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1、1单眼线索Monocular cues (单眼线索)Our brain also uses information from the stimulus that does not involve our use of both eyes视空间知觉的线索包括单眼线索和双眼线索。单眼线索主要强调视觉刺激本身的特点,双眼线索则强调双眼的协调活动所产生的反馈信息的作用。单凭一只眼睛即可利用单眼线索(monocular cue)而相当好地感知深度,艺术家们特别擅长利用单眼线索制造作品中的深度等空间关系。单眼线索很多,其中主要的有如下几种。(1)对象的相对大小(2)遮挡(occlusion)(3)质地梯度

2、(4)明亮和阴影(5)线条透视(6)空气透视(7)运动视差(8)眼睛的调节2知觉解释1)Is perception innate or acquired?Restored Vision (视觉恢复)Figure-ground InbornShape, form, depth, motion perceptionexperienceSensory Deprivation (感觉剥夺)Conclusion: There is a critical period shortly after birth when certain stimulation must take place for norm

3、al sensory and perceptual development.2)How flexible is our perceptual system once it is formed?Perceptual adaptation (知觉适应): adjustment in perception in correspondence to changed visual input.Distorted goggles experiments (变形眼镜实验)3知觉定势Perceptual Set (知觉定势)Our experiences, assumptions, and expectati

4、ons (i.e., learned schema) may give us a mental readiness to perceive things in a certain way. 知觉定势是由过去经验和环境中事物之间的关系而产生的对感知世界的一种知觉启动. :因为以前的经验和知觉的影响,而产生的对以后事情发生是的一定模式的反映思维与语言4思维的定义mental activity associated with processing, understanding, and communicating information思维(或认知),是所有与信息加工,理解,记忆和交流相关联的心理活

5、动。5思维的三要素1)心理表象 Mental Images (mental representations of a previously stored sensory experience, including visual, auditory, etc.) 2)概念(Concepts)A mental grouping of persons, places, ideas, events, or objects that share common properties Priming:When one concept is activated, others nearby in the ne

6、twork are primed 3)语言Language(a form of communication using sounds and symbols combined according to specified rules)6问题解决策略1)Trial & error:试错法,尝试错误:一种通过尝试各式各样的方法或理论直到错误被充分地减少或杜绝从而达到正确的解决方法或令人满意的结果的方法 2)Algorithm:A systematic, step-by-step problem-solving strategy, guaranteed to provide a solution算法

7、:通过按部就班的程序使结果得以论证或使问题得以解决3)Heuristic:A rule of thumb that allows one to make judgments that are quick but often in error直觉:采取简单的策略解决问题4)Insight 顿悟:突然的灵感7问题解决障碍1)思维定势Mental Sets(persistence in using strategies that have worked in the past) 2)功能定势:指人常常带有一种倾向,即总以为认知对象的功能和作用是固定的,一成不变的.Functional Fixedne

8、ss(thinking of an object as only functioning in its usual way) 3)证实偏见:问题解决中的一种主要障碍,即倾向于搜集可以证实自己观点的信息资料Confirmation Bias(preferring information that confirms preexisting positions or beliefs, while ignoring contradictory evidence)4)信念保持Belief Perseverance(The tendency to cling to beliefs even after t

9、hey have been discredited)5)直觉Heuristics代表性直觉:一句描述特定圆形的代表成都来判断事物的相似性Representativeness Heuristicestimating the probability of something based on how well the circumstances match (or represent) a previous prototype易得性直觉:依据记忆所提供的信息的可用性来判断事物Availability Heuristic(judging the likelihood of an event base

10、d on how readily availableother instances are in memory)8语言三要素1)语声Phoneme(smallest unit of speech or sound)2)语意Morpheme(smallest meaningful unit of language)3)语法Grammar(rules specifying how phonemes, morphemes, words, and phrases should be combined to express thoughts (Syntax(rules for word order) S

11、emantics(system of using words to create meaning))9对话距离定义:Distances people try to keep between themselves and others at different occasions.Four Zones of Interaction:1st Zone: Intimate Distance2nd Zone: Personal Distance3rd Zone: Social Distance4th Zone: Public Distance10非言语行为非语言交际行为是指语言范畴以外的行为表现形式主

12、要包括目光控制、手势、身体动作、头部动作、面部表情、身体距离、沉默等等.分类:the words we speak or things we do.Adaptors/manipulators are nonverbal behaviors we engage in to help our bodies adapt to the environment around us, occur as a reaction to an individuals physical or psychological state.Emblems are nonverbal behaviors that conve

13、y a message by themselves.Facial expression for feelings.Regulators are nonverbal behaviors we engage in to regulate the flow of speech during a conversation,e.g., Head nods, eye contact, postural shifts, back channel signals, etc8语言获取 .BirthCooing, crying, gurgling.4-6 monthsBabbling咿呀语期.12 monthsF

14、irst words单词语期.2 yrs & up双词语期Telegraphic speech电报式语言Overextension外延过宽(婴幼)在概念形成过程中普遍存在的一种言语现象。他们受知识经验水平限制,思维概括水平不高,对概念内涵认识不清,缩小了概念内涵的范围,从而在 概念形成时导致外延过宽,如把苹 也当作“蔬菜”。这种现象在婴儿身上特别常见,随年龄的增长、知识经验的增加及抽象概括能力的提高,逐渐消失,为科学概念所代替。帮助儿童克服外延过宽的方法是丰富儿童的词汇,多进行各种事物之间的比较,使他们逐渐能区分概念与概念之间的异同。)No one disputes the stages of

15、 language developmentThere are two main questions in terms of what it all meansIs language acquisition a product of nature or nurtureSkinner vs. Chomsky.Skinner: Children learn language the way animals learn mazes.Chomsky: The brain is hard-wired for learning lang.Critical period.During the first fe

16、w years of life, we are most receptive to language learning.What comes first thought or language?Both: sometimes children use words to communicate what they already know and sometimes they form concepts to fit the words they hear9双语思维个体的脑Bilingual Individuals Brain (Kim, Relkin, & Lee, 1997).Late bilinguals: exposed to


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