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1、Chapter 1- Part 144There lives a beautiful princess. 从前有位漂亮的公主。Her hair is as black as ebony.她的头发黑得像乌木一样。Her lips are as red as blood.她的嘴唇红得像血一样。Her skin is as white as snow.她的皮肤白得像雪一样。So she is called Snow White.所以她被称为白雪公主。One day her mother gets very sick and dies.一天,她的妈妈得了重病去世了。Snow White has a s

2、tepmother.白雪公主有位继母。The stepmother is beautiful.And she is very proud of it.这位继母非常漂亮。而且她对此非常骄傲。She has a magic mirror. One day she asks the mirror:她有一面魔镜。一天,她问魔镜:“Mirror, mirror, on the wall. “魔镜,魔镜,告诉我。 Who is the most beautiful of all?” 谁是世界上最漂亮的人?”The mirror answers:魔镜回答:“You are beautiful, my que

3、en. “你非常漂亮,我的王后。But Snow white is more beautiful”但是白雪公主更漂亮。”Chapter 1- Part 259The Queen hates Snow White.皇后恨死了白雪公主。She says to hunter,“Kill Snow White.”对猎人说:“杀死白雪公主”。The hunter takes Snow White into the forest.猎人把白雪公主带进森林里。But he cant kill her.但是猎人不忍杀害她,“Run away, princess!”he says. “快跑,公主”他说。Snow

4、White runs and runs.白雪公主跑啊跑。Oh, poor princess! She is lost in the forest.哦,可怜的公主!她在森林里迷路了。Then she sees a small house. She goes into the house.就在这时她看到一间小房子,她走进小房子。There are seven small chairs.那里有七把小椅子。There are seven small cups on the table.桌子上有七只小杯子。There are seven small beds too.还有七张小床。She is very

5、 tired. She falls asleep on a small bed.她累极了。她倒头睡在小床上。Chapter 2- Part 173The seven dwarves come home.七个小矮人回家了。They see Snow White, “Oh, a girl is sleeping here.他们看到白雪公主,“哦,有一个女孩儿在这睡觉呢。She is very beautiful!” they say.她真漂亮啊!”他们说到。Snow White opens her eyes.白雪公主睁开她的眼睛。She tells her story to the dwarves

6、.她讲她的故事给小矮人听。“Stay with us, Snow White!” say the dwarves.“和我们住在一起吧,白雪公主!”小矮人们说。One day the Queen asks the mirror.有一天皇后问魔镜。“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, 魔镜,魔镜,告诉我,Who is the most beautiful of all?”谁是这世界上最漂亮的人?”“Snow White is the most beautiful,” answers the mirror.“白雪公主是最漂亮的。”魔镜回答说。“What? She is dead

7、! ” shouts the Queen.“什么?她已经死了!”皇后喊道。“No, she is alive. “不,她还活着。She lives with the seven dwarves in the forest,”她和七个小矮人生活在森林里。”says the mirror.魔镜回答道。Chapter 2- Part 288“I will kill Snow White,” says the Queen.“我要杀死白雪公主,”皇后说。She dresses as an old woman,她化装成老妇人的样子,Then she goes to the dwarveshouse然后她走

8、进小矮人的房子。“Look at these ribbons! Do you want one?”“看看这些彩带,你想要一个吗?”She asks Snow white.她问白雪公主。“Yes, they are beautiful,” says Snow White.“是的,他们很漂亮”白雪公主说“I will tie this ribbon for you.”“我来给你系上彩带”The old woman ties the ribbon very tight老妇人把彩带系得很紧。Snow White falls to the floor.白雪公主倒在地板上。“Now she is dead

9、.” The Queen goes away.“现在她死了。”皇后离开了。That evening the dwarves come home.晚上小矮人回到家They find Snow White.他们发现了白雪公主Quickly they cut the ribbon.马上,他们剪断了彩带。Snow White opens her eyes.白雪公主睁开了她的双眼。Chapter 3- Part 1102“Oh, my! Snow White is not dead!”“哦,我的天啊!白雪公主没有死!”The Queen is angry.皇后很生气。She dresses as ano

10、ther old woman.她化妆成另外一个老妇人,“Beautiful combs!” she says to Snow White.“好漂亮的梳子啊!”她对白雪公主说。“I will comb your hair.”“我会给你梳梳头的。”The old woman puts the comb in Snow Whites hair.老妇人把梳子插在白雪公主的头发里,But the comb has poison!但是梳子是有毒的!Snow White falls to the floor.白雪公主倒在地板上。That evening the dwarves come home.晚上小矮人

11、回家了。They find the comb in Snow Whites hair.他们发现有梳子插在白雪公主的头发里。They take out the comb.他们拿走梳子。Snow White opens her eyes.白雪公主睁开了双眼。Chapter 3- Part 2117“No way! Snow White is still alive.”“绝对不可能!白雪公主还活着。”The Queen is very angry. This time she takes an apple.皇后非常生气。这次她带了一个苹果。Half of the apple is red and h

12、alf is green.苹果的一半是红色一半是绿色。She puts poison on the red half.她把毒药涂在红色的那一半。The Queen dresses as a farmers wife.皇后打扮成农妇的样子。“Sweet apples! Taste one. ”says the farmers wife.“甜苹果喽!尝一个吧。”农妇说。“I cant eat it. I must be careful!” says Snow White.“我不能吃它。我必须小心!”白雪公主说“Look! will eat the apple first,” says the fa

13、rmers wife.“看!我会先吃一口这个苹果,”农妇说。She eats the green part. And she is OK!她吃了绿色的那部分。而且她没事!Snow White eats the red Part.白雪公司吃了红色的那部分,And she falls to the floor!The dwarves come home.然后她倒在了地板上!小矮人们回家了,Oh, no! Snow White is dead!They cry and cry.哦,不!白雪公主死了!他们哭啊哭啊,They put Snow White in a glass box.他们把白雪公主放在

14、玻璃棺材里,Then they carry her into the forest.然后他们把白雪公主带到森林里。Chapter 4- Part 1133One day a prince rides into the forest一天一位王子骑马走进森林。He sees Snow White in the glass box.他看到白雪公主躺在玻璃棺材里。He sees the dwarves around the glass box, too.他看到小矮人也在玻璃棺材周围。The prince says to the dwarves,王子对小矮人说:“I am a prince. She is very beautiful.“我是一位王子。她非常美丽。I want to take her with me. I love her.” 我想带她一起走。我爱她”“Ok. Take her with you,” say the dwarves“好。你带走她吧。”小矮人说。The princes men carry the glass box.王子的侍卫抬着玻璃棺材。But one of them trips over a tree.但是其中一个侍卫被一棵树绊了一下。The glass


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