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1、名词解释1. social psychology: The scientific study of of how people think about, influence ,and relate to one another. 社会心理学是一门就人们如何看待他人(社思),如何影响他人(社影),又如何互相关联(社关)的种种问题进行科学研究的学科。 2. hindsight bias(事后知明偏见): The tendency to exaggerate, after learning an outcome, ones ability to have foreseen how something

2、 turned out.3. field research(田园研究): research done in natural, real -life settings outside the laboratoryCorrelational research(相关研究): asking whether two or more factors are naturally associated .(status and longevity) detecting natural associations.Advantages: involving important variables in natur

3、al settings.(race ,gender and social status)Disadvantages: ambiguous interpretation of cause and effect.Correlational research allows us to predict, but it cannot tell us whether changing one variable will cause changes in another.Experiment research(实验研究):manipulating some factor to see its effect

4、another.) Experimental Designs to determine causationControl Random Assignment: the great equalizer.(随机分配)Random assignment can eliminates all extraneous factors.With random assignment, each person has an equal chance Solutions:Single and double-blind procedures(单盲或双盲实验)The ethics of experimentation

5、Social psychologists often alter peoples social experience and note the effect. Sometimes, researchers find themselves operating in a gray area between the harmless and the risky.4. spotlight effect(焦点效应):we tend to see ourselves at center stage, and so intuitively(直观的) overestimate(高估) the extent(程

6、度) to which others attention is aimed at us. Illusion of transparency(透明度错觉): People can keenly aware of our own emotions.Fewer people notice than we presume.5. self-concept(自我概念): A persons answers to the question ,”who am I?”6. self-reference effect(自我参照效应): the tendency to process efficiently and

7、 remember well information related to oneself. 7. social comparison(社会比较):Others around us help to define the standard by which we define ourselves as rich or poor, smart or dumb: we compare ourselves with them and consider how we differ社会比较的三种类型:上行社会比较:即与比自己成就大得多的人比较。下行社会比较:同不如你的人做比较。 与自己相仿的人做比较8.

8、individualism(个人主义): Individualism: the concept of giving priority to ones own goals over group goals and defining one identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications Collectivism(集体主义): Giving priority(优先) to the goals of one groups and define one identity accordingly9. s

9、elf-efficacy(自我效能感): the subjective judgment of ones ability before you do something. A sense that one is competent and effective, distinguished from self-esteem, one sense of self-worth.10. learned helplessness(习得性无助): Depressed or oppressed people become passive because they believe their efforts

10、have no effect11. self-esteem(自尊): A persons overall self-evaluation or sense of self-worth.12. self-serving bias(自我服务偏见):The tendency to perceive oneself favorably.13. false-consensus effect(虚假普遍性): On matters of opinion ,we find support for our positions by overestimating the extent to which other

11、s agree. False uniqueness(虚假独特性): On matters of ability or when we behave well or successfully, a false uniqueness effect more often occurs.14. self-handicapping(自我设限):protecting ones self-image with behavior that create a handy excuse for later failure.15. attribution theory(归因理论): the theory of ho

12、w we explain people behavior. Heider concluded that people tend to attribute someones behavior to internal cause or external cause. 海德认为人们对过去的成功或失败主要归结于四个方面的因素:努力、能力、任务难度和机遇。这四种因素又可按内外因、稳定性和可控性进一步分类:从内外因方面来看,努力和能力属于内因,而任务难度和机遇则属外部原因;从稳定性来看能力和任务难度属于稳定因素,努力与机遇则属不稳定因素; 从可控性来看,努力是可以控制的因素,而任务难度和机遇则超出个人控制

13、范围。Commonsense attribution(常识性归因):In testimony to the reasonable ways in which we explain behavior , attribution theorist Harold Kelley described how we use information about consistency, distinctiveness, and consensus. 凯利认为,人们对行为归因总是涉及三个方面的因素(1)客观刺激物;(2)行动者;(3)所处关系或情境;对上述三个因素的任何一个因素的归因都取决于下列三种行为信息:

14、1. 区别性:指行动者是否对同类其它刺激做出相同的反应,他是在众多场合下都表现出这种行为还是仅在某一特定情境下表现这一行为。如果行为的区分性低,则观察者可能会对行为内部归因;如果行为的区分性高,则活动原因可能会被归于外部。 2. 一贯性:指行动者是否在任何情境和任何时候对同一刺激物做相同的反应,即行动者的行为是否稳定持久。3. 一致性:指其他人对同一刺激物是否也做出与行为者相同的方式反应。如果每个人面对相似的情境都有相同的反应,我们说该行为表现出一致性。16. illusory correlation(错觉关联):perception of a relationship where none

15、exists, or perception of a stronger relationship than actually exists.17.attitude(态度):a favorable or unfavorable evaluative reaction toward something or someone, exhibited in ones belief, feeling, or intended behavior. 18.foot-in-the-door-phenomenon(登门槛效应): the tendency for people who have first agr

16、eed to a small request to comply later with a larger request.19. self-perception theory(自我知觉理论):the theory that when we are unsure of our attitudes, we infer them much as would someone observing us, by looking at our behavior and the circumstances under which it occurs.20. aggression(攻击):physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone. In laboratory experiments, this might mean deli


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