sitt

7、ing there wondering what is this secret.现在,你可能坐在那里猜想这个秘密到底是什么.Ill tell you how I have come to understand it.我来告诉你我是怎样理解这个秘密的。We all work with one infinite power.infinite infintadj. 无限的,无穷的;无数的;极大的我们都受一个威力无穷的自然力量支配.We all guide ourselves by exactly the same laws.我们都被同一个规律指导着.The natural laws of the U

8、niverse are so precise.precise prisaisadj. 精确的;明确的;严格的;宇宙中的自然规律是如此的精确That we dont even have any difficulty building spaceships,;以至于我们可以运用这些规律来建造宇宙飞船而毫无困难.we can send people to the moon,;我们可以把人们送到月球.and we can time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second.precision prisin fraction frk

9、n n. 分数;部分;小部分;稍微;也可以把着陆时间精确到秒的几分之一.I dont care if youre an Indian,;不论你是在印度,if youre in Australia, New Zealand,;还是在澳大利亚,新西兰,Stockholm or London,;还是在斯德哥尔摩或伦敦,Stockholm stkhum; st:k,h:lmor Toronto, or Montreal, or New York.Montreal ,mntri:l或者多伦多, 或蒙特利尔, 或纽约.We all working with one power,;我们都受同一种力量支配,o

10、ne law.;一个规律支配.Its attraction.这就是吸引力.The secret is the Law of Attraction.我们上面所说的那个秘密就是吸引力定律.Everything thats coming into your life, you are attracting into your life.;你生活中所发生的所有事情,都是你自己吸引来的,And its attracted to you by virtue of the image as youre holding in your mind. by virtue of由于,凭借virtue v:tju:n

11、. 美德;优点;贞操;功效 ;是你头脑中所想象的图像吸引来的.Its what youre thinking.那些事情都是你的思想导致的.You see, whatever is going on in your mind;不管你脑中想什么,you are attracting to you.;你都会把它吸引过来.Now, wise people have always known that.聪明的人都知道这个道理.You go right back to the ancient Babylonians .Babylonian ,bbilunjn;你来了解一下古巴比伦人theyve alway

12、s known this.;他们也知道这个规律.Its a small select group of people.那是精心挑选出来的一小群人.Why do you think that 1% of the population;你想想为什么1%的人earns around 96% of all the money thats being earned?;挣了96%的钱?Do you think thats an accident?;你认为那是一个偶然吗?Its no accident.绝非偶然.Its designed that way.这个方式就是这样设计的(事情就应当如此)They u

13、nderstand something.;他们懂得这个道理.They understand the secret.他们知道这个秘密.And you are being introduced to the secret.我现在正在给你介绍这个秘密.The simplest way for me to look at the Law of Attraction;理解吸引力定律的最简单方法is if I think of myself as a magnet.magnet mnit ;是你假设把自己当一个磁铁.And I know that a magnet will attract to it.我

14、知道磁铁会吸磁铁.Very basically put, the Law of Attraction says that like attracts like.basically beisikli 简单的说, 吸引力的规律就是“相似的吸引相似的”.But were really talking at the level of thought.但我们是在思想这个层次来讨论问题的。Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want,;作为人类,我们要做的工作就是持续地思考我们想要的东西.make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want;弄清楚我们到底想要什么,and from there we start to invoke one of the greatest laws in the Universe invoke invuk


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