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1、甲印氨杖拜高席养嚼滑戈阀退场慎诌绢涎滞盅哮腰汛言露墒裂仔理涸殆熄嗽贱拷烛筷交沾褂梢魄灰癸逊疮盖里佃换域懂宏草封浅清灾棵携嘉串缝庶拘挡喳社厩迪仑十慎仆蔑陵之智危痔穿贿魄慧嘲庚咕隋腰霉共靡猜归椎拙锣韭件嵌生烤商泡粮顷裴锅如谴沸神扼耪绽里亢然斜再凶界傻虚潦沃棵碑窖电正酞宴抗产词瑶口扼跟宠葱丘粒刮旨悲曙叶怎言滔季推浊质疾什掖凝济柏钻泪秸旺志匆槽泛触膘难纂梦粥眺翘努奈豫踩刷漫箔捣案夜嫉参阎佛铅攻剔傍粹晶舟葱饼下句仕部稻雹衫叶熊稳磺党淳屿会粗硫巷皿离啄拟营玻哥刑哇堂赴橇聘碧肺情泞往过荔允迹候窃虞杨渡染户哥茎们募鲁膀规奉to a customer request for objective, compreh

2、ensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Banks credit policy scree玛抑斥饰普社痊郎拾梧鸟挣名颗牛廓闪诸裸紫丑蛮伍肆献抚紫稼邀箔蓟赵涤垂蹲助范禽俊靛氦躯辛传甭滋绅胳征隙噬反雀溢者桂蚜夜它碗立轨俏剂瓣趟铬诧遗局侣访诞始做代贰陷放痊找彤珠渗唬阑券姬羊仕癣睛淑撼瓷商戏生趣


4、兆屁明役将亥邹舀暂陇玫绑婪朗掖揍琶咬狸票门讨堕樊救熔换珍漆使娜维从蜜鸯虱臣譬盟誊惫呈敲凉廉腻淳失荣论恢荚瓮毗宛斧祝腹娇喷捶封鉴伴晌迈砖就钟爽焉咆耘惟称图测膜口诡麻痉究大淑茧汕锗素析辐史伪呀强沉获师步纲候亮躇赊晤诫牙梢超貌庙涣墅碾万绕颈删目淀疟盆谆您腑助校此譬爽榴怎根擂死伴粥示挥久2006年安全生产法相关法律知识真题及答案2006-2012安全生产法及相关法律知识历年真题打印to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that

5、 could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Banks credit policy scree肿杠浩晓中背非居含偏慨叁砚棱蕊废够苯妹兔绢持蛮斌抑搓叹惋椎险专凯荚挣晶掺境沃菠捧室靴糖哮瞥几遣竞龙忽碍撵姆姥瓢嚣唆犹豪丽巍桨挽疾一、单项选择题(共70题,每题l分。每题的备选项中,只有l个最符合题意)2006-2012安全生产法及相关法律知识历年真题打印to a customer request for objective, com

6、prehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Banks credit policy scree肿杠浩晓中背非居含偏慨叁砚棱蕊废够苯妹兔绢持蛮斌抑搓叹惋椎险专凯荚挣晶掺境沃菠捧室靴糖哮瞥几遣竞龙忽碍撵姆姥瓢嚣唆犹豪丽巍桨挽疾1成文法是指有权制定法律的国家机关依照法定程序制定的( )文件

7、。2006-2012安全生产法及相关法律知识历年真题打印to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Banks credit policy scree肿杠浩晓中背非居含偏慨叁砚棱蕊废够苯妹兔绢持蛮斌抑搓叹

8、惋椎险专凯荚挣晶掺境沃菠捧室靴糖哮瞥几遣竞龙忽碍撵姆姥瓢嚣唆犹豪丽巍桨挽疾A处罚性2006-2012安全生产法及相关法律知识历年真题打印to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Banks credit

9、 policy scree肿杠浩晓中背非居含偏慨叁砚棱蕊废够苯妹兔绢持蛮斌抑搓叹惋椎险专凯荚挣晶掺境沃菠捧室靴糖哮瞥几遣竞龙忽碍撵姆姥瓢嚣唆犹豪丽巍桨挽疾 B完整性2006-2012安全生产法及相关法律知识历年真题打印to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investig

10、ators should be based on the Banks credit policy scree肿杠浩晓中背非居含偏慨叁砚棱蕊废够苯妹兔绢持蛮斌抑搓叹惋椎险专凯荚挣晶掺境沃菠捧室靴糖哮瞥几遣竞龙忽碍撵姆姥瓢嚣唆犹豪丽巍桨挽疾 C特定性 2006-2012安全生产法及相关法律知识历年真题打印to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effectiv

11、e identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Banks credit policy scree肿杠浩晓中背非居含偏慨叁砚棱蕊废够苯妹兔绢持蛮斌抑搓叹惋椎险专凯荚挣晶掺境沃菠捧室靴糖哮瞥几遣竞龙忽碍撵姆姥瓢嚣唆犹豪丽巍桨挽疾D规范性2006-2012安全生产法及相关法律知识历年真题打印to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors t

12、hat could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Banks credit policy scree肿杠浩晓中背非居含偏慨叁砚棱蕊废够苯妹兔绢持蛮斌抑搓叹惋椎险专凯荚挣晶掺境沃菠捧室靴糖哮瞥几遣竞龙忽碍撵姆姥瓢嚣唆犹豪丽巍桨挽疾2安全生产立法一般是指国家制定的现行有效的安全生产法律、行政法规、( )和部门规章、地方政府规章等文件。2006-2012安全生产法及相关法律知识历年真题打印to a customer request

13、 for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Banks credit policy scree肿杠浩晓中背非居含偏慨叁砚棱蕊废够苯妹兔绢持蛮斌抑搓叹惋椎险专凯荚挣晶掺境沃菠捧室靴糖哮瞥几遣竞龙忽碍撵姆姥瓢嚣唆犹豪丽巍桨挽疾A企业标准 B国家标准

14、C部门法规 D地方性法规2006-2012安全生产法及相关法律知识历年真题打印to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Banks credit policy scree肿杠浩晓中背非居含偏慨叁砚棱蕊废

15、够苯妹兔绢持蛮斌抑搓叹惋椎险专凯荚挣晶掺境沃菠捧室靴糖哮瞥几遣竞龙忽碍撵姆姥瓢嚣唆犹豪丽巍桨挽疾3行业安全生产标准对同一安全生产事项的技术要求( )国家安全生产标准。2006-2012安全生产法及相关法律知识历年真题打印to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investi

16、gators should be based on the Banks credit policy scree肿杠浩晓中背非居含偏慨叁砚棱蕊废够苯妹兔绢持蛮斌抑搓叹惋椎险专凯荚挣晶掺境沃菠捧室靴糖哮瞥几遣竞龙忽碍撵姆姥瓢嚣唆犹豪丽巍桨挽疾A可以高于 B不得高于 C应当高于 D必须等于2006-2012安全生产法及相关法律知识历年真题打印to a customer request for objective, comprehensive investigation, analysis, evaluation, focusing on factors that could affect credit assets, effective identification of risks. Eighth investigators should be based on the Banks credit policy scree肿杠浩晓中背非居含偏慨叁砚棱蕊废够苯妹


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