高一英语 Unit21 Reading课课练 大纲人教版第一册

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1、Unit 21Body language训练二Reading课前预习.单词拼写1.The kids went _(疯狂的) when the film star appeared. 2.I_(折叠) the handkerchief and put it in my pocket. 3.Im not satisfied with his _(翻译) of this sentence. 4.She _(改变) her dress as fashion changes. 5.Thats the most _(难以置信的) coincidence Ive ever heard of!6.He mov

2、ed aside for her with a polite _(鞠躬). 7.They refused to _(屈服)to the hijackers demands. 8.I asked where Sam was, but she just _(耸肩).答案:1.crazy2.folded3.interpretation4.varied5.incredible6.bow7.bend8.shrugged.汉英互译1.浏览,翻阅_2.撕下,拆毁_ 3.为做了某事向某人道歉_4.按顺序_5.入乡随俗_6.细说,详述_7.某人突然想起_答案:1.go through2.tear down3.a

3、pologize to sb. for doing sth.4.in order5.Do in Rome as Romans do. 6.go into details7.it occurs to sb. +that课堂巩固.连接词语1.表达某人的想法和观点A.greet with a kiss on the cheek2.与人交往B.stand close to sb3.和抱双臂C.express ones thoughts and opinions4.文化与文化不同D.look directly into ones eyes5.直视某人的眼睛E.communicate with sb6.拇

4、指与食指做成圆形F.shake ones head7.摇头G.fold ones arms8.相反的意思H.vary from culture to culture9.靠近某人站着I.pat ones stomach10.一个来访的朋友J.rest ones head on the back of ones hand11.以轻吻面颊欢迎K.get through difficult situations12.紧紧的握手L.a visiting friend13.把头靠在手背上M.make a circle with ones thumb and index finger14.用手在肚子上画圈N

5、.start a conversation15.拍肚子O.have opposite meaning16.度过困难的情形P.press ones palm together17.在一群陌生人中找到朋友Q.smile at oneself inthe mirror18.推倒墙R.move the hand in circles over the stomach19.表达几乎任何一种感情S.find friends in a world of strangers20.开始一段对话T.see the smiling face of a good friend21.在镜子中对自己微笑U.Tear do

6、wn walls22.感到沮丧孤独V.express almost any emotion23.看到好朋友的笑脸W.feel down or lonely答案:1.C2.E3.G4.H5.D6.M7.F8.O9.B10.L11.A12.P13.J14.R15.I16.K17.S18.U19.V20.N21.Q22.W23.T课后检测.选择与句子括号中的词义相近的词语填空go aheadget throughtear downvary fromcome up withhold upput upend up doingfeel like doingcant help doinggreet.with

7、1.The government has decided to _with its plans to develop the North West. (begin)2.When you _ with your homework, lets go out for fun_. (finish)3.I tried to telephone you, but I couldnt_ . (reach someone by telephone)4.The workmen _ the old house in order to build a new house in its place. (pull do

8、wn a building)5.The weather _ very cold to quite mild. (change continually)6.Scientists will _ new methods of improving the technology. (think of)7.The building of the new road _ by the bad weather. (put off, delay)8.Drop your weapons and _ your hands. (raise) 9.She _ a good story to explain her abs

9、ence. (invent a story often in order to cheat)10.They hadnt seen each other for such a long time, so when they met, they _ each other with an embrace. (welcome on meeting)11.I didnt like him when we first met, but we _ becoming close friends. (turn out to be)12.I felt so tired at that moment and I d

10、idnt even _ talking. (want to do very much)答案:1.go ahead2.get/have got through3.get through4.tore down5.varied e up with7.has been held up8.put up9.made up10.greeted with11.ended up12.feel like.翻译句子1.微笑能打开窗户,拆去高墙,它几乎可以被用来表达任何感情。2.手势语随着文化的不同而不同。 3.我们经常用E-mail彼此联系。 4.如果觉得沮丧,没有什么事情抵得上看见朋友的笑脸。 5.微笑能帮助我们

11、摆脱困境,在陌生世界找到知己。6.虽然我理解你的意思,但我还是不同意。7.今天我处理了一大批文件。答案:1.A smile can open doors and tear down walls. It can be used to express almost any emotion. 2.Body language varies from culture to culture. 3.We often communicate with each other by email. 4.If we are feeling down, there is nothing better than to s

12、ee the smiling face of a good friend. 5.A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. 6.While I understand what you say, I cant agree with you.7.Ive got through a lot of papers today.单项选择1.This tie _ your suit. A.fitsB.is fit forC.suitsD.matches答案:D2.

13、What you explained to us left me completely _. A.to confuseB.confusingC.confusedD.to be confused答案:C3.He stood there watching with his arms _. A.foldB.foldingC.unfoldD.folded答案:D4.He is so diligent a student that he is always _ his classmates in every subject. A.in advanceB.in front ofC.far ahead of

14、 D.before答案:C 5.It is obvious that the weather here _ with seasons. A.variesB.changedC.differsD.A or B答案:A6.Why are you so late?Bad luck. A car accident happened not far outside the town and we were _ on the way. A.stoppedB.keptC.held up D.held on答案:C7.(2006高考福建卷,33)_ for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alic


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