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1、 高一(春) 13 教师版源于名校,成就所托Unit Seven NEWSPAPERSPresentation 1 Word Show1tempt v引诱tempt sbto do sthtempt sbinto doing sth引诱某人做某事egNothing could tempt me to tell lies什么也不能引诱我撒谎。 The warm weather tempted US into going for a swim暖和的天气吸引我们去游泳。词性变化:temptation n诱惑 resist the temptation抵制诱惑2.value n/ vt 价值,用处;估

2、价,尊重,珍惜 egWhats the value of your house? 你的房子值多少钱?Your help has been of great value你的帮助很有价值。He valued the ring at$80他估计这枚戒指值80美元。I value your advice我尊重你的建议。【比较】valuable adj有价值的 valueless adj没有价值的;毫无用处的invaluable adj无价的,价值无法衡量的3pour v(常与down,out,over连用)涌流;倾泻;(常与in,out连用)涌入,涌出 egSweat poured down from

3、 her face汗珠不断从她脸上流下。 At 5 o clock, workers poured out of the factories. 5点时,工人们从工厂蜂拥而出。Presentation 2 Phrase Show一、重点词组详解1. catch ones eye=catch ones attention引起某人的注意 egA newspaper headline caught my eye报纸的大标题引起了我的注意。 托充:与catch有关的短语 catch ones breath(因恐惧、震惊等)一时停止呼吸,屏气 catch fire着火 catch sight of看见 c

4、atch up with赶上,跟上catch sbdoing sth= sbbe caught doing sth抓住某人正在做某事2. without doubtwithout question;certainly;definitely无疑的;确实的 核心词:doubt n&vegWithout doubt,he is guilty= There is no doubt that he is guilty毫无疑问,他是有罪的。 I doubt whether he is the best man for the job我怀疑他是否是做这项工作的最佳人选。3. in brief=in shor

5、t简而言之 egIn brief,he said“No!”他简单地说了一个“不”字。4. after all终究;毕竟 egSo you see,I was right after all!你看,毕竟还是我对吧! I know he hasnt finished the work,but after all,hes done his best 我知道他未完成这项工作,但毕竟他还是尽力了。【比较】at all根本 first of all首先,第一 above all尤其重要的是 in all总共5. describeas把描述为 egShe described her children as

6、a time of wonder and discovery 她将她的少年时代描绘成一个充满幻想和发现的时期。 description n描绘,叙述6. tend to do sth往往做某事;倾向做某事 egPeople under stress tend to express their full range of potential 处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。He tends to pitch the ball too high他往往把球掷得过高。 词性变化:tendency n趋势7、1ight up v照亮;使放光彩 egThe castle was lit up wit

7、h floodlights泛光灯照亮了城堡。 Her eyes lit up with joy她因喜悦而目光炯炯。8、burst into(+n)=burst out(+doing)突然发作,突然起来egAt the news,he burst into tears(1aughter)=At the news,he burst out crying(1aughing) 听到这个消息,他大哭(大笑)了起来。9、be alive with充满 egThe dead trees is alive with insects这棵枯树上爬满了昆虫。二、其他词组on a news stand在报摊上the

8、front page头版common practice惯例business practice商业惯例religious practice宗教惯例carry an index刊登索引school of thought流派a sense of unity有整体感a fairly simple matter相当简单的事情take the prime position占据主要位置in size-graded headings字体大小不同的标题a big news event重大的新闻事件run the full width of the page通版in a boldbld type用黑体字overu

9、se shock methods过分使用耸人听闻的手段lose its reputation失去声誉waving of flags舞动的旗帜be awarded to被授予给sports figure体育界人士in the second round ballotblt第二轮无记名投票thousands upon thousands of people成千上万的人shopping mall购物中心win the bid for赢得了的竞选/投标local citizens当地居民at the top of ones voice大声地Changan Boulevardbulvd长安大街wild w

10、ith joy欣喜若狂blow the horns按喇叭be crammed with挤满,塞满a growing tendency不断增长的趋势a short/long-term aim短期/长期目标Presentation 3 Sentence Structure1、Besides that,it is common practice that the front carries an index to help the reader quick locate certain sections of the paper(形式主语“it”指代主语从句“that the front carri

11、es an index to help the reader quick locate certain-sections of the paper”) 另外,头版通常还包括索引,帮助读者快速找到某一特定的栏目。(1)practice n惯例,常规egIt is the practice in Britain that people drive on the leftIt is the practice in Britain to drive on the left在英国,车辆按规定靠左行驶。(2)carry vt包括;刊登egDoes the loan carry any interest?这

12、份贷款是否带利息?Most newspapers carry weather reports大部分报纸都登有天气预报。(3)locate vt确定的位置,探明,找到 egI dont know the place,SO I need a map to locate it on我不认识这个地方,所以需要在地图上找一下。 We are unable to locate him我们找不到他。 be located(in)位于,坐落于 egThe park is located in the eastern part of the city这家公园位于城市的东部。The store is locate

13、d near the park这家商店位于公园附近。2、People think it important that headlines should aim at being both informative and eye-catching(形式宾语it指代宾语从句“that headlines should aim at being both informative and eye-catching”) 人们认为报纸的标题应该以提供信息和吸引眼球为目的。 (1)aim at瞄准;以为目标 egHe aimed the gun at the enemy officer他用枪瞄准了敌军军官。

14、 The factory aims at developing new models machines该工厂致力于研制新型机械。 aim n瞄准;目标,目的 egThe hunter took aim at the wolf猎手瞄准狼。 His aim was to swim a mile他的目标是游一英里。3、the emphasis placed on its contents=the emphasis which is placed on its contents placeput emphasis on sth= emphasize on sth强调某事 egHe placedput emphasis on the importance of learning English in his speech 在他的发言中,他强调了学英语的重要性。4、Others take the view that a newspaper is like a store with many windows “that a newspaper is



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