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1、On Reproduction of Childishness in Childrens Literature Translation1. DIRECTIONS FOR LEARNERS1) Analyze the data in no less than 1,000 words by using one or some of the methods recommended in Step 2 and Step 3 of Stage 7 in Writing Your BA Paper Through Practical Translation Project Design. The anal

2、ysis should be based on the examples from the data, or no less than 3 samples from each category of the data.2) The heading for this section has been given. You may decide on your own subheadings if there are any.3) Insert your analysis of the data in paragraphs, tables, diagrams or listings in the

3、space below.4. Data Analysis The childishness is a decisive role in childrens literature translation. The readers of Childrens literature are the children. So childrens literature translation must be read smoothly by the children, and it is also very interesting. The childishness is embodied in the

4、significance equivalence. And it is achieved by a certain vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric. However, there are the differences in the expression of two languages, sometimes the charm of the original language can not be directly transplanted, It usually requires to use the functional equivalence of t

5、he means. Changing appropriately can reproduce creatively a functional equivalence. The childishness is also embodied the typical style of childrens literature.4.1Significance equivalence4.1.1 Vocabulary levelIn vocabulary, childrens literature can create more childishness though interjections. Cons

6、ider the following example:“Yippeeeeeeeeee!” he shouted. “Three cheers for Charlie! Hip, hip, hooray!” (Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, 1998: 49) “好啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!”他高声欢呼,“为查理三呼万岁!万岁,万岁,万万岁!”(查理和巧克力工厂,2004: 58) The translator doesnt transliterate the grandfathers surprising cheers, but use the common Chi

7、nese word “万岁” ,it is right to convey the original meaning of the exclamations, and this get the form equivalence, so that the old grandfathers ecstatic is described completely.Chinese and English are two very different languages, the two languages are formed in a long literary tradition of distinct

8、ive customs and language means. Reduplicated words can always be used as a major feature in Chinese. It is also used high frequency in childrens literature. When translated childrens literature may use the Chinese characteristics feature appropriately, children readers can accept more easily. Ren Ro

9、ngrong used extensively more reduplicated words. Such as”高高地、深深地、久久、拖拖拉拉、磨磨蹭蹭、嘎吱嘎吱and the reduplicated words makes translation to be filled by childishness.4.1.2 Grammar levelThere is a special way to show the child psychology in childrens literature in the grammar level .Such as inversion. it will

10、cause a vivid translation. For example:“Up we go!” she shouted (Georges Marvelous Medicine, 1998: 38) “好啊,妙啊,我要长高!”她欢呼道。 (小乔治的神奇魔药,2004: 44)the original text emphasized the girls excitement for her height , so Ren Rongrong added, 好啊,妙啊l in the translation to stand out the persons emotions. Inversion

11、 can increase the languages beauty. 4.2 The typical style of childrens literature4.2.1 Easily understandableDuring the early time of childrens literature, there was a misunderstanding. Children were simply regarded as the reduction form of adults and so was childrens literature. The obscure wording

12、made the works quite difficultly to be understood and accepted by the children readers. Thus, in the translated versions, there were many “old children” who were unacceptable by the real children readers. Therefore, about the style of childrens literature, being easily-understood is very important.

13、For example: Mr.Dursle had been hugged by a complete stranger. He also thought he had been called a Muggle, whatever that was. He was rattled. He hurried to his car and set off home, hoping he was imagining things, which he had never hoped before, because he didnt approve of imagination. 德思礼先生站在原地一动

14、不动 ,仿佛生了根。他刚刚被一个完全陌生的人搂过。他还想到自己被称做“麻瓜”,不知这是什么意思。他心乱如麻 ,连忙朝自己的汽车跑过去 ,开车回家。他希望这一切只是幻象 ,他从来没有幻想过什么 ,因为他根本不赞同幻想.(苏农译 ,2000:3)This paragraph describes Mr. Dursle, who was thought normally himself, was hugged by a wizard and was in a whirl. He hoped what happened were just imagining things. But this went

15、against with his normal habits because he never approved of imagination. In the version, the translator used homophones “幻象” and“幻想”to show Mr. Dursles complex mood feeling to let the readers catch the writers exact meaning and show the fluency of wording. Therefore, it is a style suitable for readi

16、ng and accepted by children readers.4.2.2 Humorous and wittyHere, being humorous and witty means childrens temperament and interests. This is often reflected through certain words, phrases, grammar and rhetoric. To figure out the charm of the source text and transmit the exact meanings to the target readers, We will discuss this according the following examples: Even Stans pimples w


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