老高考英语二轮对点集训:第三板块 第三部分 第一讲 记叙文 Word版含解析

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1、Cloze 1The calendar read December 15.It had been one of the hardest periods of my life.Being eight months pregnant with three little children,I just got the _1_ from my householder that we had to _2_ by January 10th,only 3 weeks to find another place.When my husband Don returned home from work,I _3_

2、 the news to him.Through the Christmas holiday,Don went househunting _4_ I attended to everything despite physical discomfort.Soon,the moving day arrived and it was _5_.Don was busy coordinating (协调) the men who had come to help.I packed alone _6_.The children were _7_ in an upstairs bedroom.Unfortu

3、nately,with all the toys packed away,soon all three were crying with _8_.The screaming children and the _9_ house reduced me to tears.I had never felt so _10_ in my life.“Are you okay?”One man asked with his eyes fixed on me.All I could do was _11_ my head and say yes._12_,I left the room quietly fo

4、r a moment.After regaining my _13_,I returned to face the tough tasks before me._14_,several women were busy packing and one even _15_ my children.Soon after,the trucks were _16_ with furniture and on the way to our new house.Upon arrival,I was not allowed to lift one _17_ for the rest of the night.

5、Our good neighbors helped us _18_ everything.After they finished,they disappeared into the night,not even _19_ a thank you.I have never seen most of those people again;I dont even remember most of their names.But I do remember the _20_ they showed me on a cold winter night when I needed it most.语篇解读

6、 作者通过讲述自己在寒冷冬夜里搬家并得到好心人帮助的故事,表达了对帮助过她的人的感谢和对善良的歌颂。1A.ideaBplanCmessage Dthought解析:C考查名词。根据下文的“to find another place”和“the news”可知,此处表示房东告诉了作者需要在三周后“搬出去”的“消息”,故选C。2A.turn up Bget throughCset off Dmove out解析:D考查动词短语。参见第1题解析。3A.stated BbrokeCannounced Dreported解析:B考查动词。break the news to sb.是固定短语,意为“最先向

7、某人透露坏消息”。根据上文可知,作者怀孕8个月,还有3个小孩子要照顾,因此在寒冷的冬天搬家确实是一个“坏消息”,故选B。4A.while BsinceCuntil Dafter解析:A考查连词。此处表示Don到处奔波寻找房子,而我忍着身体不舒服打理一切事务。此处while表示两个动作的对比,故选A。5A.cool BfreezingCwarm Dboiling解析:B考查形容词。根据文章最后的“they showed me on a cold winter night”可知,搬家的那天很冷,故选B。6A.in advance Bin needCin rain Din detail解析:A考查介

8、词短语。根据生活常识可知,搬家的时候需要先打包好行李,因此,此处表示作者在提前打包行李。故选A。7A.found BkeptCheld Dstored解析:B考查动词。根据常识可知,此处表示大人在搬家,孩子们被“留在”楼上的卧室里。故选B。8A.terror BhungerCboredom Dthirst解析:C考查名词。此处表示所有的玩具都被收起来了,孩子们没有玩具玩,很快就因为“无聊”而哭泣。故选C。9A.empty BshabbyCtidy Dmessy解析:D考查形容词。根据生活常识可知,搬家时家里肯定是“乱糟糟的”。故选D。10A.sad BpeacefulCsick Dregret

9、ful解析:A考查形容词。作者伤心落泪,肯定是感觉到非常“难过”。故选A。11A.shake BnodCturn Dlower解析:B考查动词。根据下文的“and say yes”可知,作者应该是“点头”。故选B。12A.Embarrassed BConfusedCWorried DAlarmed解析:A考查形容词。根据语境可知,作者当众难过落泪,自然感到“尴尬”,所以悄悄地离开了屋子。故选A。13A.balance BbeliefCconfidence Dcourage解析:D考查名词。此处表示当作者鼓起“勇气”重新回到屋里来面对搬家的艰难任务时,“很吃惊地”发现几个女人在忙着帮作者收拾东西

10、,还有一个人在“安慰”孩子们。故选D。14A.Ridiculously BCheerfullyCSurprisingly DHopefully解析:C考查副词。参见13题解析。15A.blaming BpraisingCteasing Dcomforting解析:D考查动词。参见13题解析。16A.flooded BcoveredCequipped Dloaded解析:D考查动词。此处表示很快,卡车“装满”了家具,开往新家。故选D。17A.leg BfingerCarm Dfoot解析:B考查名词。此处表示到那里后,大家都不允许作者动一根“手指”。此处使用夸张的手法,说明邻居都在帮忙,让作者休

11、息。故选B。18A.clean BmakeCsettle Dprepare解析:C考查动词。此处表示作者的好邻居帮助他们“安排好”一切。故选C。19A.waiting for Bturning down Clonging for Dtaking down解析:A考查动词短语。此处表示结束后,他们就消失在黑夜中,甚至不“等”作者说一句谢谢。故选A。20A.friendship BkindnessCsympathy Dhappiness解析:B考查名词。结合全文可知,这些邻居帮助作者搬家,给了作者在寒冷冬夜里最需要的“善意”。故选B。Cloze 2“I just think,a year ago,

12、at 54 years of age,I couldnt swim.I was terrified at the thought of going into the water.Now,I have just _1_ my 200 meters.It feels like a _2_,and it is all thanks to Everyday Swim.”Its never too late to learn swimming.Angela King,55,is a perfect _3_ of it.For years,she had to _4_ sitting on the sid

13、e of a pool watching her family splash(拍打着水游) around.Then in August 2016,the family went to an attraction they hadnt _5_ for 15 years.Angela thought,“I still cant _6_.When I get back home tomorrow,Im going to find out more about swimming _7_.”In the cold light of day,she felt a little _8_,but her hu

14、sband David searched the Internet for swimming classes.He found Everyday Swim at the local Haleigh pool and _9_ Angela to sign up.When she turned up for her first lesson,she felt a bit sick and _10_,but this soon passed.The instructor _11_ put her at ease,as did the other people in the class.They ca

15、me in all shapes and sizes,_12_ they were all feeling like her.As the lessons _13_,she started to become more _14_ in the water.At first,it was a simple _15_ of learning she wasnt going to sink.Then during the third lesson,the Olympic gold medal winner Duncan Goodhew turned up to offer _16_.“I couldnt believe it.He held my hand and we all held hands in a circle and splashed


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