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1、德阳外国语学校小学部外语组“体验课堂”教学设计设计者designer:李蕊课题TopicUnit 5 At The Supermarket 单元目标教学目标TeachingAims知识、能力目标:1. be able to read the food and drinks with the phrases : a bag of a packet of a bottle of a carton of a box of a can of.2. be able to write the right expression of some food and drinks情感目标(Feeling):学生通

2、过量词的学习,把简单的对食物或饮料的表达更具体化,知识向深入学习。教学重、难点Key& Importantitems1. a bag of a packet of a bottle of a carton of a box of a can of2. sausage sweets oil soft drink biscuit noodles potato chips chocolate 教具准备Materials for TeachingFood or drinks with containers pictures PPt 教学步骤Teaching Steps教学设计Teaching desi

3、gn设计意图purpose教学批注reflectionStep 1 Greeting and warm-up Free talk & duty report.1.Duty report2.of study训练学生的口语表达能力,巩固西文经典诵读。Step 2Presentation 呈现问题启发诱导3. 1. T: Boys and girls, look at the pictures.( sausage sweets oil soft drink biscuit noodles potato chips chocolateQ1: what is this?Q2: can you read

4、them?2. S : biscuit /sweets/soft drink3.T:who can tell us the new words: sausage / oil /noodles /potato chips(teacher write down these words )(guide ss to read the according to their spelling)4.read these words in different ways. 复习已经学过的单词,引出新知。通过复习课文,巩固已学知识,并激发学习热Step 3 Students learning by themsel

5、ves自主体验设疑质疑1. T: next, I will play a magic trick(take some food or drinks with containers)把图片上的食物和饮料收下去,假装已经变成真的食物或饮料2. T: how do you say? Biscuit ? or :a bag of biscuit?3: with this method ,to introduce all the phrases: a bag of biscuits/ a packet of potato chips(noodles)/ a bottle of soft drink/ a

6、 carton of milk/ a box of chocolates/ a can of sausages(oil)4. read these phrases.5. (take out food or drinks that youve bring to classroom) ask some pupils come to the front to tell us : a bag of/ a packet of/ a bottle of / a carton of/ a box of / a can of如果上台展示的学生说对了手中的食物或饮料,老师奖励饼干,巧克力之类的零食。 使用变魔术

7、的方式,提高学生的注意力,引起学生兴趣。引出本课的知识重点。将真正的食物或饮料放在讲台上,教给学生用量词来形容带有包装的东西,学生的印象更深刻。Step 5 Pair work & group work合作探究Free talk: tell you classmates what is this ?(学习小组的同学把自己带的东西全部放在一起) if you are right, get one point. 10 points exchange a sweets with teacher.学生将自己采购的食物放在一起,互相分享,并说说加上包装的食物应该怎么表达Step 6 Practice s

8、how & report创设情境 展示交流Look at your book, take out your stickers, find out the right stickers and put it into the right blanks Then ,check the answer.回到书本上,检查学生对6个量词的掌握情况。板书设计Blackboard designpics:a packet of biscuits a carton of juice a can of sausages a box of chocolates a bottle of soft drink a bag of potato chips 教学反思What have you got after teaching?


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