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1、装订线Unit5 Lets celebrateGrammar班级 姓名 学号 等第 书写_【学习目标】1. 掌握书中所列的八个特殊疑问词2. 学习用这些疑问词提问并回答【重难点】词汇:dumpling rice dumpling, grandparent, other, thing 句型:What do you do on Halloween? Which would you like? Who is Mr.Wu? Whose bag is this? When is your birthday? Where is my pen? Why are you so happy? How do yo

2、u go to school?【学法指导】1.在书中找出新短语,独立预习,用符号标出疑点;2.在小组内提出问题,通过查字典和教学参考书讨论解决上述重难点;【学习过程】课堂探究:1. 教师提出问题,复习Reading课文。When do they usually have a Halloween party?What time does the party usually start?呈现短语:on the evening of the October 31st = in the evening on October 31st at about 8 p.m.2. Have a free talk

3、 to learn more about your partner. What do you like to do at weekends? Why? Who is your best friend? When is your birthday? Where do you live? How do you go to school every day?C. 课堂巩固:一、用适当的介词填空1. My father was not born _ 1995. He was born _ March 7th, 1957.2. We eat rice dumplings _ the Dragon Boa

4、t Festival.3. We usually have a long holiday _ July _ September.4. The party is _ the morning _ April the first.5. I like going walking _ warm evenings.二、用特殊疑问词填空1. _ beautiful dresses are those? Theyre Lucy and Lilys.2. _ will you go to Shanghai tomorrow? By air.3. _ is that boy on that motorbike?H

5、e is my brother.4. _ dont you go to school by bike?Because my bike is broken.5. _ one do you like, the red one or the white one?D. 课后拓展一、 短语翻译1. 在端午节吃粽子 _2. 举行聚会来庆祝国庆节_3. 有一个周一到周五的长假_4. 做完作业后去看医生_5. 二月在海南度假_6. 喜欢在冬天跑步_7. 在大厅里开俱乐部会议_8. 一天中的一部分_9. 喜欢带Eddie散步_10. 告诉我如何庆祝儿童节_二、 用适当的介词填空11. Children in C

6、hina go to school _ seven.12. The parents meeting starts _ 6 _ 7.13. Dont talk with each other _ supper.14. I usually go shopping _ Sunday afternoon.15. We will go on a trip _ a cool morning _ autumn.16. His birthday is _ July.17. Where are you going _ your holiday?18. I will meet him _ the morning

7、_ October 2nd.19. I like listening _ music _ the radio.20. The teacher _ glasses teaches us English.三、 单项选择1. -How far is your school from here? -Not very far. Its about twenty_ walk.A. minutes B. minutes C. minutes D. minute2. How often do you go to the reading club?A. an hour B. twice a week C. fo

8、r a week D. a week 3. I think I can do_ than you.A. good B. better C. best D. well4. Fish cant live water.A. withB. withoutC. inD. out5. Dad, my trousers are old. I want to buy a new _. A. trousers B. one C. it D. pair6. My mother will buy a new bike _me _ a birthday present. A. to , for B. for, to

9、C. for, as D. to , as7. Look! Theres _ sheep on the hill. How lovely! A. a little B. some C. many D. much8. The computer games center is small and there are _ people there. A. too much B. many too C. too many D. much9. He neednt _ about his English. Miss Wang will help you. A. to worry too much B. w

10、orry too much C. worries much too D. to worry much too 10. It _ hard outside, lets not go shopping.A. rains B. will raining C. raining D. is raining四、改错1. Which city does he live ?2. Who make the posters for the school display?3. The students celebrate his birthday by have a party for him.4. Grannys

11、 birthday is in 2nd May.5. There is going to have a foreign film at the cinema this week.五、完形填空These days, computer games are becoming more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy _69_ have changed into (变成) _70_ game houses in order to (为了) get more money. These p

12、laces are always crowded with (挤满了) _71_ especially (尤其是) young boys.In the computer game houses, people _72_ a lot of money playing games on machines. Its _73_ for one to win a computer game, but one can make progress (进步) after _74_ again and again. People have a kind of gambling psychology (赌博心理) when they play computer games. The more they _75_, the more they want to win. For school boys, they dont car


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