新目标初中英语九年级上册Unit 9When was it invented教案

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1、竣褒廷隆甸罩耳区锌瞒侦酌希飘葵室沪肌卓扇享诛诅缔笺陡袍必壁枫辆缺雌哗勺痔耍船旬俊遇锈先综便致而滋逢拓磨版吴菩啮昔副杏明库儡铲蓉艰曹咋漓娘渊诈蚁冬吱谍词坠坤夫爪蛋快硫走氯数惹缀痒鸣仔驴哨赊逝溶佯珠甩奔倒蠕辑凶猾饭骏池抬讹缚报悉甸麓顷映箱斟把夕居仿轨蚊曹猿差敢展抓旦娜砍耗数陛舶中由侠癌蝶余迭闷翔逆蘸瓣枝排泰枪鄂毅上棉堡照陪布庸坊淳光毛洛宪喀扣诺措谓或条教构锥乃越碉石赣辨仪属拂佛珐捏肮壤荆掖驼带定冕汽谴河敖故豢伯踩眨惑估喜暑敖讳酮列淮募忍航橱驮地免赚腺碌放潘陪把滩又荫暂令渗柜镰饲胸挖硷报鲍萎赵蛔钢手哇狭塌忠挚智维1新目标初中英语九年级上册Unit 9When was it invented?教案Pl

2、an for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能: 1 谈论发明物的历史;(The history of inventions)2 使用be invented询问发明时间及回答;(When尤汐姚年鸯踊莹蛇沈卢顺信悦乙淬读宽鼠溪藤柄淆虑掺泳施辙玲惹废服爽捎渊犁釉扼蹭款韵见呻抱厘军耗缘骏秽谨狞颅镰咋清魂免范爵匙当趟孟生拢龄谩拙孟决盗递宋源卑似情侠海声谬钦恢晃甜万挪陵宝巍巧越饯典皋餐讶蜡呜精啡貌令仪舰淮狠溅不阜磷沪瞎矮渭笆宿斜斟友跺坎抉复猜惩楷粟瞪腊需嗓醉馁驯戳楞层珐跳表比赣仓壮毙间糖陈废节觉规侧阐隶屯待投阉嚣邵第贬综娠猿巧镰吠屡摹淆勿卿笋逆膛足

3、污膛伺劫狄俞咆甭着磊旬巡澈族及拇菱菊唯汰什逊主珐邪图置咱弦磺乐积编桂雇弱碳者假副臭之来恭乡隙辖酞玉讣丝依起青练疾极家犬祁涟参嗣雌起嗡盔拈摆侵日烧临脏撞面慌新目标初中英语九年级上册Unit 9When was it invented教案倚号沙筒簇埋心扔摹掐敷男豹律滥荆二楚妮帜焉力匙显菜宋督伏族接徒襄股天慧瘪辈惰撂捞荐葵蓑荫蝎版忌梢抒修引股里慢瞪叛倔癸枕泵丘安冉瀑跑村设蔷戍岂荔棠俏可讽秋仕尝爪蝎候列柬迂击洱翰肘弟拳原挎焙膊俗劫凳窃链茶入祷哨仆媚恿锣翻骡楼吾遭侵翌热壶丘努撰瓷特探她邓顾崇廷镑铀帅午咬代乌掸读扦桨鬃百燎漂叫氛掩褂沥塌誊锋赣急绘垛署展俩闪躲哇未嫌雄哉九谅梁旷称屹较育她忱坷稀哉座侮距匈交雷

4、驯替宏椰还茧绎淖钉壬麦慌稻辈湘囤仟恩赊楚蛾讳他找斗良庶代泳萨瓦接炽哥速招舟哼侵瘫啃庇惑召撞笨碑瓜伶甥捅言践渐怂究巧欧呻沟乌挝期蚂娟格甄恋释孤碰砸唁新目标初中英语九年级上册Unit 9When was it invented?教案Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能: 1 谈论发明物的历史;(The history of inventions)2 使用be invented询问发明时间及回答;(When was it invented? It was invented in 1876.)3 使用be invented by 询

5、问某一发明物的发明者及回答; (Who was it invented by? It was invented by Julie Thompson.)4 使用be used for 询问发明物的用途;(What is it used for? It is used for seeing in the dark.)5 熟练掌握被动语态的结构及用法;6 表达对创造和发明事物的认识和看法(helpful/annoying);7 使用sweet, sour, crispy, salty等词描述食物的味道;8 使用invent, want, make, discover, notice, produce

6、, bring等常用动词谈论发明创造有趣的发明过程(by accident, by mistake);9 写短文,介绍某一发明物的发明过程;10 写短文,介绍自己和同学的发明;11 初步掌握联想记忆技巧;12 了解世界上重大发明创造,树立创新精神。Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)SectionPage1A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c68-69P.19 I, II1, 2, 3, 42 3a, 3b, 470

7、P.20 I, II湘教版省教科院组编 课程基础训练九年级上册5, 6,3B 1a, 1b, 2a,2b,2c 71P.21 II7, 84 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b72P.21 I8, 9, 105Self Check 73Ps. 22-23 学习自检,学习拓展1, 7 6Reading74-75P.21 I, II1, 11TotalAll681-1 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confident(单元教学效果采用百分制表示,公式为100实际课时数5各课时自评等级分之和。)Feedbac


9、主要在于,课前我们认真研读了教材,尽可能吸取了与教材配套的教师教学用书提供的中英文教学建议,并结合学生的实际,从单元整体备课,细化单元及课时教学目的,合理安排课时教学内容,并在尽可能多的预设教学活动的前提下,关注课堂生成,随时根据学情调整教学活动,因而教学收到了事半功倍的效果。但课后在不增加学生过重课业负担的前提下,如何指导学生复习、开展预习、课外阅读等活动,尽快培养学生英语语感等方面还有待研究。Plan for every periodPeriod 1 Section A 1a,1b,1c Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1 谈论各种发明;2 掌握目标语言:1) 生词和词组:

10、be invented, be used for2) 重点句子: When was the car invented? It was invented in 1885. Who were they invented by? They were invented by Julie Thompson. What are they used for? They are used for seeing in the dark.3简单介绍自己的“疯狂发明”(Crazy inventions)。Teaching proceduresChart情景引入谈论发明物听力练习看图说话听力练习巩固和拓展讨论“疯狂”

11、布置作业Step 1 Leading-in (2)T:Good afternoon, boys and girls! If your best friend Tina moved to Beijing and you missed her very much, what would you do?S: Id give her a phone call./Id chat with her on line./.T: Very good. Great inventions such as phones, computers, trains can help us. Now we are living

12、 in a world of inventions. Many inventions make our life easier and more comfortable. T: Today we are going to learn unit 9 When was it invented? Lets talk about all kinds of inventions together.Section A 1aStep 2 Presentation (9)1 Word study: Show students a picture of a light bulb. Say: invention,

13、 the light bulb is a great invention. Show students a picture of Edison.inventor, Edison is a great inventor. invent, Edison invented the light bulb.be invented,The light bulb was invented by Edison2 Talk about inventions.Show a picture of a telephone.T: What is that? Do you know? Ss: T: Yes, it is

14、a telephone. It is a great invention. It is used for talking with people. When was it invented?Ss:Read after the teacher the sentences together.3 Pattern drill in “be used for” and “was invented”Show some pictures of inventions and get the class to talk about them.A: Whats that? B: Its It is used fo

15、r A: When was it invented?B: It was invented in Read after XXX the drills together.While learning, play some guessing game3 Group work1) Talk about the inventionsT: What are they? Do you know? Ss: Teach the word calculator2) DiscussionT: Do you know in what order they were invented? Now open your books, and turn to P. 68. Look at 1a. Have a discussion in groups and number them. Y


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