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1、江苏牛津译林英语七年级下期中复习最难拔高练习集训 尖子生培优专版资料单项选择+单词拼写+ 词形变换+翻译句子一、单项选择1.My mother often goes to Japan by_sea,and I want to have fun with my mother by_sea. A.the,the B./,the C./, / D.the, /2. After reading for an how, you should _ the green tree for a minute or two.A. look out of B. look out at C. look out D.

2、look for3.The airplane can fly_plenty of mountains.It is amazing.A.on B.over C.across D.through4.I think Maths is _useful subject.A.a B.an C.the D. /5.North of the park _two small shops,and outside the two houses_a tall building. A.is,stand B.are,stand C.is,stands D.are,stands6.Your manager _for Jap

3、an on business next Tuesday,isnt he?A.will leave B.isnt going to leaveC.leaves D.is leaving7.He is looking_at the boy full of joy on his face,and both of them look_. A.happy,happily B.happy,happyC.happily,happy D.happily,happily8.I dont know when we_a monthly exam.When I_it,I can tell you.A.will hav

4、e,have B.are having,will haveC.will have,will have D.have,will have9.There is little bread in the fridge,_?A.is it B.isnt it C.is there D.isnt there10.He is _me in English,so I often ask him for help.A.on B.above C.at D.in11.I think that about_the visitors are from the UK and France.A.two hundreds B

5、.two hundred ofC.hundreds of D.two hundreds of12.Its ten past eight.The NO.1 bus_come at any moment.A.can B.may C.should D.shall13.Lets watch a film tonight,_?A.will you B.do you C.dont you D.shall we14.I have some problems _English now.Can you give me a hand?A.to learn B.learn C.learning D.in15.In

6、the future,computers _for humans better.People are likely to stay at home all day long leaving work to computers.A.are working B.are going to workC.will work D.shall work二、单词拼写1.There is too much_about the recent affair.(信息)2.That hat should be one of these_.(志愿者)3.I _go on a picnic tomorrow,but I a

7、m not sure.4.My family like staying in the countryside,because the air there is very_.5.I dont eat anything from other places,because I only like _food.6.We shouldnt worry about present and past too much.Looking_is the most important.7.If you cant find the_of the theatre,you will have to ask the wor

8、kman for help to leave here. 8.Generally speaking,the temperature in _is higher than that in north.9. Cats look for food mainly by_everything around them.10.Some flowers can only _in mountains,so we cant see them in cities.三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.He is often the first one_(leave) school.2.We often have fun_(

9、play) basketball in the playground.3.Pass the _(nine) book to me.4.What are you looking forward to_(spend) a happy weekend? 5.How lucky he is_(study) in such a good school.6.If you meet huge snakes in forests,you will be in_.(dangerous) 7.Dont remember _(wake) me up in half an hour.8.They seem_(happ

10、y).Lets go and ask them why.9.I am sure you will find the book_(interested).10.My dream is_(become) a teacher in the future.四、翻译句子1.中国因什么而闻名?_2.我哥哥喜欢开着灯睡觉。_3.下个星期我们将有一个三天的去上海的旅行。_4.直走,在第二个转弯处向右转,你将会看到一所银行。_5.未来的生活会是什么样?_答案一BBAAD DCACB二1. information 2.volunteers 3.may 4.fresh 5.local6. forward 7.exi

11、t 8.south 9.smelling 10.grow三1. to leave 2.playing 3.ninth 4.to spend 5.to study7. danger 7.to wake 8.happy 9.interesting 10.interesting四1. Whats China famous ?for2. My elder brother likes sleeping with the light on.3. We will have a three-day trip to Shanghai next week.4. Walk straight,turn right at the second turning and you will see a bank. 5. What will the life be like in the future?



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