2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题08 读后续写肢体动作描写素材积累1(解析版)

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2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题08 读后续写肢体动作描写素材积累1(解析版)_第1页
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2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题08 读后续写肢体动作描写素材积累1(解析版)_第3页
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《2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题08 读后续写肢体动作描写素材积累1(解析版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题08 读后续写肢体动作描写素材积累1(解析版)(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2024年高考英语读后续写高分宝典读后续写肢体动作描写素材积累(词-句-文)讲义(背诵版)01-肢体动作细节描写头 P102-肢体动作细节描写眼 P203-肢体动作细节描写嘴 P204-肢体动作细节描写手 P305-肢体动作细节描写腿 P406-肢体动作细节描写脚 P507-肢体动作细节描写手臂 P508-肢体动作细节描写手指 P601肢体动作细节描写头一、肢体动作细节类短语drop/lower/bend/bow/hang ones head 低头put/hold/bury ones head in ones hands 双手抱头nod ones head 点头shake ones head

2、摇头rest ones head on/against把头靠在上面scratch ones head 挠了挠头head for/towards 朝走去二、按要求完成句子1.史蒂文低着头,眼里含着泪,慢慢地向公交车走去。Steven walked slowly to the bus, his head down, tears in his eyes.(独立主格结构)2.他的朋友John向他点头微笑。His friend John nodded his head and smiled at him.3.他心情不好,低下头来掩饰, 勉强笑了一下。Though he was in a bad mood

3、, he dropped/hung/lowered his head to hide it and managed a smile.4.回到家中,他把头埋到被子底下,假装睡着了。When he got home, he buried his head under the quilt, pretending to be asleep.5.他母亲停下了家务活,满眼诧异地抬起头。His mother stopped her housework, raising her head with surprise in her eyes(非谓语动词短语作状语)6.史蒂文起来坐在母亲身边,将头靠在她的肩膀上,

4、再也忍不住哭泣起来。Steven rose, sat close to his mother, rested his head on/against her shoulder, and could hardly resist weeping.三、用合适的衔接过渡词将上面各句连句成文Steven walked slowly to the bus, his head down, tears in his eyes. His friend John nodded his head and smiled at him. Though he was in a bad mood, he lowered h

5、is head to hide it and managed a smile. When he got home, he buried his head under the quilt, pretending to be asleep. However, His mother stopped her housework, raising her head with surprise in her eyesThen Steven rose, sat close to his mother, rested his head on her shoulder, and could hardly res

6、ist weeping.02-肢体动作细节描写眼一、肢体动作细节类短语meet sbs eyes 接触某人的目光stare into ones eyes 凝视fix/focus ones eyes on 盯着lower/drop ones eyes 垂下眼睛raise/lift ones eyes 抬起眼睛ones eyes shine/sparkle/glisten with excitement 眼里闪着兴奋的光芒二、按要求完成句子1.约翰坐在窗边,目光紧盯着一本书。John sat beside the window, and fixed/focused his eyes on a bo

7、ok(并列句)John sat beside the window, with his eyes fixed/focused on a book(with复合结构)2.他看完后,抬眼向窗外望去。When he finished the book, he raised/lifted his eyes and looked out of the window3.他高兴地唱着歌,用天真而又好奇的眼睛注视着周围的一切。Singing happily, he gazed at the surroundings with innocent and curious eyes.4.约翰注意到有个男人靠近,他垂

8、下双眸,结果却迎上了这个男人的目光。Noticing a man approaching, John first lowered/dropped his eyes only to meet the mans eyes.5.当认出来的人是谁时,约翰张大了嘴巴,眼里闪着兴奋的光芒。When he recognised who the visitor was, John opened his mouth wide, his eyes sparkling/ shining with excitement(独立主格结构)三、用合适的衔接过渡词将上面各句连句成文John sat beside the wi

9、ndow, with his eyes fixed/focused on a book. When he finished the book, he raised his eyes and looked out of the window. Singing happily, he gazed at the surroundings with innocent and curious eyes. Noticing a man approaching, John first lowered his eyes only to meet the mans eyes. When he recognise

10、d who the visitor was, John opened his mouth wide, his eyes sparkling with excitement。03-肢体动作细节描写嘴一、肢体动作细节类短语openmouthed 目瞪口呆的ones mouth widens 咧开嘴cup/cover ones mouth 捂住某人的嘴mouth drops/hangs wide open 张大嘴巴ones heart in ones mouth 提心吊胆二、按要求完成句子1.闻到三明治的香味,饥饿的小女孩开始流口水了。The hungry girls mouth started w

11、atering when she smelled the sandwich. (mouth作主语)2.她刚要拿起三明治咬一口,突然一只手捂住了她的嘴。She was about to pick up the sandwich and take a bite when suddenly a hand cupped her mouth3.她的哥哥一把抢走了三明治放入自己口中。It was her brother who grabbed the sandwich and put it into his own mouth4.她抬起头,目瞪口呆地看着他。She looked up at him, op

12、enmouthed(合成词)5.当泪水顺着脸颊流下来时,她咬住她的下嘴唇以免嘴唇发抖。She bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling as tears ran/streamed/rolled down her cheeks6.她哥哥捂住嘴偷笑。Her brother covered his mouth to hide his laugh.三、用合适的衔接过渡词将上面各句连句成文The hungry girls mouth started watering when she smelled the sandwich. She was about t

13、o pick up the sandwich and take a bite when suddenly a hand cupped her mouth. It was her brother who grabbed the sandwich and put it into his own mouth. She looked up at him, openmouthed. She bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling as tears ran/streamed/rolled down her cheeks. Meanwhile, her bro

14、ther covered his mouth to hide his laugh.04-肢体动作细节描写手一、肢体动作细节类短语hold ones hand 抓住某人的手shake hands with 与握手cup.in ones hands 将捧在手心open ones hands 张开双手hand in hand 手拉手raise/put up ones hand 举手hold out ones hand 伸出手take ones hand 牵某人的手spread ones hands 摊开双手二、按要求完成句子1.一只小蝴蝶,正拼命扇动翅膀却无法从地面上飞起来。A single butterfly was crazily flutte


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