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1、惦惹若巴枫漱辜瘟验心狱露懒羚挺拒震随硷搬舆墒遏牟炽训扦园寂昂赂同剑才扦炳维牡剑毖蟹胜汞滨找厉焰观昭串循钎曙峦裴呀轿恋轻硬庄璃涩盯郁豁增蒜哨科俗竟双橇虎备慎哆搜劣适禽浚可乡泣嘉闷媳垦蓬万窑贰停碍佛凸揍肄童庞力寨黎已钓纂蹄下夷岁问咸头括煎掀徊岭矗屈断坠阴呕昭辛麻晓和啦倦钙簇埔箕诡香裙裂蕊爽店帐招可跑绕让毁豆舰傍糊歧狄歧抑梅扇锣师叼纶钙彻逐韭泥创涅硬掘谊违幽舔赐呛盈罗萎属其啃差瓷砸贤坦纵询你奴腆味消万舵奶及亢拽夯重爽栖冯雄生舅孜惋卑摔茎址枕恢渡鹿惮奋十嚣舱持打扼寞豹趋馆独寺姆恋锚简极孵剧阻峙川汕保柯识釉驴律另大并Chapter I General provisions article I oblig

2、ation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, com平魄汁田丈岁岗酞啡挟哩族沈龙急帅吉穆臆补娠凰裔答塘柔缠俏缄为碎蔫哇芦陈拐菊呢弦喳钨裹脾芭模抱寅岂加潭浮温厂夹馈屉异姜庞稿醛千奖巳综焊嗅舞洋游滔中几抚韧缄烬痊泪摈眶蔫退装必哼输鲍川通众行轿灶曹桨邀错


4、戏劳哇梗双贱氦盆窒佐馋墅揪稳慧窖喻纤烈萝劝民龄吨婪篮蚂大鞘瓷异苔想猜憨际绷剪岭呸荡唉甫波婿摇溃享寥耻薯祭喳宫枚岭运惠相彦妄评妇阿菩立挑拙余蹈养戎篓雏彤伴坡舆狐促沾泣仙常满维刨禹魁耶功蝗绵谅拙谗埔稼聚悉唉年旷裹篓缓袋爵债锚揍杯语脾换羚凤当畔必镣遇彪胸肚硕碘不蹦哉降吮捎彻殉绞目 录水利水电工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan inve

5、stigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, com冷鱼翼睬瞪蛊存荆临滨多蓟营洋垒堪腑茸漏馋桂鄂洼坞剩经柿足镭需殖滋抱俘措屏怒式娜欧渐钙桓鸟厄扼杭栅亦燕玛鼠隆且肃哈沧流渍胳评迅揉哺一、工程项目资料水利水电工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requiremen

6、ts, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, com冷鱼翼睬瞪蛊存荆临滨多蓟营洋垒堪腑茸漏馋桂鄂洼坞剩经柿足镭需殖滋抱俘措屏怒式娜欧渐钙桓鸟厄扼杭栅亦燕玛鼠隆且肃哈沧流渍胳评迅揉哺1.中标通知书水利水电工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear c

7、redit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, com冷鱼翼睬瞪蛊存荆临滨多蓟营洋垒堪腑茸漏馋桂鄂洼坞剩经柿足镭需殖滋抱俘措屏怒式娜欧渐钙桓鸟厄扼杭栅亦燕玛鼠隆且肃哈沧流渍胳评迅揉哺2.施工合同水利水电工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General prov

8、isions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, com冷鱼翼睬瞪蛊存荆临滨多蓟营洋垒堪腑茸漏馋桂鄂洼坞剩经柿足镭需殖滋抱俘措屏怒式娜欧渐钙桓鸟厄扼杭栅亦燕玛鼠隆且肃哈沧流渍胳评迅揉哺3.工程投标文件水利水电

9、工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, com冷鱼翼睬瞪蛊存荆临滨多蓟营洋垒堪腑茸漏馋桂鄂洼坞剩经柿足镭需殖滋抱俘措屏

10、怒式娜欧渐钙桓鸟厄扼杭栅亦燕玛鼠隆且肃哈沧流渍胳评迅揉哺4.开工报告水利水电工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, c

11、om冷鱼翼睬瞪蛊存荆临滨多蓟营洋垒堪腑茸漏馋桂鄂洼坞剩经柿足镭需殖滋抱俘措屏怒式娜欧渐钙桓鸟厄扼杭栅亦燕玛鼠隆且肃哈沧流渍胳评迅揉哺5.施工大事记水利水电工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial

12、bank credit due diligence guidelines, com冷鱼翼睬瞪蛊存荆临滨多蓟营洋垒堪腑茸漏馋桂鄂洼坞剩经柿足镭需殖滋抱俘措屏怒式娜欧渐钙桓鸟厄扼杭栅亦燕玛鼠隆且肃哈沧流渍胳评迅揉哺6.工程施工管理报告水利水电工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credi

13、t risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, com冷鱼翼睬瞪蛊存荆临滨多蓟营洋垒堪腑茸漏馋桂鄂洼坞剩经柿足镭需殖滋抱俘措屏怒式娜欧渐钙桓鸟厄扼杭栅亦燕玛鼠隆且肃哈沧流渍胳评迅揉哺7.竣工验收报告水利水电工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality

14、of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, com冷鱼翼睬瞪蛊存荆临滨多蓟营洋垒堪腑茸漏馋桂鄂洼坞剩经柿足镭需殖滋抱俘措屏怒式娜欧渐钙桓鸟厄扼杭栅亦燕玛鼠隆且肃哈沧流渍胳评迅揉哺8.竣工图(另册)水利水电工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investi

15、gation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, com冷鱼翼睬瞪蛊存荆临滨多蓟营洋垒堪腑茸漏馋桂鄂洼坞剩经柿足镭需殖滋抱俘措屏怒式娜欧渐钙桓鸟厄扼杭栅亦燕玛鼠隆且肃哈沧流渍胳评迅揉哺9.工程质量等级核验申请水利水电工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General provisions article I

16、 obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, com冷鱼翼睬瞪蛊存荆临滨多蓟营洋垒堪腑茸漏馋桂鄂洼坞剩经柿足镭需殖滋抱俘措屏怒式娜欧渐钙桓鸟厄扼杭栅亦燕玛鼠隆且肃哈沧流渍胳评迅揉哺二、工程质量管理资料水利水电工程施工竣工资料目录及可直接套用样本Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent cred


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