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1、完成句子训练一(2012朝阳一模)69. 该上课了,我们做好准备吧。 class.Lets .70. 我很高兴,你已经赶上了班里的多数同学。 that you .71. 今晚尽可能早睡,因为明天你必须早起。 Go to bed his evening because you must get up early tomorrow.72. 修理完桌椅后,我们才回家。 until we finished repairing the desks and chairs. 73. 为了保持健康,你不仅应该戒烟,而且应该考虑每天花点儿时间锻炼身体。In order to keep healthy, you

2、should taking exercise every day.完成句子训练二(2012东城一模)69. 莉莉,你怎么了?Lily, you?70. 我可以给他留个口信吗? a message to him?71. 杰瑞既学英语也学汉语。Jerry 72. 九点前完成作业是有可能的。 Before9 oclock.73. 为了赶上同学,他尽了最大的努力。In 完成句子训练三(2012昌平一模)69. 你的腿怎么了?让我看看。 _ your leg? Let me see.70. 英语老师对我们很好,而且她的课很有意思, 我们都喜欢她。My English teacher is friendl

3、y to us and her lesson is _ interesting _ we all like her. 71. 去年夏天,我在一所美国学校学习英语。那里和我们的学校一点都不一样。I studied in an American English school last summer. It_ like our school_ _.72. 彼得上个月花很多钱买了一辆新车。Peter _his new car last month.73. 妈妈经常说学习不是别人的事。如果我多读,不怕出错,她认为我肯定会成为英语能手。My mother often says study has noth

4、ing to do with others. . 完成句子训练四(2012房山一模)70. 到了上课的时间了。 _have classes.72. 你最好对自己严格要求。_ _ yourself.73. 雨下得真大,天放晴了飞机才起飞。It rain_. 完成句子训练五(2012密云一模)69. 我今天没时间去公园,明天怎么样? I have no time to go to the park today. _ tomorrow?71. 你最好每天骑车去上班,对你的身体有好处。 _ go to work by bike every day. Its good for your health.7

5、2. 昨天大家都在忙着为妈妈的生日聚会做准备。All of us _ mothers birthday party yesterday.73. 爸爸经常告诉我嘲笑那些处于困境的人是不礼貌的。Mother often _the people in trouble.完成句子训练六(2012大兴一模)69. 课间,你们最好去室外散散步。_go out for a walk during the break.70. 在日常生活中,向雷锋学习对我们来说是有益的。 _ learn from Lei Feng in our daily life.71. 我刚才看到他们正在操场上跑步。I _ on the p

6、layground just now.72. 玛丽检查得很仔细,在考试中她没犯任何错误。Mary checked so carefully _in the test.73. 恐怕这场大雨将迫使他们把运动会推迟到下周。Im afraid that _完成句子训练七(2012丰台一模)69. 快点,孩子们,该做早操了。Come on, children! for morning exercises. 70. 你看起来如此很累,为什么停下来歇一下呢?You look very tired. stop for a rest?71. 这个任务如此的简单以至于每个人都能按时完成。This task is

7、everyone can finish it on time. 72. 直到昨晚很晚爸爸回了家他才去睡觉。He his father came back home late last night.73. 我认为他这次考试不会取得好成绩,因为他没有准备好。 I in this exam because .完成句子训练八(2012海淀一模)69. 为什么不和我们一起去帮助别人呢? join us to help others?70. 电梯坏了,让我们走着上楼吧。 the lift. Lets walk upstairs.71. 提高我们的英语写作能力要花很长时间。 our English writ

8、ing skills.72. 作为一名北京青少年,了解如何把北京精神与我们日常生活联系起来是很必要的。As a teenager in Beijing, connect Beijing Spirit with our daily life.73. 当我们与别人意见不能达成一致时,我们最好既不要与人争吵也不要放弃自己的观点。We our own opinions when we cant reach an agreement.完成句子训练九(2012怀柔一模)69. 天气转暖了。出去野餐怎么样?Its getting warmer now._ going out for a picnic?70.

9、你怎么了?看上去你很着急。_ you? You look so worried.71.我们最好不要再浪费水了。We _ waste water any more.72 老师经常告诉我们不要在河里游泳。Our teacher often _ _ us _ _in the river.73. 持续上网很不利于人们的健康。_ peoples health_ _. 完成句子训练十(2012顺义一模)69. “五一”为什么不考虑去海南度假呢? _ _ consider going to Hainan on May Day holiday? 70. 乘车时我总是将座位让给需要的人。I always _ _

10、 anyone who needs on the bus. 71. 下一站是顺义站,请下车的乘客做好准备。The next station is Shunyi . Please _ _ your arrival.72. 这场篮球赛一结束,全场立刻沸腾了。The audience were all cheered up_ _ the basketball game ended . 73. 这个动画片太有意思了,逗得我儿子大笑不止,都没法跟我说话了。The cartoon was_.完成句子训练十一(2012通州一模)69. 雾这么大,为什么不呆在家里呢?How thick the fog is!

11、 _ _ stay at home?71. 你最好带把伞,天要下雨了。_ _ take an umbrella. It is going to rain.72. 哈利波特这本书太有趣了,我们都看得欲罢不能。Harry Porter is _ _ we cant stop reading it.73. 对家长来说,学会如何用正确的方式培养教育孩子们是很重要的。_ their children with the right ways.完成句子训练十二(2012平谷一模)70快点儿,该跑步了。 Hurry up, please. _run.71北京的春天与夏天一样美丽。Spring is _ sum

12、mer in Beijing.72. 为了节能我们应该人走灯灭。 In order to save energy, we should _.73. 青少年在成长过程中,既要学会面对各种问题,还要竭尽全力解决他们。Teenagers need to when they grow up. 完成句子训练十三(2012门头沟一模)69. 一收到他的来信我就会给你打电话。I will call you _ I hear from him.70. 他们在为妈妈的生日聚会准备。They _ their mothers birthday party.71. Ann害怕再次犯相同的错误。Ann _ the same mistake again.72. 昨晚直到十点孩子们才想出来一个好主意。The children _ ten oclock last night.73. Tony的父母过去经常花很多的时间告诉他如何去复习功课。Tonys parents


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