2019中考英语总复习 第二部分 题型突破四 动词填空题型专练(五四制)

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2019中考英语总复习 第二部分 题型突破四 动词填空题型专练(五四制)_第1页
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2019中考英语总复习 第二部分 题型突破四 动词填空题型专练(五四制)_第2页
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《2019中考英语总复习 第二部分 题型突破四 动词填空题型专练(五四制)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019中考英语总复习 第二部分 题型突破四 动词填空题型专练(五四制)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、五四题型专练用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空,必要时可加情态动词或助动词。(2018山东东营广饶模拟)Once there were two poor woodsmen living in the mountain. One day, they happened 1. (discover) two large bags of cotton. They thought the cotton was their gift 2. (leave) by God. They carried it on their back and 3. (go) back home.When they 4. (walk)

2、 home, one of the woodsmen saw a large bundle(捆) of cloth. He decided to give up the cotton and take the cloth instead. The other woodsman said, “We 5. (carry) the cotton for such a long way. Thats not worth.” So he insisted(坚持) on carrying the cloth. After walking for a while, they saw several jars

3、(罐) of gold on the ground. The woodsman who carried the cloth felt excited, “If I 6. (have) the gold, I will be a wealthy man.” So he gave up the cloth and carried the gold, while his partner still 7. (not agree) with him. He doubted whether the gold was real or not.Suddenly, it began to rain. Unluc

4、kily, the woodsman who carried the cotton found that his cotton was filled with water. It had become so heavy that he couldnt carry it. He had to give it up and went back home emptyhanded with his partner carrying gold.This story tells us that we 8. (use) our wisdom carefully to make the right choic

5、e. We should learn to watch a certain issue from different aspects and avoid 9. (be) stubborn(固执的). Sometimes, if we can change our mind, we 10. (get) a smoother way to success. Remember that all roads lead to Rome.参考答案1to discover2.left3.went4.walked5have carried6.have7.didnt agree8should use9.being10.will get1


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