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1、知识点梳理(一)重点语言点1. hats wrgith ou ? 你怎么了? 同义句有:Whas te mtter/ trublwityou ? (tter/ tobe 是名词,前用te ; wrong 是形容词,前不用th ) 2.短语:avea codatc a d患感冒;have acough 患咳嗽;hav fee 发热;have astomchahe 胃疼;have a hadache头痛 have a sore throat 喉咙疼havethfu患流感;a srey 眼疼 (注意这两个特殊点的)Iave ahedae. Iaean ch nmy ead(ac 指持续的疼痛,in

2、指肉体上的剧烈疼痛,sore常指发炎而引起的肌肉痛)3 tak a rest = have re休息一下.lif 举起lftthe box 消散 he louds will lt soon电梯get o ofthe lit5 donel like ating. fel likeding st.= wantdo sh. 想要做如: I fel lik runig.6. You shoul ieon an ret liewn 躺下, le的目前分词为lyig, 过去式为 ay 7. Youd better nt et too uchady (1) to muh 修饰不可数名词,还可以用来修饰动词,

3、如:t mc moey; Sta inb ad dnt mve our legto much.(2) too my 修饰可数名词复数,如:too an uents(3) uch too修饰形容词或副词,如:muchtoo pensiv8Le mcheci ove .cckovr =looover检查正误,检查身体 如:Canyouhek ove myomwok. Th docthce hrove ad sheas fne. o d likesk fr eks leave. (1) a for leve 请假 (2)ak for aweek lave 请一周的假 (3) askthre ys l

4、eae . I hpe ll get ell andretrn to hool soo. (1) rurn t+某地= g oe back 表返回某地,如:Kngkareurnd toBeijing. (2) rtrn st. o sb. = giv bacstto sb表归还某物给某人,如:Yoms retito me soon. = mutgie it bck to me son1. I oudt read it untiltoa. 否认句 uni. 表不能做某事,直到什么时候才干做。如: Icat ep you ul ou tellme the trt 我不能协助你,直到你告诉我真相我才

5、帮你。2. ousouink peny of boled water. plenty =a lt of 许多的;大量的, 可接可数名词的复数或不可数名词13. Ho are yu eeing ody? 你今天感觉如何?-Muhbeter. 好多了。4.ut m lft lg stil hurt when I move t 但是我的左腿仍然痛,当我动的时候。r 疼痛:My leg hurt伤害 He hut hise whn h fel. 5. Stayin ulae is ba foryor lth (1) tay u = sit up熬夜, 如:we syed up nti minigh t

6、o se thew Yaromig (2) 动词ing形式(动名词)可直接放句首作主语,谓语动词用单三形式。6 toitte太少; toomuch太多;都用来修饰不可数名词。7I mutask t iv smokg. gv u dong th= sto doing sth. 放弃做某事.ont throw lite aut throw abo 到处扔,如:hrow litterabothrowaboutltter (ltte是名词,即可以放后也可以放中间,但代词只能放中间,如:thowitabout ) 19. It willeep yo aive durg he day. ()ke 宾语 补

7、语(补语可以是:动词ing形式; 形容词; 介词短语 ) I orr o kep yoaitigfor sucha long tie. (keep sb. oig sth.使某人始终做某事 ) ee the door oen, plase.(keepb/h+形容词表达某人/某事物保持如何的状态) Once col ep thcid in bed r thee days (ep sb+介词短语表达某人呆在某地) (2) durin the = the daytime 在白天 20. Itmay ow tomehings wongith you health. () sho sb sth.= sh

8、ow sth tos. 向某人展示某物 plese sho meyou o. (2) how . roun 某地 表带某人参观某地:Ill sho you aroud our schol toorro.21.We n ge ntthe mn body through the nose. (1) et into 进入,陷入; 如:get toroubl 陷入麻烦 (2) hough 从物体内部穿过, 如:walk thuh a forest. acros 从物体表面横穿,如:o ass heroad over 从物体上空越过, 如:ly er e ciy22. s we know, godhea

9、lh is me impotant tha wath. a we know = it s wnwn众所周知 . eshd t more and less et. Emore . and less 多吃 少吃iferent foshel indiffrn as. (1) ood, rui等词常作不可数名词,后不加s, 但当强调多种食物或水果时,常用复数形式, 如iferet fods. (2)i differntways 以不同的方式25.Itseessaryor uo ae ealthatng habits. 句型:t +形容词 rsb. o osh. (it替代背面的不定式)对于某人来说,去

10、做某事是的, 如:Its usuor us oearn glsh llSctionA 1. Mom, urrp! Dad s nV. (1) hryup 赶紧,表催促 hurry o o sth = do sth in a hury 匆忙地做某事 H hurred to finish thk H finhe the wor n a rry. ury某地:表匆匆地去某地,如:H hurriedo ehpital.H wn t te hpita a hury.() be on T 某人或某事物上电视。2.M ak yo some ustios, r L ? - ur, od. () 疑问句和否认句

11、中,表“某些”,常用any, 不用some.但当此疑问句表建议或祈求时, Some不改成. 如:Wol you le somete ? (2) o aha 请开始吧3 SRS reds easily mongeople. (1)sprad ( spead, spread ) 传播,传开 h dieasspre all er the country. (2) aong 表在多者之间, bten在两者之间,常用:btee Aand .短语:ildup r odes使我们的身体强健 crowded places人群拥挤的地方 ake ons vce= acce on advice 接受某人的建议 (

12、advice 不可数名词 ) Mu 开头提出的问句, 否认回答不用mustt 来回答,常用的回答如: Mus I go now? (我必须得走吗?)肯定回答:Yes, you must(是的,你必须);否认回答:o, yuneednt./ No, you dt ha to. (不,你不必) (needntdot ave )6. We ad betr keepawayfrom anmls keep way from 让远离 如:Youd etter kep the hid away rmthe fire. Secton B . Just a momet, pleae = it amomen = Hld n, pleas.请稍等 (打电话常用语)2. Hes usy rigt now. riht no用两种意思:目前= no 立即 rightway; n a minte; atonce;. H exminingatit. (1)


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