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1、2023年海底总动员经典台词英文海底总动员对话 Nemo: First day of school! Wake up, wake up! First day of school! 第一天上学,起床罗,,起床罗,今日第一天上学。 Dad: I dont want to go to school. five more minutes. 我不想上学让我再睡五分钟。 Nemo: Not you, Dad,me!Get up,get up.Its time for school,time for school. 不是你,是我要上学啦。快起床啦,上学了,上学了。 Dad: All right, Im up

2、. 好啦,我起来了。 Nemo: Whoa! 哇! Dad: Nemo! 尼莫! Nemo: First day of school! 第一天上学! Dad: Nemo! dont move! Youll never get out of there yourself.Ill do it.You feel a peak? 尼莫!别动!你自己出不来,让我来 !你受伤了吗? Nemo: NO. 没有。 Dad: Sometimes you cant tell cause fluid rushes to the area. 有时候你会辨别不清,因为这个地方有激流。 Dad: Are you wooz

3、y? 你有没有头昏眼花? Nemo: NO. 没有! Dad: How many stripes do I have? 我身上有几条斑纹? Nemo: Im fine. 我没事。 Dad: Answer the stripe question. 快回答我的问题 ! Nemo: Three. 三条。 Dad: No! See? Somethings wrong with you. I have one, two, three. Thats all I have? 不对,你生病了,我只有一条、两条、三条斑纹 你真的没事? Dad: Youre OK. Hows the lucky fin? 你真的

4、没事,你的幸运鳍怎么样? Nemo: Luckily! 幸运! Dad: Lets see. 让我们看看。 Are you sure you want to go to school this year? 你今年真的想上学吗? Theres no problem if you dont. You can wait 5 or 6 years. 假如你不想去也没关系,我们可以再等个五六年再去。 Nemo: Come on, Dad, its time for school. 爸,我早就该上学了 Dad: Forgot to push. Do you want this anemone to sti

5、ng you? 你忘了擦防护油了,你想被海葵刺到? Nemo: Yes. 不想。 Dad: Brush! 快擦。 Nemo: OK, Im done. 好了,我好了。 Dad: You missed a spot. 你没刷到一个地方。 Nemo: Where? 哪里? Dad: There! Haha Right there! And here and here! 这里,这里还有那里! All right, were excited. The first day of school. Here we go. 第一天上学,我们都很兴奋,动身! Were ready to learn to get

6、 some knowledge. 我们要学许多新学问。 Whats the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? 对于大海我们要记住哪点? Nemo: Its not safe. 它并担心全。 Dad: Thats my boy. First, we check to see that the coast is clear. We go out. and back in. 好孩子。所以出门肯定要左右看,先出去再进来。 And then we go out. and back in. 然后出去再进来。 And then one more t

7、ime. out and back in. 再来一次,出去进来。 And sometimes, if you want to do it four times. 有的时候甚至要来回四次。 Nemo: Dad 老爹。 Dad: All right, come on, boy. 好啦,走吧孩子。 Nemo: Maybe while Im at school, Ill see a shark. 或许我到了学校会看到鲨鱼。 Dad: I highly doubt that. 我对这点深表怀疑。 Nemo: Have you ever met a shark? 你曾经见过鲨鱼么? Dad: No, an

8、d I dont plan to. 没有,我也不想。 Nemo: How old are sea turtles? 那些海龟多大了? Dad: I dont know. 我不知道。 Nemo: Sandy from next door.he says that sea turtles live to be about 100 years old 隔壁的山迪叔叔说:这些海龟已经活了一百多岁。 Dad: If I ever meet a sea turtle, Ill ask him. 要是我遇到一只海龟,我会问他的。 After Im done talking to the shark, OK?

9、 在我跟鲨鱼闲聊以后,好吗? Hold on. Wait to cross. 等下!等红绿灯! Hold my fin. 抓住我的鳍。 Nemo: Dad, youre not going to freak out. like you did at the petting zoo, are you? 你不会像上次到动物园,那样抓狂吧? Dad: That snail was about to charge. 那只海螺想要攻击你。 Hmm, I wonder where were supposed to go. 恩,我在想我们要去哪? Mom: Ill pick you up after school. 我等放学再来接你们。


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