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1、2023年公共英语考试真题卷(8)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1. BText/B As timeU (10) /Uby, I was able to workU (11) /Umy fears. Now I understand that the closest I have ever felt to God is in the back of an ambulance. When IU (12) /Uto helpU (13) /Ustrangers, I am part

2、 of somethingU (14) /Uthan myself. Sometimes I trulyU (15) /Uwith someoneU (16) /UI would never have metU (17) /Uas I did with Nellie. One midnight, the AIDS hospiceU (18) /Uhelp. A colleague and I wereU (19) /Uto a bedroom. U (20) /Uthere was a thin black woman with wild hair. When I was given aU (

3、21) /Uof herU (22) /Uhistory, I thought, this ladyU (23) /Udead over ten times. She had AIDS, hepatitis and TB. She had had brain surgery. Tonight she had a seizure. Hello, Im Clarissa, are you in pain I asked. She replied by cursingU (24) /Ume. I didnt takeU (25) /U. When I rode alone with her in t

4、he back of the ambulance as another EMT drove, IU (26) /Uthe printout. Nellie was 33 years old. No previous address. No family members. No next of kin. Her whole life asU (27) /Uhere was just a list of medicines, U (28) /Uand illnesses. one lineU (29) /Umy attention: hobbies. Nellie s hobbies were s

5、ewing and gospel singing. I could not sew, but I loved gospel music. AsickBstrongCweakDsickly 2. Nancy Green Even though my whole family gets up really early, I have always been a night person. I find that s my best time to get work done. I like nighttime because everything is calm and I can just wr

6、ite. I feel calmer and more focused at night. There is no pressure. When I read my papers in the morning, Im always amazed how good they sound. Brandi Baldasano I try to use all the small portions of time that I have available. I find that I can finish a lot in fifteen minutes, because I am able to

7、concentrate for that long knowing I have only a few minutes. Those small units of time really add up over a week. Setting small goals seems to help me avoid feeling overwhelmed. I use my calendar as a guide, by writing down what school work I would like to accomplish each day to stay caught up. Galo

8、 Calos I m the king of procrastination. I love to do everything at the last minute, and I really pay the price by being nervous and anxious. I always say I ll stop this pattern, but then once again, I m up all night writing the paper or studying for the test. I try to deal with it by at least starti

9、ng the assignment early, doing at least a quarter or even half of it, so I don t have to do it all the night before. Usually I do end up doing it all but I always manage to get an A or B. I guess I work well under pressure. Michael Alper As a beginning college athlete, one of my big problems was pri

10、oritizing my time and trying to balance my sport, school and friends. My big mistake was putting my sport first. In the excitement, I placed my sport as first priority, my new friends and teammates second, and my studies last. Today I have plans to go on to graduate from school and I am affected by

11、my grades because I did not put a high enough emphasis on my classes. Babara Sequra One big challenge I face in managing time is not leaving time in my schedule for the unexpected. My days are quite full and I have others depending on me to do things at certain times. I don t give myself much spare

12、time in my daily schedule and, in the end, that can be quite stressful. Now match each of the persons with the appropriate statement. Note: there are two extra statements. Statements A As for me, it s never too late to learn. B Unanticipated occurrence makes my schedule tighter. C I admit that I am

13、a night owl. D I taste the bitterness from my sports fever. E I believe that haste makes waste.F I have the ability to deal with high pressure.G I can make efficient use of my time.Babara Sequra 3.I Questions 5 to 9 are based on the following conversation./IWhat can you infer from the dialogueABoth

14、Susan and Sally are good wives at home.BNeither Susan nor Sally is interested in housework.CEnglishmen have a great variety of interests.DBoth Susan and Sally are proud of their husbands. 4. BText/B As timeU (10) /Uby, I was able to workU (11) /Umy fears. Now I understand that the closest I have ever felt to God is in the back of an ambulance. When IU (12) /Uto helpU (13) /Ustrangers, I am part of somethingU (14) /Uthan myself. Sometimes I trulyU (15) /Uwith someoneU (16) /UI would never have metU (17) /Uas I did with Nellie. One midni


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