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1、Unit5 Speaking and listening 说课稿 曹雅霞学段学科:go for it 八(上)课题: Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Period 1 一、课标要求:能听懂正常语速、熟悉话题的语段,识别主题,获取主要信息;能听懂简单故事的情节发展,理解其中主要人物和事件;能引出话题并进行几个回合的交谈;能在教师的帮助下或根据图片简单描述自己或他人的经历;能在教师的指导下参与角色扮演等活动。二、教材分析:学习目标:1. 能正确使用 sitcom, news ,soap opera,mind,stand,educational,pl

2、an,hope等新词。 2. 谈论对不同类型的电视节目的看法与偏好。 3. 制定计划。 学习重、难点:1. 能准确运用新词汇。 2. 谈论对不同类型的电视节目的看法与偏好。 3. 在语言学习中把握文字传递的感情色彩如love,like,dont mind,dont like,cant stand等。4.初步学习不定式作宾语如hope to do,plan to do等三、学情分析:初二年级学生,活泼、热情、好动。英语基础一般,课上能配合老师完成老师布置的各项任务,课下不主动习复。学生们喜欢课堂上发言,不怕犯错,能主动找同学、老师帮忙,解决自己遇到的任何问题。四、设计原则:以听带说,以说促听,缓

3、解学生的焦虑,热情鼓励学生大胆开口。教师要善于引导,一张和蔼可亲的面容,一个信任与期待的眼神,一次真诚的表扬,都是降低焦虑感的妙药;改善英语学习环境,创造一个宽松、愉悦的课堂气氛,使学生产生说的愿望和自信,从而敢于开口、乐于开口。五、教法和学法: 教法: 听说法;情景交际法 学法: 听、说、读、写,任务型学习途径六、教学流程:Step 1. Lead in1. Watch a video.2. Do you like watching TV? Why or why not? Step 2. Learning1. Learn the kinds of TV shows in different

4、ways.a. By looking at the pictures.b. By guessing what kind of TV shows it is.2. Learn the meanings of faces.1.JJ_2.J_3.K_4.L_ 5.LL_Step 3. Listening1b. Listen and number the shows 1-4 in the order you hear themThen check the answers with the whole class.Step 4 Speaking a. PairworkDescription wordsi

5、nteresting boringrelaxing excitingeducational usefulwonderful helpingSuppose(假设) you want to watch TV. Now you ask your friend to join you. Make a conversation. (1c) A: What do you want to watch?B: What do you think of talk shows?A: Theyre OK. I dont mind them.B: Then lets watch a talk show.b. Quick

6、 response(快速反应) To learn more reasons1. I love Yao Ming. I hope to be a basketball player2. I like playing games and I like to guess the answers to the questions. I think this kind of shows are educational(有教育意义的).3. Im tired. I want to relax. I can learn some jokes (笑话) . I can laugh.4. I want to f

7、ind out whats going on around the world. I hope to be a TV reporter.5. I want to follow the story and see what happens next .c. Pairwork - What kind of TV shows do you plan to watch this weekend?- I plan to watch _ this weekend because _.Step 5 Listening1) 2a. Listen to Lin Hui and Sallys conversati

8、on. Number the TV shows 1-5 in the order you hear them.2) 2b. Listen again. Complete the sentences.3) Imitate(模仿) some sentences from 2a,2b.Step 6 SummaryStep7 Role play If time permit, please do this in class.A talk show( 即时访谈): 1、四人一小组,每个小组选出一名同学扮演主持人,其他人扮演节目嘉宾,模拟电视谈话节目。2、主持人询问嘉宾对各类电视节目的喜好以及原因。Rep

9、orter: Welcome to our talk show! Today lets talk about TV shows. What kind of TV shows do you like?A: R: Why do you like it/them?A: R: What do you think of ?B: R: Why?B: R : What do you plan to watch this weekend? / Do you want to watch?当堂检测I、我会写!1. 情景喜剧_2.新闻_3.肥皂剧_4.游戏节目_5. 体育节目_6.访谈节目_7.选秀节目_II、我能

10、表达!1. -What _ you think of soap operas?-I _ _ _.LL2. -What _ your classmates think of sports shows? -They _ _ _.K3. -What _ she think of my new shirt?- She _ _ _.L4. -What _ Tony think of the food? -He_ _.J5. -What _ they think of the cat? -They_ _.JJHomework 1.小练笔。用几句话写写自己对各类电视节目的偏好,并说明理由。_2. Interview your family about the TV shows. Then give us a report next time._七、教学反思: 本节课内容简单,音频、视频带给学生全方位的体验。学生学习积极、主动,乐于参加老师设计的各个教学任务。2


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