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1、银行招聘2021年招聘试题Mini版即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航行。行测单元1.古训“失之毫厘,谬以千里与“蝴蝶效应_,两者都告诫要特别注意初始条件,对微小差异应该保持高度的灵敏度和警觉性。事物开展结果往往对初始条件具有极为敏感的依赖性,初始条件的极其细微的改变,都会在系统后期出现_,从而引起结果的极大差异。依次填入划横线局部最恰当的一项为哪一项:A.殊途同归 问题 B.大同小异 变异C.异曲同工 偏差 D.不谋而合 歪曲2.下面句子有语病的一句是:A.中国是一个拥有深远历史文化的国家。B.生存是人类面临的首要选择。C.重视科技开展,才能做到世界领先。D.电影艺术

2、的感染力很深。3.我们都是求索之人,求知欲牵着我们的神魂,就让我们从一个点到另一个点地移动我们的神灯吧。随着一小片一小片的面目被认识清楚,人们最终也许能将整体画面的某个局部拼制出来。这段话强调的主要意思是 。A.探索是无穷的 B.人类的认识非常缓慢C.有求知欲人类才有进步 D.人类最终能认识整个世界4.1,3,12,180, A.33560B.34550C.34560D.365505.100名男女运发动参加乒乓球单打淘汰赛,要产生男、女冠军各一名,那么要安排单打赛 。A.90场 B.95场 C.98场 D.99场6.差异比例税率是指一种税设两个或两个以上的税率,不同纳税人按不同比例计算应纳税额

3、的税率。累进税率是指随着征税对象的数额由低到高逐级累进,所适用的税率也随之逐级提高的税率。以下各项中所提到的税率,属于差异比例税率的是 A.对于某企业来说,需缴纳25%的企业所得税,还需缴纳5%的营业税B.我国自2021年1月1日起实施成品油税费改革,将成品油价内征收的汽油消费税单位税额每升提高0.8元,即由每升0.2元提高到1元C.我国个人所得税中对工资薪金所得适用的税率随工资薪金所得增多而逐渐增多,从5%到45%共分为九档D.2021年1月20日至12月31日,我国对1.6升及以下排量的乘用车按5%征收车辆购置税,对1.6升以上排量的乘用车按10%征收车辆购置税7.身份证:身份 A.毕业证

4、:学位B.房产证:房屋C.结婚证:配偶D.执业证:资格8.海洋中珊瑚的美丽颜色来自于其体内与之共存的藻类生物,其中虫黄藻是最重要的一类单细胞海藻。二者各取所需,相互提供食物。全球气候变暖造成的海水升温导致虫黄藻等藻类大量死亡,进而造成珊瑚本身死亡,引发珊瑚礁白化现象。然而研究发现,珊瑚能通过选择耐热的其他藻类生物等途径,来应对气候变暖带来的挑战。以下哪项如果为真,将削弱这一研究发现? A.一些虫黄藻能够比耐热的其他藻类耐受更高的海水温度B.有些藻类耐热性的形成需要一个长期的过程C.有些虫黄藻逐渐适应了海水温度的升高并存活下来D. 有些已白化的珊瑚礁中也发现了死去的耐热藻类生物9.1发现文化遗址

5、2人们踊跃参观3改变大厦选址4增建保护设施5大厦破土开工A.14532B.52134C.51342D.1234510.从所给的四个选项中,选择最适宜的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性 2021年16月浙江省城乡居民收支数据表城镇居民收支元16月同比+_%人均可支配收入1242510.6人均消费性支出761810.0食品286115.2衣着8488.7居住64722.8家庭设备用品效劳37916.1医疗保健48914.9交通和通讯12280.6娱乐教育文化902x其他商品和效劳26414.1农村居民收支元16月同比+%农村居民人均现金收入610013.6人均消费性支出345116.5食品13

6、2718.3衣着2668.6居住69748.5家庭设备用品效劳18516.0交通和通讯386-3.2文化教育、娱乐2740.2医疗保健2398.3其他商品和效劳772.911.2021年16月,城镇居民8类人均消费性支出占人均消费性总支出的比重超过10%的有几个?英语知识Directions A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sen

7、tence. Then, mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. 12. Please confirm that the London office has received the fax _ after you send it, and then report back to Mr. Gettys officer for the afternoon briefing.A) approximately B) immediately C) usually D) normally13. I just spoke wi

8、th Marion in Human Resources who is insisting that we turn _ a memo justifying the large salary increase for Ms. Brito.A) in B) on C) off D) at 14. Please _ the new policy states that you must work the day before and the day after a holiday in order to qualify for holiday allowance.A) remembrance B)

9、 remember C) memory D) memorable15. Most companies are legally prohibited from _ any specific information on former employees when asked for information by future employers.A) released B) releasing C) release D) to release16. Yesterday, Kelvin Scientific announced its _ plan to build two new product

10、ion plants and double its workforce over the next five to seven years.A) ambitious B) generous C) sprawling D) drivingDirections A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark

11、the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 17-19 refer to the following letter.8700 Oceanview DriveLos Angeles, CA 90230Ad Event Media AgencySeptember 15Dear Mr. Jordan,I have known Clara Wu for the past three years 17._ she has worked as a Sales Associate for Ad Event Media Ag

12、encyClara has never failed to impress with 18._ strong work ethic and her one-of-a-kind personality.Her job performance has always exceeded expectations, and she has consistently been a top salesperson throughout her entire employment with our company. Clients and co-workers alike respond very well

13、to Clara due to her highly developed interpersonal and communication skills. Because she is an 19._ listener and interviewer, Clara is able to consistently meet her clients needs in a positive and thorough manner.I recommend her for employment without reservation. Please feel free to contact me if y

14、ou have any questions or concerns.17. A) for B) while C) by D) around 18. A) its B) their C) her D) his19. A) idealistic B) agreeable C) acceptable D) exceptional Directions In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 20-23 refer to the following letter.College of Business ManagementMid-Wes


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