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1、- 汽轮发电机运行规程目录简介定义与缩写1 主要内容与适用*围2 STG8131-4技术规*3 发电机正常运行规定4 发电机启动试验与检查:5 发电机与系统并列和解列6 发电机励磁系统的运行与操作7 事故处理8 HSEIn briefThe CSPC facility has an internal generating capacity sufficient to meet the load requirements, and consists of four steam turbine generators and one gas turbine generator. In additio

2、n ,the connection to the utility grid provides a minimum (contractual)30MW with a reserve of 40MW(for a total of 70MW)that can be imported from the utility under emergency conditions. Based on current load ,the bination of internal generation and e*ternal supply from the Utility grid results in an N

3、+2 sparing capacity.Normally each STG will be operating at well below the ma* output and generate34MW output at generator terminals ;The GTG will generate 35.74Mwpower in the mean time .Abbreviations and DefinitionsSTG Steam Turbine GeneratorAVR Automatic Voltage RegulationECR Electronic Current Reg

4、ulationSSPSS Substation Power Station Switchboard HSE Health Safety Environment 1 主要内容与适用*围1.1 本规程规定了STG8131-4发电机励磁机的设备规*和正常运行的要求,同时也规定了发电机启动检查与正常运行维护规定,同时并列与解列的要求及异常运行与事故处理的技术标准。1.2 本规程适用于STG8131-4全体电气运行人员及从事电气工作的有关人员。2 STG8131-4技术规*发电机型号 TLRI92/26额定视在功率 75MVA额定功率 60MW定子额定电压 11KV功率因数 0.80额定频率 50HZ定

5、子额定电流 3936A转子额定电压 224V转子额定电流 995A接线方式 YY励磁机励磁电压 98V励磁机励磁电流 78A励磁机功率 223KW极对数 1冷却水温度 43旋转二极管型号 D798N18/T18冷却方式 空冷冷却风流量 24立方米/秒冷却风温升 38.4定子绕组温升 56转子绕组温升 713 发电机正常运行规定:3.1发电机正常运行中静子电压允许在额定值的90%至110%*围内变化,但以发电机静子电流不超过额定值为准,静子电压变动时,静子电流仍以正常规定值为准。permissible operating ranges of generator:continuous operat

6、ing with rated MVA short time operating with rated MVA,continuous operating is not permissible even at reduced load.continuous operating with reduced MVA or short time operation at rated load.3.2跟踪自动功率因数和自动无功功率模式下发电机静子的电压变化情况,不应超限。3.3发电机空间加热器在发电机转速小于盘车投入转速时投入,反之,退出。3.4每班检查一次转子绕组对地绝缘。方法是:下落接地检测电刷持续5秒

7、。3.5发电机三相间电流差不得超过额定电流的10%,且任一相电流不得超过额定值,否则应降低发电机出力至允许*围。3.6发电机正常运行在额定风压下运行,假设降低风压时,其运行工况必须满足以下条件:3.7发电机正常运行时,冷风温度应保持在之间,进风温度超过时,当温度每升高一度,视在功率应降低3.8 发电机并列后应对机变系统全面检查一次3.9 发电机及励磁机在额定转速下,轴承盖三个方向振动幅值的规定:3.10发电机轴承振动值不超过MM3.11励磁机轴承振动值不超过MM3.12发电机各部温度的运行规定:PARAMETEROP.VALUESETTING VALUE ALARMPROTECTIONSATO

8、R WINDING 99130135COLD AIR TEMP.394449WARM AIR TEMP788388BEARING METAL TEMP.(TE)9095100BEARING METAL TEMP.(EE)9095100RELATIVE SHAFT VIBRATION(TE-*/Y)80um165um260umRELATIVE SHAFT VIBRATION(EE-*/Y)80um165um260um3.13 发电机进风温度变化时带负荷规定:3.14 During a long term generator shutdown check the correct operation

9、 of the space heaters which shall be switched on when the temperature within generator is below 253.15 In case of prolonged shutdown of generator with space heaters on, stator insulation inspection must be carried out every 3 months. Without space heating ,check for presence of humidity in machine a

10、nd inspect stator insulation every 3 days 4 发电机启动试验与检查:4.1 启动前的试验:4.1.1 测量发电机静子回路、励磁回路绝缘应合格4.1.2 测量发电机各附属设备绝缘应合格4.1.3 SF6开关,励磁开关的拉、合试验,联锁试验,保护整组试验应良好4.1.4 试验预告信号良好4.2 启动前的检查:4.2.1检修完毕后的机组电气系统的工作已全部完工,检修工作票已全部终结,为了检修设备临时加装的平安措施已全部撤除,固定平安措施恢复正常,因检修工作使用的标志牌已全部收回,并有检修交代。4.2.2机组电气一、二次回路、励磁回路接线正确、结实。4.2.3

11、发电机、旋转整流子外部应清洁且无损坏,进出风温度计应完整且指示正确。4.2.4电机系统保护定值正确,保护投入正确,各微机保护完好。4.2.5电机同期回路检修后,发电机与系统的相序、相位,应由检修核对其正确性,并由书面交代。4.2.6启动前绝缘电阻值的测量4.2.6.1发电机a 发电机定子绕组在加热器投入情况下,接近工作温度时,对地及相间绝缘用2500V摇表测量,其绝缘电阻值不得低于前次测量值的b 转子绕组在冷态下20的绝缘,用500V摇表测量,不得低于c 发电机电阻测温元件在冷态下20的绝缘,用250V摇表测量d The measured insulation resistance between bearing and the steel plate ,or between the steel plate and bearing support must not be less than 0.5 megohms under 500 V(DC)励磁机The measured insulation resistance between e*citer field windin


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