2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题09 读后续写15种情景高分句式仿写素材积累(讲义背诵版)

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2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题09 读后续写15种情景高分句式仿写素材积累(讲义背诵版)_第1页
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2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题09 读后续写15种情景高分句式仿写素材积累(讲义背诵版)_第2页
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2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题09 读后续写15种情景高分句式仿写素材积累(讲义背诵版)_第3页
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2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题09 读后续写15种情景高分句式仿写素材积累(讲义背诵版)_第4页
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2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题09 读后续写15种情景高分句式仿写素材积累(讲义背诵版)_第5页
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《2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题09 读后续写15种情景高分句式仿写素材积累(讲义背诵版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024年高考英语读后续写高分专题09 读后续写15种情景高分句式仿写素材积累(讲义背诵版)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2024年高考英语读后续写高分宝典读后续写15种情景高分句式仿写素材积累(讲义)(背诵版)01-表示“感到情绪与情感”场景句式1a flush of表情绪的名词a wave/feeling/sense of.一阵句式2表情绪的名词flooded over sb/swept over sb/seized sb 涌上心头1A flush of pride swept over him as he watched his children.He felt a flush of pride as he watched his children.当他看着自己孩子的时候, 一种强烈的自豪感涌上心头。2(2

2、022新高考卷读后续写)With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business. And much sooner than could be expected,Bernard returned with an empty basket. Never before had he earned so much money in his life. A wave of happiness flooded over him.一切准备就绪后,伯纳德开始了他的新生意。伯纳德带着一个空篮子回来,比预期的要快得多。他一生中从未挣过这么多钱。

3、他感到高兴极了。3. (2023新高考卷读后续写)To my surprise, I learned that my essay hadrankedfirst in the contest.A mix of excitement and doubt washed over me.令我吃惊的是,我得知我的作品在比赛中排名第一。兴奋和怀疑涌上心头。02-表示“直到才意识到”场景句式1Not until时间状语did sb realize/notice that.句式2It was only时间状语that sb realized that.1Not until then did he realiz

4、e that something was wrong.It was only then that he realized that something was wrong.直到那时他才意识到有什么不对劲。2(2022新高考卷读后续写)I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. The race started. It was only then that I realized that the runway was extremely long for young children, not

5、to mention a child with a heart disease.我看着大卫和其他赛跑者一起向起跑线上移动。比赛开始了。就在那时,我才意识到跑道对小孩子来说太长了,更不用说一个患有心脏病的孩子了。3. (2023新高考卷读后续写) Eager and delighted, I held up the championship trophy, andIt was not until then that I realizedthe journey of writing was not only filled with disbelief and self-doubt but also

6、 support and self-approval. 我急切又高兴地举起奖杯。指导那时我才意识到写作的历程不仅充满着不相信和自我怀疑,而且还充满着支持和自我肯定。03-表示“一,就”场景句式1upon/onn./doing.“一就”,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。句式2immediately/directly/instantly从句句式3the moment/minute/instant从句句式4no sooner.than./hardly.when.句式5at the sight/thought of1The instant I saw him, I knew he was

7、 the policeman who had helped me carry the box.我一看见他, 就知道他就是那个曾经帮我搬过箱子的警察。2(2022新高考卷读后续写) “Ignore what the players from other teams would say and I believe you could make it!” Upon hearing my words,David beamed a big smile,stood up and moved towards the starting line. (2022新高考卷读后续写)“不管其他队的队员怎么说,我相信你

8、能做到!”听到我的话,大卫笑了笑,站起来朝起跑线走去。3. (2023新高考卷读后续写)Upon hearing this, Icould feel my heart pounding wildlyand my mind going unconsciously back to the daysI racked my brain for stories. 一听到这些话,我感到心跳加快,大脑不由自主回到那些绞尽脑汁编故事的日子。4. (2023新高考卷读后续写)No sooner had Istepped into this familiar roomthanI saw my teacher si

9、tting among piles of papers.我刚一走进这个熟悉的房间就看到历史坐在一堆试卷前。5. (2023浙江1月卷读后续写)I felt a surge of relief and awe at the sight of this grateful creature, and I knew that I would always cherish the memories we shared as I climbed into my car and drove away.一看到这个感恩的蜂鸟我感到一阵宽慰和敬畏,当我爬进车里开走时我知道我会珍惜这些一起分担的记忆。04-表示“(

10、因为紧张、害怕)心跳”场景句式1sb could feel ones heart pounding wildly in ones chest 感到心在胸中怦怦直跳句式2ones heart thumped/raced/beat wildly/loudly/hard某人心怦怦直跳1(2023新高考卷读后续写)I could feel my heart pounding wildly as I went on stage to collect the prize.上台领奖时我感到心怦怦直跳。2He unfolded the letter, his heart racing.他打开信,心在咚咚跳着。

11、3(2021新高考卷读后续写)Oh dear! The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well. As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. Their hearts began to thump wildly as they were afraid of being scolded by their father.天哪!锅里的那块面包也变黑了。当双胞胎失望地环顾四周时,他们的父亲出现了。他们害怕被父亲责骂,心开始怦怦直跳。05-

12、表示“迫不及待做;毫不犹豫”场景句式1sb could hardly wait to do sth句式2without a second thought.不假思索;毫不犹豫地句式3without even thinking.连考虑都不考虑句式4without delay.立即;毫不迟延地句式5without hesitation.毫不犹豫1The water was freezing cold, but without a second thought the young man jumped in.水冰冷冰冷,可那个年轻人想也没想就跳了进去。2Without delay, he climbe

13、d up the tree quickly to reach for the leaf.他毫不迟疑地迅速爬上树去摘树叶。3On Christmas morning, I could not wait to open the package. To my excitement, it was a brandnew pair of ice skates which I was eager for.圣诞节早晨,我迫不及待地打开包裹。令我兴奋的是,这是一双我一直想要的崭新的溜冰鞋。4. (2023新高考卷读后续写)My devotion and perseverance really mattered

14、, but without his encouragement, I could never be what I was today.我的付出和坚持固然重要,但是没有他的鼓励我就不会有今天的成就。06-表示“流泪”场景句式1Ones eyes got misty./Ones eyes misted with tears.泪眼模糊句式2be close to tears 几乎要哭了句式3tears roll down ones eyes/cheeks/face 泪水从眼睛/脸颊/面部落下1My mother was close to tears when she heard I was admi

15、tted to a key university.当得知我被重点大学录取时,我母亲差点儿就哭了。2With tears of gratitude rolling/streaming down his cheeks, Peter hugged Green tightly, saying “Youve saved me today. I couldnt thank you enough.”感激的泪水顺着他的脸颊流下,彼得紧紧地拥抱着格林,说:“今天你救了我。我对你感激不尽。”3The day he left hospital, he hugged me, his eyes misting with tears, saying,“You are a truly good nurse, thank you.”出院那天,他泪眼模糊地拥抱着我说,“你是个真正的好护士,谢谢你。”07-表示“不知道做”场景句式1sb did sth, wondering what to do next句式2sb did sth, not knowing what


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