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1、Unit 18New Zealand训练一Warming up, Listening and Speaking课前预习 .单词拼写1.The poor old f_ goes out to catch fishes three times every day. 2.Taiwan is the largest i _of China.3.Soon after we left England we could see the c_ of France. 4.In winter, the weather in the n_ is very cold. 5.You fathers fathers fa

2、ther is your g_.6.Heilongjiang Province is in the n _part of China. 7.The book has _(关系) to industry.8.Jinan is the capital of Shandong _(省). 9.In summer people often go to the _(海滩) to swim. 答案:1.fisherman2.island3.coast4.north5.greatgrandfather6.northeastern7.relation8.Province9.beach .阅读下文,并在划线部分

3、填上适当词语New Zealand 1 an island country 2 the Southwest Pacific Ocean. It 3 about 1,0001,600 kilometers 4 of Australia and about 10,500 kilometers 5 of California. New Zealand belongs to a large island group called Polynesia(波利尼西亚).答案:1.is2.in3.lies4.southeast5.southwest 课堂巩固.根据下列英文解释,写出本课时所学的单词1.man

4、who catches creatures that live in water._ 2.in the middle of something._ 3.the father of your father or mother._ 4.the comparison or connection between things._ 5.the land which is next to the sea. _6.piece of land with water all round it._ 7.on the further or other side of._ 8.the direction to whi

5、ch a compass needle points._ 9.a measure of distance, 1,000 metres._ 10.most important city in a country or state._ 答案:1.fisherman2.central3.grandfather4.relation5.coast6.island7.beyond8.south9.kilometer10.capital.根据提示翻译句子1.世界上有几种语言与塔希提岛和夏威夷的语言有关。(in/with relation to)2.生活费用下降与石油价格下跌有关。(in/with relat

6、ion to)3.鱼生活在水中。(water)4.这是亚马逊河入海的地方。(waters)5.我们度过了一个愉快的假期,我们认为岛上的人非常友好。(island)6.从前有位穷苦的老渔夫。(fisherman)7.他们从英格兰向北旅行到了苏格兰。(north)答案:1.There are several languages in/with relation to the languages of Tahiti and Hawaii in the world. 2.The fall in the cost of living is in relation to the drop in the o

7、il price. 3.Fish live in (the) water.4.This is where the waters of the Amazon flow out into the sea. 5.We had a lovely holiday, and we thought the people on the island were very nice.6.There was once a poor old fisherman. 7.They travelled north from England to Scotland.课后检测.根据提示翻译句子1.这座城临海。(lie on)2

8、.中国位于亚洲东部。(in the east)3.他住在美国的东海岸。(in the east coast)4.这间屋子的窗子朝东。(east)5.东海位于浙江的东部。(lie to)6.海豚岛位于日本以东1 500千米。(to the east of)7.山东与江苏北面相接。(on the north of)答案:1.The town lies on the coast. 2.China is in the east of Asia. 3.He lived on the east coast of the United States. 4.The windows in the room fa

9、ce east5.The East China Sea lies to the east of Zhejiang Province. 6.Dolphin Island lies 1,500 km to the east of Japan. 7.Shandong is on the north of Jiangsu.情景对话从表格中选出正确的表达语句,完成每组对话Talking about location and direction Mrs. Green: 1 but could you tell me the way to the museum? Policeman: Certainly.

10、Just go up this street and turn left at the second crossing. The third building from the corner is the museum. 2Mrs. Green: Oh, let me see. Go down this street, turn left at the second crossing. and the museum is the third building from the corner. 3Policeman: 4Mrs. Green: 5 Bye-bye. Policeman: You

11、are welcome. Bye-bye. A.You cant miss it.B.Excuse me,C.Yes, thats right.D.Am I right?E.Thank you very much.答案:15 BADCE.阅读下文,并在划线部分填上适当词语 New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere, lying 1 34 and 46 2 of latitude south in the Pacific Ocean. Its nearest large neighbour is Australia which is 1,500 km (

12、930 miles) to the 3. It has two main islandsthe North Island and the South Island, and several dozen much 4 islands. Most of the smaller islands are several hours by boat from the main ones.Wellington(惠灵顿) is the 5 of New Zealand, and Auckland(奥克兰) is the largest city and Christchurch(克赖斯特彻奇)is the

13、other large city of New Zealand. The country was 6 part of the British Empire. Today, it is an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations(英联邦). New Zealand is a beautiful country of snowcapped mountains, green lowlands, beaches, and many lakes and waterfalls. No place is more than 130 kilometers 7 the coast, and in few places are mountains or hills out of views.答案:1.between2.degrees3.west4.smaller5.capital6.once7.from


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