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1、第1单元 口语突破Unit 1 Course OrientationI. ObjectivesTo understand the major skills and knknowledge requirement of Business Interpretation.To understand the approach to enhanced communication capacity through Business InterpretationPractice Oral English.了解商务口译的主要技能和知识要求了解通过商务口译训练提高语言交际能力的途径口语突破训练II. Tasks

2、 with time 1. 1. Interpreter & English Leaning - 40m1) What is an interpreter? TV Clip: Interpreter at a Press Conference; Interpreter by CCTV-outlook Ask a S interpret Ts words of welcome.2) What is required of an interpreter? Word power; listening power; quick mind; delivery; knowledgeSource: Cour

3、se book, Part A3) Can we? Why? How?Learning interpreting not as an ultimate goal but rather as a means.To become good at oral English, communication and understanding of Languages/culture ( Get sb. to interprets for you to see the importance of productive words.)4) Learning actives and Expand words.

4、Examples of Ss listen and follow your words and learn new things.2. Fluency practice 1 Retell T about Learning Strategies. 30m Basic principles: T presents with S to tell. Modes:Teacher in English and Students in English too ( E-E) Teacher in English and Students in Chinese ( E-C) E-CTeacher and Stu

5、dents both in Chinese ( C-C) Source: 011 English Learning Strategies 学习策略(师介绍口语词汇策略,生复述, 各种难度)3. Fluency practice 2 Listen to English Retell : 20mThe Future is here with us by a College English student.Source: 012听说策略(听力: 公外大学生,慢, 清晰, 生复述, 各种难度)+ Other listening materials4. Fluency practice 3 Chaine

6、d Retell (Self introduction or others) 20m三分钟作文:第一个学生1分钟/,第二个学生2分钟/ , 第三个学生3分钟, 给clue (20m)or: Student 1 talks for 3 lines; Student B 3 lines + 3 lines, Student C 9 5. Discussion: Self-assessment exercise 20m What Ive learned today / What Ive done today / What Im going to do /What interests me most

7、/ What is most difficult for me / What I hope Report in Class6. T summary : Assignment and websites introduced Source: 学习在线III. Assignment1. Retell another 10 passages of your college English course book.2. Review Unit 1, Course book.3. Project: Live a welcome scene.IV. Skills and Techniques.口语特点Cha

8、racteristics of Oral English1. 语音层次由于英语语音中音位的同化(assimilation)、音长(lengthening)、连读(liaison)和省略(elision)等现象, 口语体具有发音流畅、容易上口、快速、大量采用单音节或少音节词汇以及省略或合成音位、音节等特点。下面的例子常见于中间语体, 尤其是非正式语体中。由于同化和元音、音节的省略,原来两个或三个单词合成了一个.don t know dunnothis year thish-yerlast year las-cherbecause; of course cosmust have must oflo

9、t of lottarock and roll rock n rollWhat is the matter Whatsa matter?此外我们还应根据说话者的语调、重音、语速、节奏等正确把握信息, 并在口译时适当运用语调、重音等将说话者的中心思想以及“热情”、“冷淡”、“愤怒”、“风趣”等情绪或态度准确地表达出来.2语法和句法层次和书面体相比,英语口语体的句子较简短,结构也要松弛、灵活得多、如用并列句代替主从复合句,或干脆省略连接词、用动词的缩略形式等等。如:III stay in Beijing until the end of next week-(because) I want to

10、discuss the matterwith Mr. Zhu.英语口语体一般不用分词短语或无动词分句的形式,而用支句或单独分句,如:书面体: Known abroad as kung fu or martial arts, wushu has been practiced for severalthousand years by the working people in China口语体 Wushu is known abroad as kung fu or martial arts; it has been practiced for several thousand years by t

11、he working people in China.过于冗长或结构复杂的句子,口译时总是可以分成若干简短的单句来表达同样的意思。书面体: In September 1990, the All-China Womens Federation and State Statistical Bureau jointly conducted a survey of the social status of Chinese women by giving out questionnaires to over 40.000 men and women between 16to 64 years old i

12、n urban areas in 21 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.口语体 In September 1990, the All-China Womens Federation and State Statistical Bureau jointly conducted a survey of the social status of Chinese women. Questionnaires were given out to over 40,000 men and women bets 16 to 64 years ol

13、d in urban and rural areas in 21 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.即席发言或未经准备的自由交谈还常出现重复、不完全句等等.说话者有时会迟疑,在思考如何表达时, 为保证交谈不间断地较自然地进行, 人们常用语言学上称为“填补词语”(hesitation fillers),如用r、m、oh、now、well、you see、you know、I mean、 shall I say等等, 表示 “思考”、 “默许、辩解等意思,像I know, I see, suppose, Im afraid, they

14、 tell me、 you know、mind you、 to be honest/frank、 generally speaking、 all in all、 as you see 、as I said 、so to speak等带说明性质的分句、短语, 可能出现在句首、句中或句尾,在非正式文体中大都在句尾。在交谈中,谈话者不能或不需要十分确切表达时,也常用kindofsort of what-do-you-call-it一类词语。我们服务的对象不可能个个都是思维敏捷、表达简练而有条理的人,交谈者可以不善言辞,讲话重复罗嗦,但是以语言为服务工具的译员必须表达简洁、清楚、有条理。这是需要从事口

15、译工作的人不断努力的。3. 语音语调训练口译之中的语音、语调、节奏对语言转换有很重要的影响。良好的语音语调,在汉英口译时尤其重要。词汇准确的发音, 避免产生误解。例如: 有人short和shot 不分,把 he was short念成 he was shot, 问题就大了; knife和life不分, 把Could I have your knife 说成Could I have your life 也同样让人胆寒。口译人员必须具备良好的语音素质,有较好地把握英语语音语调、节奏和逻辑重读的能力,英语音质和发音表达可以通过朗读训练自我完善。学戏曲的人每天清晨都要调嗓子,学英语的人每天出要进行大声朗读,锻炼声带,改善自己的音质. 其中的道理是一样的。要注意词的重读。在英文中,实词通常要重读,虚词一般不重读;强调某一实词(或虚词)时,可以采取:1. 先降调后升调,再重读该词; 2.先停顿片刻, 再重读该词;3. 适当延长该词的读音时间。但是如果将实词全部都重读, 会造成一词一顿,不流畅。在实际的句子中,对实词应按逻辑选择性重读,不必每个都重读。比较以下两种读法:By midday,the sun was so strong that Jim could not go


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