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1、劳动合同补充协议书(精选多篇) 劳动合同补充协议书 甲方(用工方): 乙方(劳动者): 甲方与乙方签订了劳动合同,现就劳动合同未涉及的相关问题签订如下补充协议: 一、乙方在职期间,甲方为其购置商业保险一份,标准按每月不超出1000元执行,超出局部由乙方承当; 二、乙方在职期间,甲方将为其提供每年一次的旅行津贴2100元,此津贴由甲方于每年12月10日前支付给乙方; 三、乙方必须严格遵守公司的规章,乙方已领取公司员工手册,并知晓其内容,在工作之外的个人原因造成的一切事故,一切的责任及赔偿由乙方自行承当,甲方概不负责; 四、乙方工作时间外出办事需明确告知甲方;请病、事假需即刻报告甲方并提交书面申请

2、,病假需出具医院证明; 五、在合同期内,甲方承当乙方往返家乡至中国的机票费用每年一次,并协助乙方获得工作签证; 六、甲方为乙方提供通讯费(含上网费),每月不超过250元; 七、甲方允许乙方按照国外传统的圣诞节休假,即每年的 12月23日起至次年的1月2日,此休假期间,甲方将正常支付乙方的工资,如需乙方配合短期内完成的工作,乙方须积极配合完成; 八、乙方允许甲方使用其姓名及头像用于杂志、宣传册或传单上以及电视等媒体的商业广告宣传。 九、乙方受聘于甲方从事品牌管理工作,乙方不得再为其他企业兼职,更不得将甲方的各项资料对外泄露,否那么,愿向甲方支付违约金一万元,假设违约金缺乏赔偿甲方的损失,甲方有权

3、向乙方继续追偿; 十、甲方集团公司及甲方公布的管理制度是劳动合同的组成部份,乙方愿意遵守,假设有违反按公司管理制度处理。假设规章制度与劳动合同及本补充协议存在冲突,以劳动合同及本补充协议为准; 十一、本协议由甲乙双方代表签字、加盖单位公章生效,各执一份。 甲方(盖章):乙方(签字): 甲方代表人(签字或盖章): employment contract supplemental agreement party a (employer): party b (employee): an employment contract was made and entered into by and betw

4、een party a and party b. now, both of the parties conclude and sign the following supplemental agreement thereof with respect to those relevant issues which were not included therein. first, party a purchases a mercial insurance for party b when party b is in service. the amount of the insurance exe

5、cuted may not exceed rmb 1000 per month. provided that the figure exceeds rmb 1000, the surplus hereof shall be borne by party b. second, party a provide party b with yearly travel allowance of rmb 2100 during party bs in-service, which is paid by party a to party b prior to nov.12 of every year. th

6、ird, party b has to observe the rules and regulations of the pany. party b shall assure the receipt of employee handbook and be aware of its contents. for all aidents, liabilities outside work caused by party b for personal reasons and the thereout indemnification shall be borne by party b, while pa

7、rty a will not be responsible. fourth, party b shall tell party a clearly when going out for some matters in work hours; party b shall immediately report party a and deliver application in writing when taking sick and personal leave. a certificate presented by a hospital is required for sick leave.

8、fifth, party a shall annually pay party b round air ticket for the trip between party bs hometown and china and render help to party b to obtain work permit within the contract period. sixth, party a offers party b munication costs (inter aess fees included), which is not more than rmb 250 per month

9、. seventh, party a allows party b to take christmas leave from nov. 23 to jan. 2 of the following year, as is traditionally enjoyed abroad. during the vacation, party a shall pay party bs wage as normal. for a short-term work requiring party bs assistance, party b shall actively cooperate to fulfill

10、 the work. eighth, party b agrees that party a may use his/her name or portrait on magazines, pamphlets or leaflets as well as media like television for mercial advertising. ninth, party a employs party b to engage in brand management of the pany, while party b is not allowed to take up part-time jo

11、bs in other panies and more than that ,give away any documents and information owned by party a. party b agrees to pay party a damages of rmb 10.000,in the event that the damages is not sufficient to pensate the loss of party a, party a has the right of recourse to party b for reimbursement. tenth,

12、management systems established and issued by party a group and party a are part of the contents of the labor contract, which party b is ready to observe. in case of any breach of the management systems, party b is subject to be punished in aordance with management systems of the pany. if there is an

13、y discrepancy between the rules and regulations and the employment contract as well as its supplemental agreement, the employment contract and its supplemental agreement shall apply. eleventh, the agreement takes effective after it is signed by the representatives of both parties and sealed with the

14、ir official seals. each party holds one share of this agreement. party a (seal):party b (signature): party representative (signature or seal): 甲方: (简称甲方) 乙方: 身份证号码: (简称乙方) 根据中华人民共和国劳动法、中华人民共和国劳动合同法和国家、广东省有关规定,遵循合法、公平、平等自愿、协商一致、老实守信的原那么,订立此协议,作为劳动合同(合同编号: )的补充条款以其共同遵守,并确认为解决双方争议时的依据: 一、协议前提: 1.乙方愿意成为

15、甲方员工,将其智慧奉献给甲方事业,受雇于甲方不违反其任何约定或法定义务,并具备完全民事行为能力,能够订立本合同。 2.甲方已告知乙方工作内容、工作条件、工作地点、职业危害、状况、劳动报酬、规章制度以及乙方要求了解的其他情况。 3.乙方知晓其工作内容、工作条件、工作地点、职业危害、平安生产状况、劳动报酬、规章制度、录用条件、岗位要求以及其他相关的情况。 4.乙方保证其向甲方提供的与应聘有关的材料的真实性、合法性,并保证其执照、证件或资格在受雇期间的维持。 二、工作内容及工作地点: 甲方因工作需要,在合法的前提下有权对乙方工作岗位和工作地点,进行适当调整,乙方应当服从。 1.甲方根据工作需要,可以

16、临时(期限不超过3个月)调整乙方的工作岗位,乙方应当服从,双方无需重新签订新的劳动合同。 2.甲方根据乙方的工作业绩等各方面的能力和表现,经考核乙方不胜任原工作岗位的,甲方可以调整乙方的工作岗位,乙方应当服从,否那么,甲方可根据劳动合同法及甲方规章制度依法视乙方为旷工,直至解除劳动合同。调整工作岗位后,工资待遇亦根据岗位实际作相应调整。 三、工作时间 双方约定实行计时工作制的,如甲方根据工作需要要求乙方加班的,甲方将安排乙方补休或按国家规定支付加班费用;乙方自行加班的,根据甲方管理制度和具体工作安排,乙方属完成正常工作任务,甲方不再作加班处理。 四、培训: 甲方有为乙方提供学习条件的义务,负责对乙方进行职业道德、业务技术、劳动平安、劳动纪律和甲方规章制度的教育;乙方有义务参加甲方提供的各项培训,以提升自身素养与职业技能/乙方自愿参加甲方提供的培训,正常工作时


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