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1、2007年4月月会计学位模模拟试题(1)一、语音题(红红色为正确答答案)1. 从A、BB、C、D四个选项中中选出一个与与其它三个划划线部分读音音不同的选项项 A. maatch B. faast C. haave D. saad2. 从A、BB、C、D四个选项中中选出一个与与其它三个划划线部分读音音不同的选项项 A. coold B. olld C. whhole D. soome3. A. througgh B. annother C. eiither D. thhough4. 从A、BB、C、D四个选项中中选出一个与与其它三个划划线部分读音音不同的选项项 A. ouut B. woould

2、 C. grround D. abbout5. 从A、BB、C、D四个选项中中选出一个与与其它三个划划线部分读音音不同的选项项 A. neeighbor B. fiight C. ennough D. daaughter二、判断题1. He ggot twwo pieeces oof infformattions abouut thee new produuct. A. goot B. innformaationss C. abbout D. prroductt2. He ccannott remeember the tthing whosee madee me vvery ssad. A.

3、caannot B. thhing C. whhose D. saad3. Itss easiier foor me to goo therre on foot than driviing a car. A. eaasier B. thhere C. thhan D. drrivingg a caar4. You shoulld be workiing insteead off lie thhere iin bedd. A. woorkingg B. innsteadd of C. liie D. inn bed5. Now that tthe neewspapper arrrivedd we

4、 caan seee the scorees of the ttenniss matcches. A. thhat B. arrrivedd C. caan seee D. off the三、词汇题1. If tthe trrain aarrivees _ it shhould be thhree ooclocck exaactly . A. inn timee B. onn timee C. frrom tiime too timee D. att timees2. Manyy wordds in the EEnglissh lannguagee are Frencch in _ A. co

5、ontextt B. soource C. orrigin D. voocabullary3. Thiss is tthe prroblemm _ yyou shhould pay aattenttion. A. too whicch B. onn whicch C. att whicch D. whhich4. The _ yoou aree, thee happpier tthey wwill bbe. A. mmore kkinderr B. moore kiind C. kiinder D. kiind5. We wwere _ forr halff an hhour iin thee

6、 trafffic aand soo we aarriveed latte. A. puut bacck B. brroke ddown C. heeld upp D. keept offf6. Unleess hee is _ inntensee lovee, he hardlly eveer loooks innto soomeonee elsees eyyes foor verry lonng. A. coonfesssing B. reefusinng C. grrantinng D. cooverinng7. The speecch _, aa liveely diiscusssio

7、n sstarteed. A. beeing ddeliveered B. bee deliiveredd C. waas dellivereed D. haaving been delivvered8. Mr. John kept thinkking hhard, but ffailedd to _a woorkablle plaan. A. ccome uup witth B. coome upp agaiinst C. coome upp to D. coome upp for9. He nnever _ to reead thhe newws butt turnned att once

8、e to tthe crrosswoord onn the last page. A. woorriedd B. nooticedd C. paained D. trroubleed10. Alll Im tryinng to do iss to _ whyy yourr condditionn has not bbeen iimprovved. A. loook foor B. fiind ouut C. seearch for D. loook ovver11. Thiis is the hhotel _ I met tthe faamous actorr Chenn Longg. A.

9、whhich B. inn whicch C. thhat D. inn thatt12. Nott untiil youur worrk is finisshed _. A. yoou cann leavve B. caan youu leavve C. yoou cannt leeave D. caant yyou leeave13. Theey werre so far aaway tthat II coulldnt _ thheir ffaces clearrly. A. seee thrrough B. maake upp C. maake att D. maake ouut14.

10、I ccan haardly belieeve myy eyess. Thiis _ man iis acttuallyy a sccientiist whho oncce wonn the Nobell Prizze. A. reemarkaable B. unnusuall C. maagnifiicent D. unnremarrkablee15. He said he _ retuurn frrom Geermanyy the next day. A. iis to B. wwas too C. iss goinng to D. woould ggo to16. I rran _ Al

11、icce, whho wass on hher waay to see hhow I was ggettinng aloong. A. upp B. ouut of C. ovver D. innto17. I kknow nnothinng aboout itt _ what I havve reaad in the ppaperss. A. beesidess B. beeside C. exxpect D. exxcept18. Thee goveernmennt willl havve to work hard _ the confiidencee of tthe peeople af

12、terr the terriible eevent. A. too win back B. too win throuugh C. too comee up wwith D. too comee at19. Nonne of them spokee Engllish _ Samm. A. exxcept of B. exxcept C. exxceptiion D. exxcept for20. _ he wworks hard, I diidnt mind when he fiinishees thee expeerimennt. A. Ass soonn as B. Soo longg a

13、s C. Ass welll as D. Soo far as21. I ttried very hard to peersuadde himm to jjoin oour grroup bbut I met wwith aa flatt _. A. diisapprroval B. reejectiion C. reefusall D. deeclinee22. Doo you thinkk thatt the laborr billl willl be ppassedd? OOh, yees. Itts _ thatt it wwill. A. allmost surelly B. veery liikely C. neear poositivve D. quuite ccertaiinly23. Sennd us a messsage if yoou _ any ddifficculty. A. haave B. haad C. wiill haave D. haave haad24. It was ddifficcult tto gueess whhat heer _ to tthe neews woould bbe.



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