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1、1. 我可以问问他是否记得替你寄过一封信。答案 I can ask him if he remembers posting a letter for you.I can remember for you to ask him if he sent me a letter.I can ask him whether he remembered that he had sent a letter for you.2. 在化学变化中,能量既不能创造,也不会消失。答案 In a chemical change, energy can not be created, nor can itbe destr

2、oyed. d? str? ? 破坏,摧毁;消灭,(或In a chemical change, energy can not be created, and it cannot be destroyed, either.)In chemical changes, energy will not create and will not disappear.3. 我在专心致志地看书,没听见你叫我(absorb)。答案I was absorbed ? bs? :bd全神贯注 in a book and did not hear you call.I was totally完全地 absorbed

3、in reading, and didn t hear you calling me.hea作为行为动i听见时,hear sb do sth!示“听到某人做 了某事”或“经常听到某人做某事, hear sb doing sthll示“听 到某人正在做某事”4. 除非他做错了什么,否则他就不会受到批评。 答案 He wouldn t be criticdizuenless he had done something wrong.He will never be criticized unless he did somethingwrong.除非他做错事,否则不会受到批评Unless he doe

4、s something wrong, or he will not be criticized.5. 假如我看见她的话,我就叫她等一等。答案 If I should see her, I would tell her to wait.If I saw her words, Ill call her to wait.If I see her, I ll ask her to wait.如果 我见到她 我会叫她等一下If I see her, I will ask her to wait a moment.6. 我在这里读书,到明年七月将近三年了I will have been studying

5、here for nearly three years by July next year.到了明年7月,我在这里读书将已三年了。By July of next year I shall have studied here for three years.到明年 7 月份,我在这里读书三年。I have been studied for three years by July next year.7. 如果没有空气,地球上就不可能产生任何生命。 答案 But for the air, no life on earth could have been developed.If there is

6、no air, the earth would not produce any lifeIf there is no air, there would be impossible to have any lives on the earth.There would be no life on the earth without air8. 政府对这件事情持什么态度? 答案What s the government s attitude towards this matter?9. 他被禁止入城(ban)。 答案 He was banned from entering the city.He w

7、as banned to enter the city.He was prohibited into the city.a) ban+n./pron./doing 禁止b) ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事c) put a ban on .禁止10. 任务虽然艰巨,但我们一定要把它完成。 答案 Hard as the task is, we are determined to fulfill it.或: Although the task is hard, we are determined to fulfill it.Alough the works are h

8、ard,we must finish them.fulfill英f? 1f? l美f? l? f? lvt.履行(诺言等);执行(命令等) ; 达到(目的) ; 使结束 ;11.小张失去了平衡从梯子上摔了下来(balance)。 答案 Xiao Zhang lost his balance and fell from the ladder.12. 毫 无疑问,要钻这么深的一个孔,他们必须解决许多复杂的问题。 答案 There is no doubt that to drill such a deep hole they have to solve a great number of compl

9、icated problems.Undoubtedly, they should cope with lots of complicated problems in order to dig so deep a hole.drill英dr? lvt.& vi.钻(孔);打(眼);there is no doubt that to drill such a deep hole they have to solve a great number of complicated problems.13. 这 个小女孩渴望受到嘉奖(avid)。答案The little girl is avid for

10、渴望 praise preiz表扬 赞扬.is avid for 渴望He is avid for more information. 他渴望得到更多情报。她很想获得颁奖(奖品奖赏 )She is eager to be awarded prizes.eager to 渴望做某事例如: He is eager to travel.他很想旅行。14. 这家旅馆可供500人住宿 (accommodate) 。 答案 The hotel can accommodate 500 guests.The hotel can hold 500 people. 这 家 旅 馆 能 容 纳 500 人。This

11、 hotel can accommodate five hundred persons.15. 他 认为他的成功是他努力的结果是。写的(attribute)。归因为、被认为 答案 He attributes his success to hard work.He attributes his success to his efforts.He believes that his success is the result of his efforts.她认为她的成功是努力的结果She think her success is the result of efforts16. 他 心跳得如此之快

12、,以至于他几乎喘不过气来(beat)。 答案 His heart beats so fast that he could hardly breathe.17. 我们完全意识到局势的严重性(aware)。 答案 We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.We have been aware of the ponderance of the situation completely.We are totally ? t? ut? li完全 aware of the serioussituation.we are totally aware

13、 of the serious situation.18. 他 的口音说明他是个外国人(betray 出卖 ;泄露 ) 。 答案 His accent betrayed the fact that he was a foreigner. accent n. 重音 , 口音 betray bi? trei 泄露;His accent tells that he s a foreigner.His accent betrays he is a foreigner.His accent betrayed him as the local.19. 他们刚建的哪个新飞机场离城20公里。 答案 The n

14、ew airport that they just built is 20 kilometers from the city.The airport they build recently is 20 kilometers away from the city.The airport they built was 20km away from the town.20. 我 军在那场战斗中获得了胜利 (attain 获得、得到 )。 答案 Our troops 部队 attained a victory in the battle.Our army won that battle.I attai

15、ned victory in that battle.21.他在申请一份职员工作(apply)。答案He is applying for a job as a clerk.He was applying for a clerk.He was applying for an office clerk.22 .他工作时,什么也不能分散他的心思(abstract答案Nothing can abstract his mind while he works.Nothing distracts him when he works.当他工作时,没有什么事件能打扰他。Nothing can interrupt ? int ? r ? pt打扰 him when he is working.23 .沉甸甸的果实压弯了树枝(bend)。答案The branch bent under the weight of its fruit.The fruits were so heavy that they bent the branche


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