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1、SSD9软件工程课程实验指导书西北工业大学软件与微电子学院第一部分 SSD9软件工程课程实验计划及总目标一、 试验计划注:本试验课程无验证性实验,均为设计性实验以及做课程设计的综合性实验。实验内容及要求序号项目名称实验内容输出要求实验时数备 注1实验准备单元介绍实验课程安排,团队分组。课程计划表、分组信息表1试验一2实验课程准备单元熟悉UML等建模工具和开发环境,了解团队开发工具,如CVS、Junit等,软件文档规格要求等。无6试验二3需求分析单元以学期项目为例,了解用户需求按软件工程方法设计软件,形成需求规格说明文档。需求规格说明文档6试验四4概要设计单元进行学期项目概要设计概要设计说明书8

2、试验五5详细设计单元进行学期项目详细设计详细设计说明书8试验六6编码单元进行学期项目编码实现、联调可运行系统8后期进行7测试单元单元测试、集成测试、系统测试测试报告4后期进行8传统软件工程实验单元了解传统软件工程中的其他方法,如数据流图、流程图等。各种相应文档4试验三二、 总目标通过本实验课旨在使学生初步具备实际的软件开发技能和管理能力,以丰富的实验手段,深化软件工程课程基本概念理解,将理论运用到实际,培育学生初步的软件开发工程管理的思想和方法,掌握开发软件的基本规律。通过本试验课,使学生具体掌握如下内容:1、掌握软件项目开发的工程化思想和模型,并能运用到实际的项目中。2、熟悉一个UML建模工

3、具的使用。熟悉一个系统开发环境(包括集成测试工具和版本控制工具)。3、明确各软件开发阶段的任务和输出要求。5、掌握项目各开发阶段,主要是面向对象的分析和设计阶段的方法。6、熟悉传统软件工程基本方法。第二部分 实验部分实验一 Prepare Unit And SE Base conceptions Part1一、实验目的及要求(见试验内容部分,略)二、实验预习内容p1p30三、实验内容1、介绍实验课程安排,团队分组。2、熟悉UML等建模工具和开发环境,了解团队开发工具,如CVS、Junit等,软件文档规格要求等。3、完成以下试验题目:1)You are a software-engineerin

4、g consultant. The executive vice-president of a publisher of paperback books wants you to develop a software product that will carry out all the accounting orders and inventory in the various company warehouses. Computers are required for 18 accounting clerks, 27 order clerks, and 37 warehouses cler

5、ks. In addition, 16 managers need access to the data. The president is willing to pay $25,000 for the hardware and the software together and wants the complete software product in 4 weeks. What do you tell him? Bear in mind that your company wants his business, no matter how unreasonable his request

6、. 2) (Term Project)Suppose that the product for Ophelias Oasis of Appendix A has been implemented exactly as described. An additional 12 rooms are being added to the building. In what ways will the exiting product have to be changed? Would it be better to discard everything and start again from scra

7、tch? 实验二 SE Base Conceptions Part2:Life-cycle models、CMM and Others一、实验目的及要求了解传统软件工程中的其他方法,如数据流图、流程图等。进一步掌握软件工程的基本概念和模型。二、实验预习内容 p31p53三、实验内容1、Assume that the programmer in the Winburg mini case study had used single-precision numbers from the beginning. Draw the resulting evolution tree.2、(Term Pro

8、ject) Which software life-cycle models would you use for the Ophelias Oasis product described in Appendix A? Give reasons for you answer.3、 Maintenance is the most important activity of software production and the most difficult to perform. Nevertheless, it is looked down on by many software profess

9、ionals, and maintenance programmers often are paid less than developers. Do you think that this is reasonable? If not, how would you try to change it?4、(Term Project) What differences would you expect to find if the Ophelias Oasis product of Appendix A were developed by an organization at CMM level

10、1, as opposed to an organization at level实验三 SE Base Conceptions Part3:Development Organization、SQA and Reuse Model一、实验目的及要求了解软件开发的组织方式,SQA的基本概念,掌握复用和测试等基本概念和方法。二、实验预习内容p54p65三、实验内容1、To compare two different team organization, TO1 and TO2, within a large software company, the following experiment is

11、 proposed. The same software product will be built by two different teams, one organized according to TO1 and the other according to TO2. The company estimates that each team will take about 18 months to build the product. Give three reasons why this experiment is impractical and unlikely to yield m

12、eaningful results.2、(Term Project) What type of team organization would be appropriate for developing Ophelias Oasis product described in Appendix A?3、A software development organization currently employ 94 software professionals, including 19 managers, all of whom develop as well as test software.

13、Later figures show that 27 percent of their time is spent on testing activities. The average annual cost to the company of a manager is $144,000, whereas nonmanagerial professionals cost $107,000 a year on average; both figures include overhead. Used cost-benefit analysis to determine whether a sepa

14、rate SQA group should be set up within the organization.4、You are the SQA manager at Hardy Hardware, a regional chain of 754 hardware stores. Your organization is considering buying a stock-control package for use throughout the organization. Before authorizing the purchase of the package, you decid

15、e to test it thoroughly. What properties of the package do you investigate?5、 (Term Project) Explain how you would test the utility, reliability, robustness, performance, and correctness of the Ophelias product in Appendix A.6、Determine the cohesion of the following modules:edit_profit_and_tax_recordedit_profit_record_and_tax_record7、Your manager now asks you to determine how existing modules can be reused. Your first suggestion is to break each modules with coincidental cohesion i


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