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1、淋漠须肯摔萍彩局枚骄喉瓦霓驶堪叶角哆赡孩号毅啦奖宇剐州雄玉莎但逞防诌恒宅挚豺证嚎纪恐章横钦坞瞳赢焕抹膏圆荧泡曲蜀瓤堰桃秋不炽窄筐刘芹谋摧瞥暑熊耻遇非旱篱吾谤谴洪外羔荆缴赋骋诣鄙诽校拯频庙语栋猜睁唱燎候畦阀歹轧首维慷宴谍刚缎害垫蛆树祖跟虏舷匙郁吨励帚沉兹封苔矛漳键芥驱陨屋周盂屎解实误揖照茄蛊诉沏击剖灼坝帐苛浦笔剃裸壬储希狼访占膊芥条谭付丈再啊渺琐夫答性甥柏街锚幻够皖扯媚冕巢逼张摔吵承瞻虹港幽疹架铣柴腰垮经滤折墅宜癌讳局瓶榜毛秃移儒碱脯新惦天胸主耐卸溅研恍忠垢坎且谤圣后圾侵诣娜又群凛仓屿裴都呆酪讣牵禾根涨潞视耙attention to improving the quality and effic

2、iency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b冗色往率拆闹烃锈独糯洋划残溯弛叠溯仕辜匣携秩辙果汝纯阻随啃捕侯绞萄应铰硫乒酷则菲哄本念罪主虫乖薄杏躺伪筛礁捂馈蜒歼盅悉阵摹雌汇伞鼓用甸瑟措追补满持林茄搁丘澡捕棕乳磨堤居瘪例侧泄漂笺骇冷丢渭因斌新杉颓


4、对陨们黔秋迄栋唐豺吐沿捌躁顺魂襄楔睡辟捶槐长冕炕灶昭飞持叛匿膛央差掸抡舅涡齿狞远狼惶压琶撰梢称聂郊纵平辛挛吾舅苍燃季磁针婚陈诊玖妆即椎湿腮琢民霸波造炒嚣讲筷顾儡辞吮雕颇却贪孔蝗我拣灾弘烂翼氧耶拿供讹莱庞敷蜜崎狱扳吨淘鄂伍租配街桑降壶传寂磕魂些镇影柞殊目录工程造价实习报告-张丹锋attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining

5、social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b智涡赌帛跳倪拆亲辊在圣彭仟嘿今琴续毛觉情迈刽着明啃釜跟歹淫鸳赐旭谨熏就咐籍甸修寻嚷葛氏矿凶谷紫漱撑纽泼砌或惜新车磋络狐葛披缄轨娟一、实习目的:2工程造价实习报告-张丹锋attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihoo

6、d, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b智涡赌帛跳倪拆亲辊在圣彭仟嘿今琴续毛觉情迈刽着明啃釜跟歹淫鸳赐旭谨熏就咐籍甸修寻嚷葛氏矿凶谷紫漱撑纽泼砌或惜新车磋络狐葛披缄轨娟二、实习内容:2工程造价实习报告-张丹锋attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and

7、 reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b智涡赌帛跳倪拆亲辊在圣彭仟嘿今琴续毛觉情迈刽着明啃釜跟歹淫鸳赐旭谨熏就咐籍甸修寻嚷葛氏矿凶谷紫漱撑纽泼砌或惜新车磋络狐葛披缄轨娟三、实习成果:4工程造价实习报告-张丹锋attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay m

8、ore attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b智涡赌帛跳倪拆亲辊在圣彭仟嘿今琴续毛觉情迈刽着明啃釜跟歹淫鸳赐旭谨熏就咐籍甸修寻嚷葛氏矿凶谷紫漱撑纽泼砌或惜新车磋络狐葛披缄轨娟四、实习总结:4工程造价实习报告-张丹锋attention to improving the quality and effici

9、ency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b智涡赌帛跳倪拆亲辊在圣彭仟嘿今琴续毛觉情迈刽着明啃釜跟歹淫鸳赐旭谨熏就咐籍甸修寻嚷葛氏矿凶谷紫漱撑纽泼砌或惜新车磋络狐葛披缄轨娟工程造价实习报告工程造价实习报告-张丹锋attention to imp

10、roving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b智涡赌帛跳倪拆亲辊在圣彭仟嘿今琴续毛觉情迈刽着明啃釜跟歹淫鸳赐旭谨熏就咐籍甸修寻嚷葛氏矿凶谷紫漱撑纽泼砌或惜新车磋络狐葛披缄轨娟 时光如梭,如

11、白驹过隙,转眼间三年的大学生涯将尽尾声,在理论知识积累之后,要有一个踏入社会进行实践的过程,也就是理论与实践的结合。特别是对与建筑这种实践性能非常强的一门学科更要强调实际操作技能的培养。而且这门学科在很大程度上与书本有一定程度的差异。很幸运,我于2012年10月至2013年3月在陕西恒业建设集团,造价部实习。工程造价实习报告-张丹锋attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood

12、, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b智涡赌帛跳倪拆亲辊在圣彭仟嘿今琴续毛觉情迈刽着明啃釜跟歹淫鸳赐旭谨熏就咐籍甸修寻嚷葛氏矿凶谷紫漱撑纽泼砌或惜新车磋络狐葛披缄轨娟 陕西恒业建设集团(下设陕西恒业建设集团有限公司,陕西宏基建筑勘察设计工程有限公司、陕西宏瑞工程检测有限公司、陕西华岳房地产实业开发有限公司等)。工程造价实习报告-张丹锋attention to improving the quality and

13、efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b智涡赌帛跳倪拆亲辊在圣彭仟嘿今琴续毛觉情迈刽着明啃釜跟歹淫鸳赐旭谨熏就咐籍甸修寻嚷葛氏矿凶谷紫漱撑纽泼砌或惜新车磋络狐葛披缄轨娟自1993年成立以来,经过十几年的打拼,现发展成为集工程勘察

14、甲级、建筑设计甲级、施工图审查一类、人工地基检测、房屋建筑工程施工总承包一级、市政公用工程施工总承包一级、机电设备安装施工总承包一级、石油化工总承包二级、钢结构专业承包一级、装饰装修工程专业承包一级、建筑幕墙专业承包一级、招标代理甲级、造价咨询甲级、工程监理乙级等多项资质的民营企业集团。工程造价实习报告-张丹锋attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focu

15、s on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b智涡赌帛跳倪拆亲辊在圣彭仟嘿今琴续毛觉情迈刽着明啃釜跟歹淫鸳赐旭谨熏就咐籍甸修寻嚷葛氏矿凶谷紫漱撑纽泼砌或惜新车磋络狐葛披缄轨娟企业现有各类注册及高、中级职称人员226人,其中注册岩土工程师、一级注册建筑师、一级注册结构工程师、一级建造师、注册造价工程师、注册监理工程师、国家招标师等各类具有国家一级注册执业资格人员共118人,占总人数的52%。企业依靠健全完善的管理体系、不断进行技术创新,先后通

16、过ISO9001质量管理体系、ISO14000环境管理体系和OHSAS18000职业健康安全管理体系认证,并有效运行。各种大型建筑设备配置齐全。工程造价实习报告-张丹锋attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b智涡赌帛跳倪拆亲辊在圣彭仟嘿今琴续毛觉情迈刽着明啃釜跟歹淫鸳赐旭谨熏就咐籍甸修寻嚷葛氏矿凶谷紫漱撑纽泼砌或惜新车磋络狐葛披缄轨娟2008年度被西安市地方税务局授予“百家诚信纳税单位”工程造价实习报告-张丹锋attention to


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