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1、英语重难点语法第一讲句子构成成分分析 bH,* 句子构成O,oW 构成句子的成分共分为九种:主语,谓语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,补语,同位语和插入语。 F+zs*S 一、主语:句子的核心主体,一般位于谓语动词之前,表白一种句子是谁或何种状况所发出执行或是承受的。常做主语的有名词、代词、主语从句、V-ig、 do五种。o2d, 1名词:DGts Succss is thresult of good jdmen,+3Y+ Lif lihtsthe cndle of hoe.+UJuB代词: uc Wivanlean RzhWDbB Iubt, therefore I thnk. I hink, t

2、heefore I. -R 主语从句: Tz2-Bp Ho peonmters his ates ore mantthan whahs fate is. r_EMIuk Wat s orth oing is wrthdoing wel p!ft/A( V-ing: m+;Losin cn be a real bgnng. g0 Bleving iyourselfis the secet f succs. :S$lwh 5To do:%p&5:4Rein nrihour ind.P30 Hase maks wate Li 2Zp 2宾语从句: ,?BeGoasdetrmine what you

3、are goig to b _ neshoud learn to frgive. &Os: TUhs- 四、表语:接在系动词后,补充阐明主语的状况又称为主语补足语。常做表语的有名词、形容词、V-ing、Tdo、从句五种。 O:$ $1名词:Bz8 &R| Le is not abedof ros 4yMW: Toda s ouron sre psession. zIQzmf 形容词: (KgYjime is letiganda islog. oJ(Jat Chane i ontnt. Z_1!3V-g: tP zU Courae isoinwhat others thin o can do.

4、$2_K:p Life is pantn pcte, ntoing a sum.LR)K 4To do: 24|;7To chaettitue s to chae . Sf= The opruction ofn i o ie,nt o exs. N(H4$5从句: Ou,5 Tea maurfscessi h happywe re. 711(z Lve s w links wo sols. 4eerigap & 5Bautcotest veG 10ervicindustry,?=gGi 1Werscarcity &+;uZ- 1Srivalskills c7#j13Presscoference

5、 p$OD*f_b 14fetystandar q6)N*?15ifeinuc ,ViY.%N 16Weahra E=Wcb!1Rceptnde ABiC9Q0 8offeebrek w|GIl 19Boyguard # ITz!gE eattack CmL7 5 21Departenttor d(j Thestatin point f all achievetsis desre. AetA=4To do: ;/nx hereisn me to lse. jDpR_ nesreatstpwer te pwrt chos ?:JdRnH 定语从句: CH#kv Tha is a good book whic i openewithxectatonnd closed h rofit. cC:Sucsis aoces at eer ens. .h(DY( ClFxu 六、状语:修饰动词、形容词、副词或整句的词或句。按照功能分十一种:时间、地点、因素、目的、成果、方式、条件、让步、比较、随着、评注。常做状语的有副词 、状语从句 、状语从句省略构造 、o do 、V-ing 、-ed 六种。 XtOO 1副词: 8J(c=4G Still water runs dee. iPN!_ n houldhavecleal defined goals. kZ+ Excellenc


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