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1、Penelope(蓝色小考拉)是BBC的少儿栏目Cbeebies制作的动画片,英音,非常好听。现在我能找到的Penelope(蓝色小考拉)只有35集,本来有36集,谁知53集还不能播放,其他地方我所能找的地方的53集也不能播放,所以就只有35集了。这个看完之后,还可以看peppa pig(粉红小猪妹),这个比Penelope(蓝色小考拉)稍微难点,正好接着。Penelope_13.Penelope_Is_PolitePenelope_14.Playing_With_ColoursPenelope_15.Penelope_SingsPenelope_16.Penelope_Its_Delicio




5、Into_TownPenelope_49.Penelope_Exchanges_Some_LettersPenelope_51.Penelope_and_Her_Friends_In_The_SummertimePenelope_52.Mums_BirthdayPenelope_54.Penelope_at_the_PoolPenelope(蓝色小考拉)的字幕听写,正确率应该至少在98%以上,所以可以放心采用,呵呵。Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第13集是Penelope is polite。在这一集里面,Penelope学了Good morning, good afternoon, sorr

6、y, thank you, good night这几个短语。Penelope的妈妈和爸爸引导得很好哦,人家会说“Penelope, what do you say if.”这样的句型来提醒Penelope应该怎么表现自己很有礼貌,呵呵。在这一集的最后,Penelope睡觉之前,Penelope的妈妈还陪她一起复习当天所学的内容呢。第一个场景:At school旁白:Penelope had lotsoffun at school today. Its time to go home now.Oh, thats mymum.Mum.Penelope.Lets go home.旁白:Is she

7、going to leave just like that?Shouldnt you say anything to your teacher and your friends before you go home?Penelope, what do you say?Uh? Oh, I forgot. Bye旁白:Thats right. You say goodbye when youleave.Bye, see you tomorrow, Penelope.Bye-bye.旁白:You have to be polite, Penelope.第二个场景: In the gardenHey,

8、 wait. Uh?Oh. Ah.旁白:Oh, no! Penelope stepped on the kittenstail. Is she all right?Uh? You are OK?Penelope, when you are sorry,what do you say?I say.旁白:Do you know what to say?Im sorry. It tickles.旁白:Thats right. You say Im sorry when youdo something wrong.第三个场景:Inthe living roomPenelope, its Lily Ro

9、se on the phone.Oh, Ill ask her to play withme.Hello, Lily Rose.Hi, Penelope.No greeting?Greeting?Ah, ah,oh, good evening.Em? Good evening?Thats for the evening.Oops, I made a mistake. Goodafternoon.Good afternoon, Penelope.旁白:Thats right. You should saygood afternoon.第四个场景: Inthe bedroomI cant find

10、 it. Where is it?Penelope, its time to go tobed.Mum, Dad, Maxs missing. Maxs missing.Is he?Yes.Again?I cant sleep without Max.Well help you find him. Dad, have you found him?Not yet.Oh.Em, now, lets see. Here is your bunny.Yes. Dad, youve found him.And here you are. Now what doyou say to Dad for fin

11、ding bunny for you?Uh, thank you.You are welcome.旁白:Yes, thats right. You shouldsay thank you.第五个场景:Still in the bedroomIve learnt lots of greetings today.If I see kitten in the morning, I say good morning. Thats right.If dad gives me the last piece of chocolate cake, I say thank you.If I scare some

12、one when I sneeze, I say Im sorry.And when you leave school, what do you say then?I say goodbye.Very good. Youve learnt a lot today, havent you, Penelope? But what do yousay now?Uh.Not thank you, not Im sorry. Uh. Good night.Good night.旁白:Penelope learnt a lot ofgreetings today.Penelope(蓝色小考拉)第14集是p

13、laying with colours。这一集里,Penelope要学习颜色,看看老师是如何教他们颜色的:她站在中间,孩子们围成一圈,手拉手唱歌:Colour, colour, colour, colour, what colour? What colour do you like to tell us please?孩子们唱完,老师会随机想出一个颜色,然后孩子们散开去寻找这个颜色的物体,呵呵。要都能这样教学,不怕孩子不会从游戏中学到英语啊,呵呵。回到家,Penelope的爸爸还跟Penelope一起玩这个游戏,学习或者说复习所学的colour呢,呵呵。第一个场景:旁白:Penelope an

14、d her friends are going to play with colours today. What is playing with colours?Colour, colour, colour, colour, what colour?What colour do you like, tell us please?Yellow.Yellow, where is it? Lets look around.Yeah!Do you think you can find something yellow?This isnt yellow.And this isnt yellow eith

15、er.I found something. This is yellow. Yellow!I found something too. Yellow!Er, er, er, wow, ouch! Yellow, wait!Oh, yellow. I found something.旁白:I see. This is how they play with colours. So, everyone found something yellow. It looks fun.第二个场景:Colour, colour, colour, colour, what colour?What colour do you like, tell us please?Blue! Blue!Blue! I found blue!En, blue, blue.Oh, blue, blue.Oh, yeah, blue!This isnt blue. This isnt either.Lily rose, theres something blue. Look!Wow! Yes, blue!第三个场



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