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1、一、词组翻译:小声说话_talk quietly 认真听_listen carefully_排队_line up_ 慢步行走_walk slowly_在博物馆_at the museum 许多事_a lot of things_拨119求救_call 119_ 在走廊里排队line up in the corridors大声说话_talk loudly_ 快步下楼walk down the stairs quickly在警察局_at the police station 你真棒_good for you_捡起_pick up_ 大声呼救_shout for help_把它给警察_give it

2、 to the police闻到烟味_smell the smoke_丢了我的钱包_lose my wallet 当心_be careful_一个好主意_good idea_ 掉下一个袋子_drop the bag_为她拿些书carry some books for her扶一个老人_take an old mans arm为他做午饭make lunch for him 头痛_have a headache_穿过街道_across the street_ 帮助许多人_help a lot of people捡到一些钱_find some money_ 捡起一些书_pick up some bo

3、oks_将它归还_give it back_ 将伞给Pat_give the umbrella to Pat努力工作_work hard_ 一双鞋_a pair of shoes_起床_get up_ 洗碗_wash the dishes_第二天早晨_the next_morning 去睡觉_go to bed_晾衣服_hang up the clothes_ 发烧_have a fever_另一双鞋_another shoes_ 逃跑_run away_做新衣服_make new clothes_ 做鞋子_make shoes_那天晚上_at that night_ 买一双鞋_buy a p

4、air of shoes_许多事物_a lot of things_ 旧照片_old photos_五十年前_50 years ago_ 许多工厂_lots of factories_没有地铁_no subway_ 十分不同_quite different_两条隧道_two tunnels_ 三座桥_three bridges_一些高楼_some buildings_ 四条高速公路_four highways_五个港口_five harbours_ 8个渡船码头_eight ferry piers10年前_ten years ago_ 去医院_go to hospital_拜访城市_visit

5、 the city_ 坐小车去_by car_走路去学校_walk to school_ 去乡_go to the countyside_留在这里_stay here_ 许多花_lots of flowers_坐火车去_by train_ 去上学_go to school_去机场_go to the airport_ 在操场排队_line up in the playground拨打120求救call 120 for help 快步行走walk quickly_在图书馆_at the library_ 去电影院_go to the cinema_为她拿一个袋子carry a bag for her整理Tom的书包pack Toms bag_把它给老师give it to the teacher丢了他的光盘机lose his Discman一双袜子_a pair of socks_ 做新鞋_make new shoes_呆在家_stay at home_ 到达火车站get the train station乘坐地铁_take the subway_ 坐飞机_by plane_


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