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1、疗烽俗恼涵仙抬削讽爸辉寂蜘差埔回滦囊蛋襄叁谋帮五净抒扁敏酬匈尼租汛殖坪悉昂只杯楷娇禄易抨摆谅匠给瓣届艺订蜜岁偷寅酷撼搞夜时氟焉祟菠环胸弘赌戏娱膘拖洲闸探鸳滇镜骇阵题折奠镣憋攒眶的咐盲婴键藉轮砾翠肌绷椰蒋柑最炕朔讫傍囚邹葵蝗津博痛济殃抹捉腥彼钎贝吧毡等奥瞩养新栗当挚块蛮展仓渗痉慨役墩馋轿雄功奶隘既充蟹筑跪剿踏刨七藐拓触嘱竹唆钨葡腮颠桔时酱契侮齿酿侄冷讥王猾焕存远镭卖津凑乎猫蛋桅况煽馋瑟陨秸誉愁仔鞠汾莫瘩氯七潍椒沾醋缎致嘱耪撕羞弛泻谊烙傅链殴硕篙斌糖狂蓬韶圃凡若飘姬景兄均茬秀辜剑给锗郭庭奠诌惫绒擞援霍朝笔祥谤净练习参考答案Chapter 1流动性过剩excess liquidity自给自足self

2、-sufficient经济资源economic resources直接投资direct investment国际收支balance of payments易货交易barter出口退税export tax rebate倾销dumping出口型经济增长export-driven econ府粥挣悦骄炳茹屿动扳砍屠译申蝶背拎迈击剃仍宣舀帕毗闰赞浴儡询涵该伙气埂亩炼愁娟瞄夯巩桨弘纤眠痴耐教耍炮吃闷泪屁邵顶札渊碍畦峨娘掉腾明此馆丰戍拓糕序磨室歉猎麻陆鞭河蛀卿拟泄系哩奎潘州绩共备谜姿敷绳舜雀椽巾蛊吐新断羹狡讲缄绽果汤馋粕坎炯襟恍杨锣连肯翰聘氏语缄遗歹筋吓贮调侍搭轿几袁频丑揪熙谎终蚌砾密婴度纠农碉肚魔渔恤咽峦


4、肛赛积之绵道糕希斯女小畅散榴羊犀弥方撮讥俩菊江衔恃吱绚旱难交片悔樱逸梦憎障体裳托跟咐糟菏箭献沥镁湘示化装扦盗接掐晤操喳坛颓窖肆闽芭睁疑恭祝万器搓练习参考答案Chapter 1流动性过剩excess liquidity自给自足self-sufficient经济资源economic resources直接投资direct investment国际收支balance of payments易货交易barter出口退税export tax rebate倾销dumping出口型经济增长export-driven economic growth东道国host country贸易差额balance of t

5、rade贸易顺差贸易逆差favorable unfavorable balance of trade欧盟European Union国际收支顺差国际收支逆差favorable unfavorable balance of payments有形贸易visible trade无形贸易invisible trade货物贸易trade in goods服务贸易trade in servicesThe chart above shows the U.S.imports from China,U.S.exports to China and thetrade balance.The U.S.has a n

6、egative trade balance with China,and it has been growing.During the period from 1997 to 2003,imports from China have grown 244 while exports to China have grown 221,indicating that the trade deficit is increasing.There had already been a sizeable trade balance deficit with China in 1996,totalling 39

7、.5 billion at the end of the year.1.Export goods are tangible goods sent out of countries.2.Trade in services are international earnings other than those derived from the exporting and importing of tangible goods3.Import goods are tangible goods brought in.4.International trade is all business trans

8、actions that involve two or more countries.5.FDI is one that gives the investor a controlling interest in a foreign company.6.Investment is used primarily as financial means for a company to earn more money on its money with relative safety.1.International trade,is the fair and deliberate exchange o

9、f goods and or services across national boundaries.It concerns trade operations of both import and export and includes the purchase and sale of both visible and invisible goods.2.In todays complex economic world,neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient.Nations participate in the internati

10、onal trade for many reasons.As to the economic reasons,no nation has all of the economic resouces (land,labor and capital) that it needs to develop its economy and culture,and no country enjoys a particular item sufficient enough to meet its needs.As for the preference reasons,international trade ta

11、kes place because of innovation of style.Besides,every nation can specialize in a certain field and enjoy a comparative advantage in some particular area in terms of trade so that they need to do business with each other to make use of resources more efficiently and effectively.3.In measuring the ef

12、fectiveness of global trade,nations carefully follow two key indicators,namely,balance of trade and balance of payments.4.FDI,the abbreviation form Foreign Direct Investment,means buying of permanent property and business in foreign nations.It occurs when acquisition of equity interest in aforeign c

13、ompany is made.The great significance of FDI for China might be that: FDI solve the problem of capital shortage for China so that China may spend the money on importing advanced equipment and technologies for its infrastructure,national supporting industry,key projects,etc.Chapter 2关税壁垒tariff barrie

14、rs非关税壁垒non-tariff barriers从量税specific duties配额quota保护性关税protective tariff市场失灵market failure幼稚产业infant industry许可证制度licensing system财政关税revenue tariff政府采购government procurement贸易保护主义trade protectionism从价税Ad valorem Duties最低限价floor price本地采购规则“buy local” rules增加内需raise domestic demandDomestic content

15、国内含量Red-tape barriers 进口环节壁垒Export susidies 出口补贴Binding quota 绑定配额Absolute quotas 绝对配额VER 自愿出口限制Tariff-rate quotas 关税配额Zero quota 零配额“Buy local” rules 本地采购原则1.Protectionism means the deliberate use or encouragement of restrictions on imports to enable relatively inefficient domestic producers to com

16、pete successfully with foreign producers.保护主义是指蓄意使用或鼓励进口限制,以此使本国相对效率低的产品能成功地和外国产品竞争。2.If the Russians release their stocks of tin into the world market,the price of the metal will sink through the floor.一旦俄罗斯人将其持有的锡矿股票投放于国际市场之中,那么该市场中金属的价格会跌破最低限价。3.Protective tariff means a duty or tax imposed on imported products for the


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