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1、2015年度最新广播电视大学(电大)期末考试土木工程力学(本)课程重点综合练习试题一、 判断题 1 图示为刚架的虚设力状态,按此力状态及位移计算公式可求出A处的转角。( )2图示结构用位移法计算的基本未知量是3。 ( ) 3 超静定结构的力法基本结构是唯一的。( )4汇交于某结点各杆端的力矩分配系数之比等于各杆端转动刚度之比。( )5超静定结构的内力与材料的性质无关。( )6力法典型方程的等号右端项不一定为0。( ) 7对称结构在反对称荷载作用下,对称轴穿过的截面只有反对称的内力。( )8在结构动力计算中,振动体系的振动自由度等于质点的数目。 ( )9静定结构的内力和反力与杆件截面的几何尺寸有

2、关。 ( )10静定结构弯矩影响线是由直线段组成的。解析: 1 234 5 6 78910二、 单项选择题1简支梁某截面K弯矩影响纵坐标yK的物理意义是()。A 单位荷载的位置B 截面K的位置C 截面K的弯矩D A、C同时满足 2图示超静定结构的超静定次数是( )A 3 B 4 C 5 D 63超静定结构产生内力的原因( )A 荷载作用 B 支座位移 C 温度变化 D 以上原因都可以4结构位移计算时虚设力状态中的荷载可以是:( )A 任意值(除0外)B 1C 正数 D 负数5结构位移计算公式利用什么推导的( )A 功的互等定理B 虚位移原理C 虚功原理 D 反力互等定理6用位移法计算超静定结构

3、时,独立的结点角位移数等于( )A 铰结点数 B 刚结点数C 多余约束数 D 不确定7在图示结构中,使体系自振频率减小,可以( )A 减小 B 减小mC 减小EID 减小l8求图示结构AB两点的相对线位移,虚设力状态为图( )9与杆件的传递弯矩有关的是( )A 分配弯矩 B 传递系数C 分配系数 D 结点位移10 用位移法解超静定结构其基本未知量的数目等于( )A 独立的结点位移数目 B 刚结点数目C 线位移数目 D 超静定次数解析: 1C 2C 3D 4D 5C 6D 7C 8A 9D 10A三、作图题1.作图示静定梁的弯矩图。解析:2.做下图所示结构的弯矩图,各杆杆长为。解析:四、用力法计

4、算图示结构,并作弯矩图。EI=常数。 解析:(1)基本体系及未知量如图(a)所示。 (a)基本体系 (b) (c) (2) 列力法方程 (3) 作图,图 。(4) 计算d11、D1P,解方程。 (5) 作图 M图五、用力法计算图示结构,作弯矩图。EI=常数。解:(1) 一次超静定,基本体系和基本未知量,如图(a)所示。 (2) 列力法方程 (3) 作图,见图(b) 作图,见图(c) (4) 计算d11、D1P(kN)- (a) (b) (c)(5) 作图 六、用位移法计算图示刚架,列出典型方程,求出系数项。EI=常数。 解析:令 基本体系 典型方程 七、用位移法计算图示刚架,列出典型方程,求出

5、系数项。EI=常数。解析:这是一个结点角位移的结构,取基本体系如下图所示。典型方程基本体系令 图单位弯矩图中, 根据结点平衡, 可得 图 在荷载弯矩图 ,根据结点平衡,可得恋爱运UP一绪Lets月亭方正!気持今Flying Get!dou都斗豆逗陡抖痘兜读蚪窦篼蔸乧侸兠凟剅吺唗投斣枓梪橷毭氀浢渎渎瞗窬窦脰艔豆读逾郖酘酡钭鋀钭閗闘阧餖饾斗鬦鬪鬬鬭du读度毒渡堵独肚镀赌睹杜督都犊妒顿蠹笃嘟渎椟牍黩髑芏儥凟剢剫匵厾噣土涂妬嬻剬塅媏彖断毈瑖碫篅簖缎专腶葮褍踹躖锻鍴Mr Najib met search crews at Pearce RAAF base near Perth on Thursday m

6、orning, before their planes left for the day, and then later held talks with Mr Abbott.The disappearance of MH370 has tested our collective resolve, he told a news conference.Faced with so little evidence, and such a Herculean task, investigators from Malaysia, the US, the UK, China, Australia and F

7、rance have worked without pauseHe thanked both search teams and the Australian government for their efforts in recent weeks, and said the search would go on.Continue reading the main storyMH370 - Facts at a glance 8 March:Malaysia Airlines Kuala Lumpur-Beijing flight carrying 239 people disappears P

8、lanes transponder, which communicates with ground radar, was switched off as it left Malaysian airspace Satellite pings indicate plane was still flying seven hours after satellite contact was lost 24 March:Based on new calculations, Malaysian PM says beyond reasonable doubt that plane crashed in sou

9、thern Indian Ocean with no survivors What we know The search for flight MH370I know that until we find the plane, many families cannot start to grieve. I cannot imagine what they must be going through. But I can promise them that we will not give up, he said.Malaysian authorities have come in for he

10、avy criticism over their management of the search, especially from relatives of thWeather conditions were fair, with visibility of approximately 10km (6 miles), the Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) - which is overseeing the search - said.The British submarine HMS Tireless is also in the south

11、ern Indian Ocean and is due to be joined by Royal Navy ship HMS Echo.The Australian Navy ship Ocean Shield is heading to the region and has equipment for detecting the planes black-box flight recorder.Experts say timing is critical as the flight recorder may only have enough battery power to send ou

12、t a signal until 7 April.Air Chief Marshall Angus Houston, head of the JACC, warned that the search operation faced multiple difficulties.This is one of the most demanding and challenging search and rescue operations, or search and recovery operations, that I have ever seen and I think probably one

13、of the most complex operations of this nature that the world has ever seen, he told Mr Najib and Mr Abbott.On Wednesday Malaysian police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said investigators had cleared all passengers of possible involvement in hijacking, sabotage or having personal or psychological problems that could have been connected to the disappearance.But he said that the criminal investigation could go on and on and on. We have


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