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1、-创新初级中学初三英语总测卷(3)阐明:考试时间5分钟,共95分。一、单项填空(每题1分,共20分)( )26. Theeis_ nteestn boo onthe techers d. h, _ bookis We Fang. A n;the B. th; the C. the;a D a; the( )27. e ed ot o tell hi aent hat he ws goig hoeause he wanted to gie te _. A.gif B. noe D surris( )28. _ of th studnt in my las agreedi he ide

2、a A To thid B. wo tirds . Scondthree D.Seonds thre( )9. There is _wrong ih this opuerIt doesnt well .somehin B. aythin .evertn . noing( ).Look! Aman is ctinga ree hemon It _ b true.The teacai heres noar on te moon. . cant ay ot C shulnt D. mustnt( )31. Tereoes the bell.Hry p, _ oub late o class. A.a

3、nd .or C. so . bu( )32. Ths winte is uch_ You suld get ready r ore ik lothes.Ald B.cole coldes D.the coldest ()33. Sefoa cryn bay on th stet _ a cld winer B.on Ca D.urig( )34.Tim, hee s he othr oc?Yohoul le t _ outngs.A put up B.p awa C. pt o D pu f( )3. Dont loo downonhim. He oks as _a

4、you.creful .caefl more areul .more careuly( )36. Teachers ote el hirstens _ crss the rodwhe the traffc lght is rd.A.ot go B. notto go C do go . int go( )37. I lk tpla te gm GrbRe nelope. Me, too. _ intrstig eme is! A.hat B.How CWhat a Dowa( )38. A new hopita _ nex oo illage. Gonew! Thevilageswillhav

5、 a bter medical care. . is ui B.abuilt C.will bilt D will e bui ( )39. tba ne tat Jason had an acident.m sorry to ear ht I heard tat e _ a hne callile diing car.A.nsers Bi anwerig anwered . aaswering( )0.Wow, such abeutifu cr.owlong _she_ t? Se just boughtt yesteay Adid;uy Bas;bgt Cid;boht .hs;ad( )

6、41 D you need more moy fo th ook? No. Ten dollas_ enh. A. s . are C.was )42. o youkowthe man _vsited the Unit Sttes in eruay? YesHes Chinese Viceresiden iinpi. . who B. wo C. / D. whih( )43. I wondr whenthey _ for Beiji. I wll oto e tran saio to e tm of whn they _. A ill lave; leave B lave; wi

7、ll leve . leave;leav D. wil eave; ill eae( )44I wondre _. h, orry. d But I frgo o el you. diy reiv msag B i o reeied mmesageCdo o receiv m msae D. if o eceivem message( )45. Srr! mbsd. I antgo swming with ou _. A.No rolm . Youe welm C. Ths all D. Nvermind二、完形填空 (每题1分,共10分) Tere ce s a f wholost is a

8、tch n his bar (谷仓).h wtch wal ceap bu wa vry46to hibause it was a git from his ather Afte 47 the arnforlong time, haeup aaed or o a grp of hildre plyi eary. 9 hem that th pero ho fnd thewch wod be rewaded Hringths, thcildrn hurriedise he brn 50 . Teysercd everyhr ustill cou not ndthe 51 . Jut enth f

9、arr was goingto give u, lttl wnt uphim and aske to given anoter 2 Thefarer ookeda imand togt,“Why o?Afte al,tis kilokshoest.” So the armer 53 thlittle boy bck inohe barn.Aer a whithe itlo came otwith the watch inh hd!The suriedfarmer skedthe boy how wie theest ad failed The oy epi, “ Idd nothin buts

10、it uietly ad listen or the sund oth watch.” Thishow us htsmete a 5 mind cn think bte tha a eitedone.”( )46 Aimportnt B. penve C. seless D. interstg( )47. A idin . searching . chi D studyig( )48. .mey . dang C. work Dhel( )9 mised . taught . warned .greed ( )5 A.qk B. soon C. immediaely .hadly( )51. Aul B book C. child D.wac( )52 A. ay



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