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1、2022教师招聘-小学教师招聘考前拔高名师测验卷(附答案解析)1. 单选题:掌握学习理论认为,学生能力上的差异并不能决定他们能否成功掌握教学内容,而是取决于他们的( )A.学习积极性B.学习自觉性C.要花多少时间D.智力水平答案:C 本题解析:布卢姆认为,只要给予足够的时间,大多数学生都能学会学校中传授的课程。2. 问答题:简述小学德育的三个构成要素之间的关系。答案: 本题解析:小学德育是由政治教育、道德教育和思想教育三部分组成的,它们相互联系、相互促进又相互区别,各 自有其自身的特点与规律。政治、思想教育是目标、是方向,它们完成的是儿童发展的定向性任务,道 德教育则是基础、是关键,它完成的是

2、教学生做人的思想与行为上的准备。3. 判断题:?“江山社稷”中的“稷”在古代是指土地之神。()答案:错误 本题解析:“江山社稷”中的社指土地神,稷指五谷神,合起来代指祭祀。4. 填空题:一般来说,学习策略可以分为认知策略、元认知策略和 等三个方面。答案:资源管理策略, 本题解析:暂无解析5. 单选题:从狭义上说,信息技术是指以微电子技术、通信技术和( )为主干,结合集成电路技术、光盘技术、机器人技术、高清晰度电视技术等的综合技术。 A.计算机技术B.文字C.纸张D.印刷术答案:A 本题解析:信息技术主要以微电子技术、通信技术和计算机技术为主干。6. 填空题:“教师的劳动不直接创造物质财富,而是

3、以学生为中介实现教师劳动的价值。”这句话体现了教师劳 动的( )。答案:间接性, 本题解析:暂无解析7. 单选题:From massive beasts to tiny creepy-crawlies, these creatures have a reputation for being killersand they are! But their death tolls are not nearly as high as you might think.SharksFor decades, Hollywood blockbusters have portrayed sharks as to

4、othy killing machines with a taste for human flesh. But shark attacks, and fatalities, in particular, are probably much rarer than you think. Some species of sharks, like the whale shark and the basking shark, dont pose a threat to humans at all, despite looking pretty menacing. Even the species of

5、sharks responsible for the most attacks on humans (bull sharks, tiger sharks, and white sharks) dont actively seek to eat humans. They prefer the taste of fish and seals and can actually find humans difficult to digest. On average, sharks are responsible for six human deaths a year. Thats notably fe

6、wer than some much less maligned creatures, including hippopotamuses, elephants, and cows (yes, cows)! Find out some more animals that you didnt realize were more dangerous than sharks.Bears“Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” While the Cowardly Lion is the gentle giant who befriends Dorothys gang i

7、n The Wizard of Oz, bears are actually the least deadly of the three predators from this famous scene. It can be challenging to get a precise estimate of how many humans lions and tigers kill per year, but its always quite a bit higher than bears statistics. Estimates of human deaths by both lions a

8、nd tigers can range from 50 to 100, highest in countries such as Tanzania and India. Combined, brown and black bears only kill an average of one to three humans a year in their native United States and Canada.SpidersDont get us wrongblack widow spiders are deadly. But many types of spiderseven some

9、of the biggest and scariest-looking onesdont often bite and certainly cant kill you. Spider bites cause an average of seven human deaths per year in the United States. Thats fewer thanA.The lion is big in shape but kind in characterB.Estimates of human deaths by bears are wrongC.Lions,tigers and bea

10、rs are dangerous killersD.Tigers are the least deadly animals答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析8. 问答题:对羁押、服刑的未成年人的受教育权,中华人民共和国未成年人保护法是怎样规定的?答案: 本题解析:(1)羁押、服刑的未成年人没有完成义务教育的,应当对其进行义务教育。(2)解除羁押、服刑期满的未成年人的复学、升学、就业不受歧视。9. 单选题:贝多芬创作的唯一一部歌剧是()A.卡门B.魔笛C.图兰多D.费德里奥答案:D 本题解析:贝多芬创作的唯一一部歌剧是菲岱里奥。因此D项正确。10. 判断题:平衡能力除了与身体的结构完整和对称性有关外,还与前庭器官、视觉器官、本体感受器、大脑平衡调节、小脑共济协调以及肢体肌群力量、肌张力之间的相互平衡等密切相关。答案:正确 本题解析:暂无解析。


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