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1、2022年考博英语-中国社会科学院考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Detailed studies of the tribe by the food scientists at Athe University of London showed that gathering is a more productive source of food Bthan is hunting. An hour of hunting yields Con average about 100 edible calories Das an hour of gathering produces

2、240.问题1选项A.theB.than is huntingC.onD.as【答案】D【解析】考查语义逻辑。D选项处“An hour of hunting yields on average about 100 edible calories”与后面“an hour of gatheringproduces240”形成对比,应将as改为可表示对比关系的while或whereas。2. 单选题In the world of show business, for example, fame is apt to be breathtakingly( ), a year in the limelig

3、ht followed by total obscurity.问题1选项A.ephemeralB.peripheralC.perpetualD.evanescent【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项ephemeral“短暂的;朝生暮死的”;B选项peripheral“外围的;次要的”;C选项perpetual“永久的;四季开花的”;D选项evanescent“容易消散的;逐渐凋零的”。句意:例如,在演艺界,名声往往是惊人地,引人注目的一年之后,就完全默默无闻了。本句表示名声时间段,应该搭配“短暂的”更合适,因此A选项正确。3. 单选题One of the important coroll

4、aries to the investigative power is the power to publicize investigations and Atheir results. Most committee hearings are Bopen to public and are reported widely in the mass media. Congressional investigations Cthus represent one important tool available to lawmakers to inform the citizenry and to a

5、rouse public interest Din national issues.问题1选项A.theirB.open to publicC.thus representD.in【答案】B【解析】考查冠词。public表示“公众”时,前面应加定冠词,因此B选项open to public应该为open to the public。4. 单选题An important consequence arises because the social security program is purely pay-as-you-go financed,( )most pension plans,at l

6、east in the private sector, are fully funded. Thus, greater contracting-out implies greater prefunding of pension commitments.问题1选项A.whereasB.becauseC.so thatD.therefore【答案】A【解析】考查逻辑关系。空格前句意:社会保障项目是量入为出提供资金的。空格后句意:大多数养老计划是全额提供资金。两句间形成转折关系。四个选项中只有A选项whereas表示转折,因此A选项正确。5. 单选题Every street had a story,

7、 every building a memory. Those(1)with wonderful childhoods can drive the streets of their hometowns and happily(2) the years. The rest are pulled home by duty and leave as soon as possible. After Ray Atlee had been in Clanton (his hometown) for fifteen minutes he was(3) to get out.The town had chan

8、ged, but then it hadnt. On the highways leading in, the cheap metal buildings and mobile homes were gathering(4) possible next to the roads for maximum visibility. This town had no zoning whatsoever. A landowner could build anything with no permit, no inspection, no notice to(5) landowners, nothing.

9、 Only hog farms and nuclear reactors required(6) and paperwork. The result was a slash-and-build clutter that got uglier by the year.But in the older sections, nearer the square, the town had not changed at all. The long shaded streets were as clean and neat as when Ray roamed them on his bike. Most

10、 of the houses were still owned by people he knew, or if those folks had passed on the new owners kept the lawns clipped and the shutters painted. Only(7) were being neglected. A handful had been(8) .This deep in Bible country, it was still an unwritten rule in the town that little was done on Sunda

11、ys(9)go to church, sit on porches, visit neighbours, rest and relax the way God(10) .It was cloudy, quite cool for May, and as he toured his old turf, killing time until the appointed hour for the family meeting, he tried to(11)the good memories(12)Clanton. There was Dizzy Dean Park where he had pla

12、yed little League for the Pirates, and there was the public pool hed swum in every summer except 1969 when the city closed it(13) admit black children. There were the churchesBaptist, Methodist, and Presbyterianfacing each other(14) the intersection of Second and Elm like wary sentries, their steepl

13、es(15) height. They were empty now, but in an hour or so the more faithful would gather for evening services.The square was as(16) as the streets leading to it. With eight thousand people, Clanton was just large enough to have attracted the discount stores that had(17) so many small towns. But here

14、the people had been faithful to their downtown merchants, and there wasnt a single empty or boarded-up building around the squareno small miracle. The retail shops were mixed in with the banks and law offices and cafes, all closed for the Sabbath.He inched(18) the cemetery and surveyed the Atlee sec

15、tion in the old part, where the tombstones were grander. Some of his ancestors had built monuments for their dead. Ray had always(19)that the family money hed never seen must have been buried in those graves. He parked and walked to his mothers grave, something he hadnt done in years. She was buried among the Atlees, at the far edge of the family plot because she had barely belonged.Soon, in less than an hour, he would be sitting in his fathers study, sipping bad instant tea and receiving instructions on exactly


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