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1、Ui1研究表白:在两性及众多文化中,长相好的人,特别是从青春期开始,往往被评价为具有杰出的性格特质的人。事情为什么如此?有人觉得,由于碰见外表迷人者和品德优良者都令人快乐,我们会不假思考地把这两者混为一谈。但是,这一说法似乎并不客观。西安大略大学(Uiesityofesternntario) 的桑波保诺宁(Saoanonen) 博士的研究发现,被形容为较诚实的人也会被觉得更讨人喜欢,而越讨人喜欢的人,外貌也就更具吸引力。Rerchashownthatbothexendacrosnmeous utre, specially roadolesec, goo-lokingpeopleaeoen ev

2、aluaedoeoe exepti prsonait trits. hy houl ths beo? omepeplhve ercivd t snceitispleasule to met some with atrativysil apparac an omonet odmora character, e auaicall x tem u.uttstteent does nosm to bjectiv. Te tudi by Dr. mpo Paunne o he Uverity of estrn Ontario eveal that pople wwere eibd asbein moeh

3、onet wer rtasre kble,and the oreikble, the more hysicaly ttractiv.Uni 6年简古多尔开始了她在坦桑尼亚的贡贝溪国家公园对黑猩猩社群的研究。由于没有专业的训练来指引其研究,古多尔观测到了也许会被严格的科学教条(docrine)所忽视的东西。她没有给进入观测的黑猩猩编号,而是给她们取名,如菲菲和灰胡子大卫,并发现她们具有独特的个性。古多尔在贡贝溪的研究在科学界最为人称道的是,她的发现打破了当时人们长期存在的两个信念:只有人类才会制造和使用工具,以及黑猩猩是素食者。Janeooall began stding he cimpne c

4、mmunit nGoe Strea Ntionalark,Tazaia, in 1960 Without rofesonl taining toirecther reeach, Goodal obsrvedhings h srctsienfi doctinema hae oloed.Instead ofnmbring the chmnzees she osrved,he gavethe messuhas Fif and Davd reybard, nfoudth had uqe an individal personitis. Goodalls researcht Gobe trea is b

5、est knwn to te cientifi comunit fr clnging two lng-standg beliefso the day: that ony huanould ake d usols, ad that himwere vgetariansUit 天坛 (The Teple ofean) 是明、清两代皇帝“祭天”(offe sacrifices toh heaven)、“祈谷”(r or godarvst) 的场合。坛域北呈圆形,南为方形,寓意“天圆地方”。四周环筑坛墙两道,把全坛分为内坛 (he IerAtar)、外坛两部分,总面积23公顷,重要建筑集中于内坛。内坛

6、以墙分为南北两部。北为“祈谷坛”(thAlr ofPrag f Bumper rps),用于春季祈祷丰年,中心建筑是祈年殿 (th Hall of Payr foGdHarvets)。南为“圜丘坛”(theCircular Mound Alta),专门用于“冬至”(winte solsice)日祭天 (wshp aven),中心建筑是一巨大的圆形石台,名“圜丘”(theCirulr Mond)。天坛集明、清建筑技艺之大成,是中国古建珍品,是世界上最大的祭天建筑群。19年被联合国教科文组织确觉得“世界文化遗产”。Th Tepe fve ws the vnu for pror o th Ming

7、and i Dyntesto ffersacrfice the heaven dpra fo oo haest.Its roudi the nrthn ure in th out, implying roudaven ad suar ath.Coving an ae of 273 etar, it ided bytw ecsed wal into he Innr Alar andth OuterAla.Picialbuildins conregae wihith Inne Altar. Th Innr Altar isaso patitie by wall no tgrop builings

8、Te noh structue istheAlar of Prayin for mpr ops with the ll of Payr oGo Harvests as th pricpal buildg us tray n srig or a buper rvetin theyar.The suh structureis the Cicularou Alar ud to wrshpHeavenathe wne solce heretericipal ontructo i large roundmablterrace nae heCrula und Amstrpiece of te Mingan

9、dQinrhitectrl artan aprcious eamp of hnaanintrchiteur, Theempef eeis helargt rchittural roupfor worhipping Hen n he rld. In 8, it wa regnized y teUNESCO as a ordCultural HertgeUnit4印刷术是中国古代四大发明之一,始于隋朝的雕版印刷。经宋仁宗(Emprr Rzong i Song Dynaty)时的毕昇发展、完善,产生了活字印刷,并由蒙古人传至了欧洲,所后来人称毕昇为印刷术的始祖。中国的印刷术是人类近代文明的先导,为知

10、识的广泛传播、交流发明了条件。印刷术先后传到朝鲜、日本、中亚、西亚和欧洲。140年前后,德国的古腾堡(ueberg)受中国活字印刷的影响,用合金制成了拼音文字的活字,用来印刷书籍。古腾堡使用活字印刷,比毕昇使用活字印刷已经晚了四百近年。As on of th four geat nvenons oanen hin, typoaph hich begfo te wblck printinginSui Dynsty eolvedinto a movale-typ on fter hngsdevelopent animproment i the regnof Emperor zngnSong Dyn

11、a. Afer tha, t as itroce nEuroby the gians,so i henwsrearded as te pionee of typoraph Cin typraphy,wccread psbilit frthe e issmintion and ecnge of noledge, is theforerunnrof modenhuma civiliation. t ha beeinouced to Nortora, Jaan,Cenral Asia, West a and Europe.od 1450,Gtberg, a German, wo was nfluee

12、d by theChne movabltpe rining, nventemovablealloy types for apabes and used them in printgboks. Thrfore, Gueneg use ofmovabl-tpe priinwa ver 40yarshi B Sheng use.Uni5绿色能源对于建设可持续发展型社会至关重要,不仅仅由于它能提供诸多就业机会,更在于它能为投身于该领域的学生提供大量激发发明性的机会。据国家能源部(onalnergy Ainitrtion)七月份估计,截止到,新能源产业将发明1.5亿个就业岗位。京东议定书(yot Prooco)发起建立清洁能源发展机制(Clean evomeMechism)的新方案,旨在协助发展中国家实现减排目的。某些公司可以由此获取新能源项目资金。Green neryis crial to builing a sstainbleocy. Not only ae the jobs i th ield, but inolvemet ih usy rovesplentof oportuitiesfor stuen is fed to be reatveAcrding tothe estiate f he atioalEney Adinstion i Jul, the


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