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1、做试题,没答案?上自考365,网校名师为你详细解答! 全国2005年10月高等教育自学考试英语阅读(二)试题课程代码:00596请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上Section One Vocabulary (30 Points)I. Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B. Write the letter of the answer to each word in Column A on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 1 point for each)(A)(B)1. asses

2、sA. danger2. assembleB. skillful3. executeC. causing much argument or disagreement4. hazardD. obviously, clearly5. scarcityE. fix or put together6. regulatorF. judge the quality or worth of7. strategicG. carry out8. controversialH. easily harmed, hurt or wounded9. vulnerableI. a person who makes oth

3、ers to obey rules10. apparentlyJ. inadequate supply compared with demand. Read each of the following sentences carefully. Choose A, B, C or D that has the closest meaning to the underlined word or phrase and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 1 point for each)11. One im

4、portant reason for many of the accidents in the nuclear plants is that safety procedures were either inadequate or ignored.A. underestimatedB. overdoneC. unnoticedD. overlooked12. The third meaning of the term “foreign exchange” is that it covers, in a general way, the rates at which foreign exchang

5、e is quoted.A. removesB. concealsC. reportsD. treats13. As spring comes to Bering Sea, whales, seals and many other migrating animals are swimming southward through the Bering channels.A. travelingB. matingC. wanderingD. breeding14. Observation is much more precise beyond the atmosphere, because the

6、 sky is darker.A. apparentB. accurateC. impressiveD. enjoyable15. Forecasters have to take into account a broad diversity of themes.A. disagreement B. divisionC. varietyD. intensity16. The British government has been urged to make an inquiry into a nuclear plant because there have been too many acci

7、dents there.A. look intoB. ask aboutC. search forD. seek after17. The pilgrims had been to Jerusalem to worship the God when the tragedy happened.A. touristsB. worshipersC. viewersD. tramps18. Dr. Owen is taking the issue further by pressing for a scrutiny of the accident-prone plant itself.A. a sup

8、ervisionB. a solutionC. an inspectionD. a discussion19. In modern industry, water fulfills several essential functions.A. idealB. actualC. compulsoryD. necessary20. “Good writing”, says Harvard University historian Richard Marius, “is a kind of wrestling with thought.”A. trying hard to bring out ide

9、asB. trying hard with imaginationC. collecting informationD. striving for explanation. Scan the following passage and find the words which have roughly the meanings given below. Write the word you choose in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 1 point for each)Note: The numbers

10、in the brackets refer to the numbers of paragraphs in the passage.21. chemicals that form into chains of protein (1)22. suggested (1)23. a celestial object that lands on earth (2)24. scarce (3)25. persons who have different opinions and doubts (3)26. was in charge of (3)27. matter (4)28. large movin

11、g celestial bodies (4)29. let out (5)30. connect (6)(1) George Grow Scientists say they have found two unusual amino acids in ancient rocks in Denmark. They say their findings provide support for the idea that dinosaurs died after a huge space rock hit Earth sixty-five million years ago. The idea th

12、at dinosaurs died after a space crash was proposed in 1980 by scientists at the University of California at Berkeley.(2) Those scientists said a huge comet hit Earth at great speed. The crash created a large cloud of dust. The cloud blocked sunlight from reaching Earth. Without sunlight, Earths weat

13、her cooled sharply. The cold weather killed plants and other foods the dinosaurs ate. Soon, the animals were all dead.(3) The California scientists proposed this idea after finding large amounts of the element iridium. The element was in a layer of ground formed about the time dinosaurs died. Iridiu

14、m is rare on Earth. But large amounts are found in space objects such as asteroids and comets. Critics of this idea say the iridium may not have come from space. They say it could have been created by volcanoes on Earth. The latest study was headed by Jeffrey Bada and Meixun Zhao of the Scripps Inst

15、itution of Oceanography in California.(4) The scientists examined rocks from Stevns Klint in Denmark. They found large amounts of two unusual amino acids near a lager of iridium. The amino acids were in a layer formed about the same time dinosaurs died. The scientists looked for these substances in rocks from other time periods. They found none. The scientists noted that the two amino acids are found in meteorites, but are rare on E


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